Possible solution for the dreaded hatch stand off

I would like to know your oppinon on this possible fix:
Hatch closes when the exit gates are powered
Increase the distance between gate spawnpoints (for example opposite sides of the map)
i am well aware this will need a reword of some maps but i would be a solution for standoff due to pure greed.
yes some killers would still be able to patrol in between but it is still not impossible.
plus there is no more reason for players to stay and play the urban imersion game.
what does the rest think about this? any way i overlooked to abuse this?
I have written it in another Thread, but it should solve Hatch Stand-Offs, when a 3K with a Hatch Escape (before the Gens are powered) count as a 4K for the Killer. He gets the remaining BP he would get from the Hook Stages and it will count as if he hooked the player instead of Escaping.
There would be no reason for a Killer to go into a Hatch Stand-Off then, except he is super-sweaty and wants to get this Kills.
Furthermore, Hatch should not give any BP advantage over the Exit Gates. 5K for Escaping, this would be enough. Maybe even less so that there is no motivation in searching for the Hatch instead of going for one of the Exit Gates.
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Hatch should get less BP, like 2k for escaping. You really didn't earn that escape, it's basically a consolidation price.
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i am talking specificly about when gates are powered due to avoiding a derailing fiesta and i would apprechiate if it stays like that.
not even thinking about voicing my oppinion about this since it will lead to nothing and is nothing i get payed for either
as for the bloodpoint drawback, there are plenty of player who dont need em, you can buy bp basically with shards, and those few bp are not worth the time spendin in the actual standoff for both sides
the hatch is imo the last straw / participation trophy if you and your team get stomped i for myself just let my opponent get it since its not worth the time. but the moment somebody thinks about not leaving when the chance is presented; the gloves will be off
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Why not just make it where you need a key to open the hatch no matter what? That way if you bring a key you're rewarded with the chance of escaping after everyone dies and you're left but if you decide to bring a toolbox or medkit then you've made your decision. Hatch standoffs are the worst part of being a killer and even if you die as a survivor at the end you'll probably still pip.
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Solution is killer should walk away if they already got a 3k. That's a good win. If you wanna be a try hard for a 4k then don't whine about a long hatch standoff.
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and there goes the thread @Moderator pls close/lock. impossible to have a reasonable discussion. steam forum all over again
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How is getting a 4k being a try hard? At that point trying to do all the gens is being a tryhard. Imagine if when all the gens are done a killer can go around the map looking for a button that will instantly kill a survivor. You did all the gens and did your job as a survivor so why are you being punished for doing your job?
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then leave through the gates and the problem is solved, or to tryhard and needs the hatch all the time?
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Close the hatch after X amount of time once the gates are Open. Done.
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How is the hatch punishing the killer? And how can someone possibly think that gens are the same as kills? Escapes are the survivor equivalent of kills, which is why 2 escaped and 2 killed is the point of balance... because that's literally balanced.
As for the hatch stand-off: healthy survivors can't be grabbed from the hatch but injured/downed survivors slowly enter the hatch (5-10 seconds?).
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Escaping isn't a single action, the survivors have to repair generators and open the exits in order to escape (not to mention not die during the trial, obviously).
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Easy way to prevent hatch stand offs:
Get rid of the hatch. Pending the rage drawn by that statement, maybe make it an offering. If you want to be able to use the hatch, when you're the only one left, you maybe have to burn an offering to do so.
I still like getting rid of the hatch personally.
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I will help you before a mod breaks this up
If you have a toolbox at hand, start breaking hooks around you, the killer will notice this and either notice what you are doing and attack you, or will push you away from the hatch doing this
If you have an item that can blind the killer try to blind them, if you flicker your flashlight it will blind them almost 90% of the time
Exits powered can lead to NOED if all totems are not cleansed
I do like the idea and it makes it to where more people will run Wake Up!
But it might need some tinkering
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so it would promot more perk veriety and bring some purpose, thats a + in my book.
tweaking it to closing when gates are open?
as for noed, the issue since the time noed (devour hope and killer abilitys; addon combos do that aswell)was no totem and permanent.
imo noed is a disadvantage and you are expecting ppl to get away + you put yourself in risk in disadvantage until the door are powered
i want to promote the mindset that when the gates are open; dont greed just leave, i see it so many games that only symptoms get bandaidet but the issue never adressed.
@hoodedfegm thanks for taking the time and actually reading before posting :)