Pig Buff!

The pig needs a buff and I think these ones would be perfect!

So after placing a trap on the survivors heads and a gen is done it activates. Once the timer starts ticking each gen done while the timer is active removes 10 seconds off the timer.

If someone has a trap on their head and the exit gates are powered failing a jigsaw box will result in a 5 second penalty.

Traps apply the broken status effect which lingers 10 seconds after a trap is removed.

This makes traps more viable in early to mid game while keeping late game trap potential!


  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    You don't have control over the other survivors when playing solo so imagine a pig without ruin [but noed] downs a solo player after a long chase and the other survivors pop their gens.

    Time till the trap pops: 120s after the unhook because -10s/gen

    + tampered timer addon (-30 seconds)

    Time till the trap pops after the unhook: 90 seconds

    + crate of gears addon (almost 16s per SAW box)

    + time it takes to get to a SAW box: Roughly 15 seconds give or take depending on the map.

    Searching two SAW boxes = 62 seconds

    Time till the trap pops after searching 2 SAW boxes: 28 seconds (not enough time to search another SAW box)

    This calculation does not include getting interrupted by the Pig or being forced to hide. So even if you got unhooked and ran straight to the boxes without hiding or anything you'd still die most of the time in the scenario I described. That's a bit much for getting downed once.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    These sound more like high-rarity add-ons than base kit buffs to me.

  • Jake_Parks_prince
    Jake_Parks_prince Member Posts: 218

    I still think the timer of 10 seconds per gen is needed since theres no reason to stop doing gens or be hesitant about doing them once the timers activated