Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Legion is sorta fine

Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

People just need to stop dcing for a bit to learn how to deal with them. I dislike when either side dcs or dodges for what can amount for no discernable reason.

Survivors should not dc against a killer, especially when those same people are crying about 'valuable free time' or long lobby times. Survivors should not intentionally provoke killers by t-bagging or clicking flashlights. I very much doubt you'd do that to a real life killer who is intent on killing you.

Killers should not dodge items or certain survivors (or cosmetics). When on the verge of defeat, killers should not dc since it's unfair for survivors. A real life killer doesn't just quit when odds are stacked against them, they adapt, and you should too. Else you lose the title of killer.

Both sides have counter play to each other, survivors can learn a killer's weakness with enough time (that they lose because they dc).

Killers can equip perks to counter items and generators (I can play Trapper rank one without perks, if I can do it, you can too).

Everyone needs to grow up and just play the game. Yes, there is a time and place to give feedback, but complaining is not feedback. It's annoying and ends up hurting the people trying to play and have fun.

Anyways, Legion is mostly fine where they are, and while I don't mind them where they are at, I certainly wouldn't mind a rework to match the trailer. Learn to play against them, and learn to play as them.

I'll be waiting for people to disregard my entire post.



  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2019

    You cant counter deep wound. Thats it. Just remove Legion until its fixed.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    I'm gonna answer in the way I interpret it. Please tell me if I completely missed the mark.

    I know the fine line between fiction and reality. I don't treat this game as real, I only made the comparisons because (le gasp) I am sick of 'killers' whom dodge lobbies because of items. And then you have survivors who aren't afraid of the killer as they should be.

    I understand this is a game, but it's a asymmetrical HORROR game that should make you afraid since as a survivor you're in the weakest role when alone. People just didn't get the memo that killers are supposed to be scary. Instead they treat killers as a joke (I've done so too, even in games like Outlast, Slender (back when I wasn't completely jaded), etc).

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    OK @Shad03

    tell me how i can adapt to killer that when he got stun and is destroying pallet, you cant run away from him and you have to wait untill he finish breaking pallet because if you ran YOU WILL GET PUNISHED for losing killer or making distance between you, thats the most braindead about Legion, Killer that is rewarded after he makes mistakes ... i wont even tell about 80% of moonwalking legions which isnt reportable because its "game mechanic" so i keep my steam nick "galklife Legion=DC" and most survs in lobby are telling me ~im with you buddy i will DC too

    dont you think most Legion mains are killers that didnt adapted to DBD and use easiest way to play? (just ignoring every other game mechanic)

    and you cant use argue im surv main, i play both roles equal and i dont need perks to as wraith get to R1 (if rank ever meant anything but some still think that way so i use it so they cant argue about rank)

    and Last not least, you know whats most frustrating about Legion? all survs are equal when he is chasing you, no mather if you have 1,8k hours (like i do) or you are braindead meg (200h) you still will last 45 sec(random number but thats not the case) because hey ima Legion ima M2 you 3 times so you cant do sh.., just wait and get stabbed or moonwalked

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    its a horror game for the first 2 hours of playing it. no one "should" be afraid of the killers, we have a teen in a mask as a killer, and people that wanna ######### the spirit??? I doubt anyone with more than 50 hours of experience finds the game scary anymore. i only asked that question because you felt comparing the two was enough justification as to why people shouldn't dc or taunt their opponents

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The problems on both sides as you state.

    Each side complains about the other instead of just playing.

    I personally can understand both sides complaints about certain things especially with SWF ability to stack items, offerings and Legion not being fun.

    It's on the devs to fix it all and we should all just accept the game as it is right now, stop dodging and dcing and continue to give constructive feedback.

    I don't think I have ever seen a game so divided with so many people whining and crying who think their sides has the right to do something but if the other does it it's wrong.

    This is why dodging and dcing needs fixed asap, i dont see it happening until dedi servers come tbh but i believe it will happen, some players might stop playing but if they do it leaves those who willing to play and to me that is better for the game in the long run.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    I doubt ppl like you are able to loop any killer for longer than 20 secs in the first place so what's your issue🤣

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I play Legion and I don't dc against them but I really dislike their power's design and I think it's really bad for the game. He need rework that makes him more skillful to play and give him more chase counterplay while possibly making him overall stronger.

    Ofc Legion isn't very powerful killer if he's played like inteded or even with some small chase mechanics abuse. Problem is that he's extremely unfun to play against and not very rewarding to play as. As survivor you can't outjuke him or mindgame him with anything since he just vaults over everything and just stabs you till you go down. Not very enjoyable experience. If he's using bloodhound and he's moonwaling you're just on a set time until you go down and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

    As killer you only stab people without doing any mindgames, any red glow plays or anything that requires any amount of brain activity since you don't suffer from any CD on your attacks and you're moving much faster. You can just stab them and wait until they go down and you pick them up. Yay I'm so skillful I managed to follow blood for 30s. It's just not the same as hitting survivors after some great red glow manipulation play.

    Ofc I play Legion when I don't want to do difficult mostly even unrealiable mindgames while dealing with the annoying loops or when I just want some delicious survivor salt. That's whats most fun about him, that you don't have to try very hard and all the salt.

    I hope he gets some meaningful changes soon since he's just unrewarding to play as and extremely annoying to play against. He needs more depth to him is probably what I want the most. Right now he's just bypassing everything that makes killers good at playing killer role.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Galklife I'll be respectful and show you not everyone here is bad.

    Not all Legions play very scummy like that. I can tell you right now you are screwing over people who paid for Legion one way or the other. I can understand frustrations for killers dodging or dcing but you are being a part of the problem. I've faced many a Legion and won chases against them, and I am by no means, a good survivor. The counters are to stay a step ahead, lose line of sight, pray the Legion isn't running Bloodhound. Heal when you can, never know when the Legion is a M1/R2/RT killer.

    I certainly don't, even when it would be the smartest thing to do. I only abuse mechanics when I feel like I have to. Otherwise I play as normally as possible without actively hindering myself. I play Hag a lot so I can play Legion, who is a lot like a powerless Hag.

    I am not really 'one of those people' who say 'YoU'Re A SUrvIvOr mAIn', I hate those people. However if you can tell me you play Legion rank 1 against even a suboptimal swf group in rank 1 with proof of you killing at least three, then I will concede and say you won the argument. (Rank only matters when it's against you.)

    All survivors are equal to all killers. In the fact that it doesn't matter your skill, if a killer outplays you, you will die without teamwork. With your logic every killer is braindead since they all have the same objectives, they only differ in how they go about it. Which is what I can't understand about people like you. The Nurse can teleport to hit you. The Wraith uncloaks by you and hits you. The Trapper straight up strides over and smacks you. Every killer, no matter what their ability, has to chase and hurt you. But I guess since the Legion has the ability to moonwalk you to death it's a bad thing. Despite every other killer having less ways to lose you.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    you took his argument and responded with "you're bad". you really showed him!

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I thought this was gonna be a post about how they're attractive lol.

    I don't DC unless I need to (will hold the game hostage if I don't) or if on accident. Saying "I very much doubt you'd do that to a real life killer who is intent on killing you." is incorrect, though. People are using whatever method they can to acquire the killer's attention to waste their time and help their friends get out. It's an equivalent to someone calling a killer names and trying to attract their attention or distract them.

    Also you say killers shouldn't dodge or DC, but they do. Sometimes they'll DC out of rage if they can't catch someone or if they're not doing well by the end. Often they will dodge, though, especially when given a hand they don't want. Why else would SWF have issues with people dodging them? Even as solo survivor, I get dodged sometimes. People just assume everyone is SWF. I've had a killer call me names and be very rude 'cause he thought I was SWF with another player.

    I personally like Legion. Specifically Susie 'cause she's cute. Some of the mechanics Legion has is unfun to go against, though. From what I've heard, the mending time takes a while and how they can just stab stab behind you without any stun for missed swings is a bit much. Makes it kinda brain dead. One of the add-ons is particularly broken, too. People really shouldn't DC, though. If they have an issue with the killer, constructive criticism for the devs would be far better than to just DC.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @artist And that's the game/people problem which is what I am trying to point out. I'm trying real hard here to see the argument from both sides, however that is a bit hard, if you can imagine. Anyways, there are such things as examples and that is what I used. You cannot honestly tell me you haven't used examples like mine to justify your arguments. I pointed out the problems for both sides, and used (mostly movie examples. Cause you don't really see a main character in say, Nightmare on Elm Street making fun of Freddy) examples on why you shouldn't taunt (survivor) or run off (killer).

    (It doesn't matter what it is, what game is out there, how disturbing it is, there is a rule out there that hasn't once failed to be exercised. Rule 34. If something exists, you can be sure there is [Lovely Word] of it.)

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    Both sides complain, but offer little to no constructive feedback.

    I have no real problem with SWF. My only problem is that it takes away the fear factor if it's a competent group. (They aren't brave, they just forgot the fear of death.) Let them have their perks and items. Legion is subjective on fun, I find them fun. Apparently the vast majority do not.

    Everything under that is something I agree with.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I dislike the power for a completely different reason. It wasn't true to the character presented in the trailer. But to say he isn't skillful is like saying every other killer is skilless as well. People just play Legion wrong, and unfortunately, they have to.

    Fun is subjective and when I get kills with him I feel rewarded since I normally R2 them down since I can mindgame. As a survivor I can mostly counter everything even the scummiest of Legion players with time. Much like the Spirit or Nurse, learn how a Legion plays before deciding 'Well I'm dead, derp.'

    Dunno how you play, but I can assure you I absolutely refuse to play like that. Very much like the Hag I will mind game by hiding my stain and trying my best to get a normal hit in whenever possible. To say you can't mind game as the Legion is wrong, you merely choose to play in a way that you felt would earn you kills.

    Salt is a good factor when playing Legion, but Legion is as stressful to me as every other killer can get when the survivors know what they are doing. Guess who I use when I want a semi easy time and want to relax? The Trapper, yeah, you know the guy everyone seems to love throwing under the bus?

    I want a reasonable rework too, but as of now is fine. At least to me. People are reacting to him like how they react to Freddy, except they don't even give Legion a chance. Legion is a edgy rebellious gang of teens, what else would they do? XD

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2019
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @fluffybunny Lel, sorry to disappoint.

    I understand dcing if real life needs to take the front seat. But to dc against specific killers is just bad. To an extent I agree with you, and trust me if my friends are in danger (in the game) I would certainly enter a locker fast to gain the Killer's attention, or even t-bag. But to do so after a pallet drop, flashlight blind, at the gates? Unacceptable.

    I know they do, and I want them to stop. But we can't have things my way, cause Entity forbid someone has to adapt to a difficult situation. I have never once dodged (except for a time where I abused the matchmaking system to have my friends enter a lobby with me, I had long since stopped), and I wish for others to follow my lead. I've dced as killer, but only when I was needed in the real world. SWF are a (kill me) hit or miss, I either wipe one or all the mother [Bad Word]s out, or they crush me even at my best.

    I like the Legion too, since they speak with me on a spiritual level XD. I myself don't specifically abuse the mechanics given to me unless I have to. Otherwise, oh well. I either win or lose. I don't use Franks a lot since I very rarely (get it?) receive it from the web. I have like... one or three. My goal with this post is to have people think and learn to be mature, to offer good feedback instead of being children and dcing. Do you honestly think I find survivors disrespecting me fun? However since I play mostly killer I suppose I gotta be thrown under the bus right?

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2019

    so in your opinion surv can only lose LOS and pray to not get found? thats best counterplay you found? thats Pog from me

    and hag isnt powerless xd its like 5th or 6th strongest killer

    but to be real there is 1 way to fix that, in lobby survs can see killer (killer can see survs) and then both sides can DC if they dont like each other BUT to prevent bully, all Loadouts are locked, no perk changing, no Last sec switch to Legacy FL or to Legion. and both sides will be happy, except kids that like to bully baby killers (they should get punished)

    and to ppl that use argument "i dont belive survs would prefer to play vs nurse more than vs legion" and then "rly good nurse will down you instant without counterplay" yea RLY GOOD NURSE, but Legion just need to play his 3rd game in DBD to down you no mather how good surv you are

    edit: how i wrote every killer is braindead? "All survivors are equal to all killers. In the fact that it doesn't matter your skill, if a killer outplays you, you will die without teamwork. With your logic every killer is braindead since they all have the same objectives, they only differ in how they go about it." vs normal killer you can die faster or slower depends on difference between killer<-> surv skill lvl, BUT vs legion you have unavoidable Timer that punish you for losing killer xd

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I play my killers most of the time to earn as many kills as I can since that what I consider winning. Playing Legion normaly is not very effective against high ranked survivors since they don't waste as much time doing nothing like lower ranks do. So I use Bloodhound + sloppy butcher and just moonwalk them till they go down. There is no counter play against this from survivors side so I get my dcers but that is what I want when I play Legion since for me he's a salt mine. I also find it to be most effective way to play Legion since without his power any good looper will destroy him.

    I'm not saying that I enjoy such style of play since I don't but when I'm just to feeling like doing mindgames and in dire need of some salt I just play Legion. He's so straight forward and easy to play unlike any other killer. Ofc you can educate me on which aspect of Legion requires skill since I certainly consider trapper to be much harder to play then Legion. With trapper you need to know every maps trap placements while still doing basic M1 mindgames. With Legion you just stab and wait and if you try to do M1 mindgames then you need to face potato survivors for them to work.

    I dunno maybe I just never found the skilful way of playing him since moonwalking to me at least seems much more effective while beiing super easy.

    Ofc I'm not telling you what you're supposed to have fun with. I'm just merely stating that Legion lacks any chase counterplay from survivor's point of view which is the foundation of the problem and why so many survivors dc against them.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Galklife In my opinion that is ONE of the counters. Remember, Legion cannot see your scratch marks when using their power, and if you break line of sight while miraculously avoiding a hit, you can lose the Legion easily, I've done so in a few instances against the Legion.

    When I say powerless Hag, I mean a Hag whom doesn't use her power. Which you are forced to do in the circumstances that all your traps are gone/unusable.

    Your suggestion would lead to a riot from the killers from how many survivors will dodge them. I'd rather that NO SIDE dodge and just grow a pair. I don't dodge at all, but given who I play I'll be dodged, which is worse for killers considering it's four times the people who would dodge.

    ....I will not comment on that last part....

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Galklife About your edit:

    I never said you said that, I used a counter argument. As with all things, you reward the killer for bad plays. It's just no one figured out the Legions weakness since they all dc.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    To each their own, I play the 'correct way', you play the abusive mechanic way. I will also not tell you how to play, but I myself am the kind of person who likes a challenge. And since I play the mostly intended way, Legion matches that description for me.

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    I think the whole DC against legion is just a big mass hysteria now. It's just programmed legion= DC. A tip would be that I've noticed almost every legion respects pallets, if you just keep looping when they stop it messes them up really bad

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Scgamecock86 I respect pallets because I don't want to give survivor points. But generally I'm not too affected by pallet respecting.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Ineed to each their own. But If I may ask why not play freddy insted if you like challenge ?

    I think that he has far more limitations that would consider playing him to be a challenge.

    Isn't playing Legion when you play him the intended way just waiting for your power to charge up so that you can land another stab. It feel like just waiting on your power to kick in and do the job.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2019

    @Shad03 you're not giving me any reliable counterplay (that only tells me there is no reliable counterplay) atm im not joking but you're telling me to pray for killer to not know where i ran to(i refuse to play P3 claudette) or to dodge 5th or 6th m1 when killer has no CD on m1

    i played vs a lot of legions and its not like i never try to play vs him (recently i played like 80h with loot build so if i loot sth good which isnt that rare case for example flashlight or maps or keys) and i dont want to DC when i get my hands on good item BUT im playing with bond and i see 2 of my teammates selfcaring in corner vs legion i cant do sh.., so now you can tell me pray for better teammates when you play solo, or just play SWF that most killers hate just fight hate vs hate

    so to summarize it a little, in soloq:

    if you get teammates that self care vs legion you are doomed,

    if you play vs legion that tunnel sh.. out of you, you are doomed,

    if you play vs Legion with franxmixtape, you are doomed,

    if legion will moonwalk you, you are doomed,

    about 1/10 games(EDIT to make it clear "vs legion") are free of it, so you would rather look for 10% chance to play good match or go to another (after DC or sui on 1st hook)

    ofc there is argument any killer can tunnel you yes but most killers that tunnel are so bad that they can be easly looped for 4-5 gens in all of your 3 chances, but as legion nah

    Edit: i played enough in DBD and escape doesnt matter for me that much, i like good chases but vs legion you wont get that

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I occasionally play Freddy, but he is not completely for me. Especially since I had him prestige and I spent most of my Blood Points on Trapper and Legion. And Dwight with Ace. I'm currently (at least, I was) using the Trapper to get more Blood Points with my Blood Point Gain build.

    How I play Legion? I use my power when I can (normally when the bar is half full), and use routes to shorten the chase. Feral Frenzy if I think I can stab multiple people.

    If someone is saved right next to me I either FF the saved and go for the savior, or I hit the would be savior, down the saved to prevent safe hook, and then punish the hook farmer.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Survivors adapting?

    Nice joke

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    OR here is a thought

    Deal with the deep wound status effect and learn that simply Deep wound is literally self care on a timer

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018


    You can counter the timer, people just leave before trying to, idk, learn how to do anything with it and complain about a killer that is actually pretty weak

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Let me ask you a question: How would you feel if there was a survivor than can throw the same "super save" pallet over and over again everytime it's destroyed? There is no counter to that, right? Legion is the same.

    You jump a window? He jumps as well.

    You throw a pallet? He jumps over it too.

    You 360 him? He has no cooldown.

    You try to play ninja? He finds you anyway.

    All of this was made so that he could stab one person and go after many others without having any problem, that's fine. But his power can down you, therefore It can be abused. It's not like Nurse because Nurse can be juked and mindgamed, unlike Legion.

    In my oppinion he shouldnt be able to down people with his power and he should have 115% movement speed, that's all he needs to be balanced.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    @Hoodedfengm1n well i asked everybody so i can ask you, how in your opinion you can counter the timer? dont tell me "just dont let him lose you" or "just dont let him moonwalk you"

    Give me real answer on which i can rely while playing vs Legion.

    Up to this point only answers i got: "just pray he dumb enough to lose you" or "just pray for good teammates that wont selfcare or heal vs legion" maybe you will give me proper answer

    because if you defend legion that means you found that answer or you are just legion main that doesnt see issue because it isnt him that is playing vs legion

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    legion sucks, he’s the weakest killer in the game while also being the unfunnest to play against

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    about adapting, about year ago there was over 2 times more pallets than now. and killers still crying about pallet loop, tell me sth about killers adapting

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @Galklife Moonwalking legion is hard to counter, but urban evasion will help against them, if they moonwalk by a pallet, urban evade away, so when they believe you started walking they will enter the frenzy and you are not there, If legion stands still in the chase at anytime, Instantly begin mending, dont stop until he moves again, the answers you got are kinda sad, healing against a legion is using more time but will hide your groans of pain and blood

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited March 2019

    I don't think the Legion is fine. If they're gonna leave their power as it is, they have to build Frank's mix tape and Cold dirt into their base kit, this killer is useless without those addons.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726
    edited March 2019

    @Hoodedfengm1n urban evading away wont help vs bloodhound and for that to work you need to use urban and use dark clothes i like my colorfull survs like pink/blue nea, blue feng, or white meg, and again its still praying for legion to not be able to find you + it isnt helping when legion is chasing you outside of chase range

    2nd "instantly begin mending" do you know mending doesnt stops timer?

    3rd healing takes 32 seconds (if someone is healing you it takes 2x 16sec) which is worth almost half gen and that health state almost never makes difference because Legion has guaranted hit that ignore that health state and he will see you anyway (so groans of pain and blood arent that much hurting you when you do gen or you dont have timer on yourself)

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @Galklife Well, I tried to help you, and yes I do know it does not, but it slows it down

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    Legion itself is fine in my opinion, it's just some of the add-ons that seem to make little sense. There are quite strong add-ons in the game when used correctly like Iridescent Hatchets but atleast you got a chance of escaping as the killer has 3 hatchets at max. Legion on the other hand can hit you twice in Frenzy mode when using Frank's Mix Tape, then moonwalk for a few seconds and force the survivor to go down while the survivor barely, if none, chance to try and escape the chase.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    @Hoodedfengm1n it doesnt slowing timer xd if it does show me proof because atm i have patchnotes vs your and only YOUR word...

    so we are still looking for someone that shows me REAL counter instead of telling me to pray for legion to be dumb and lose me

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018
    edited March 2019

    @Galklife When you play legion, you know when they are mending when the bar goes slightly slower

    Also never said that

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I don't respect nothing. I play like pallets aren't there 90% of the time when I am legion. The only time I respect a pallet as legion is when the survivor stands still in the pallet. I respect it long enough to lunge at or seem them drop it.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Shad03 right now you can get a safe unhook even if the survivor is slugged.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    @Hoodedfengm1n you didnt told about praying but its earlier in this thread as counterplay

    and about that slowing bar thing, even if that really works (which i doubt) but lets take it as true but it still doesnt helps because youre still on timer and Legion will wait couple seconds to regenerate bar and stab you again, so its just advice "just wait for next m2" which isnt solving issue with no counterplay

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    @Incompetent how do you play stealthy when he m2 other surv and sees you?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Galklife I’m assuming you work together against legion? Here’s a tip. Don’t.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    When they start saying Legion is fine .. lol