My issue

The problem I have with survivors in Dead by Daylight is that they think they are the most important people. They think that they can do whatever it takes in a game to win but if a Killer does the same then it's a toxic play style. I've always said both sides are capable of being toxic but survivors are the worst because they are not only toxic within the game itself but are also toxic in endgame chat if the game didn't go the way they want. 99% of the GG's I get from survivors are when I've had a crap game and they've escaped or just generally the escaped survivors.
If I've not done anything they can "complain" about I just don't get anything. It's pretty sad to be honest that they believe they are allowed to do anything and killers have to play by their rules. Now please don't misunderstand I am totally happy to admit that sometimes killers go out their way to be a douche in a game but I also know that in my experience a lot of the time it's because they've been treated like crap the last few games they've had.
The real problem we have is that while one side continues to act like toxic entitled people the game will be constantly in a vicious cycle of toxicity. Survivors will keep doing what they do in games and will keep abusing killers in endgame chat when a game doesn't go their way, prompting even the most fair killers to get fed up and start playing a way that is considered toxic.
Anyway, that's my two cents, and yes I'm coming off a bit of a crappy game but the point still stands I think.
I think both sides are equally toxic. Thing is when you play killer there are 4 survivors, so it means higher chance to encounter them.
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The issues is that both sides make up these imaginary rules and expect the other side to follow their rules.
Survivors rulebook: killer isn't allowed to tunnel, camp, use moris, use their ability, use the nurse, use billy, use Legion, use Freddy, kill anyone, hook anyone, down anyone, play.
Killers rulebook: survivor isn't allowed to break ruin, isn't allowed too do gens, wear cosmetics, bring toolboxes, or medkits, play a prestige character, play claudette, use map offerings, use any items.
Actual rules for both killer and survivor: win.
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I agree, I am a killer main so I don't see the killer side but survivors have made up rules, but again, rage quitters and baby survivors whining when they lose a game cause YOU DID YOUR JOB, don't feed them or waste your time.
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Okay except as killer my only rules are "Don't teabag me at a pallet."
If you do that, I WILL facecamp you for a full two minutes.
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At most I punish someone for breaking my totem if it's early on cause losing a totem immediately is super aggravating and immediately puts the killer at a disadvantage. Otherwise I just punish bad manners and play the game normally. My job is to kill, I'll do that however I gotta.
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It's all whatever for me nowadays. Can it get annoying that my Ruin disappears after the first ten steps I take in the match? Sure, but Survivors are supposed to survive. And I am supposed to kill them.
Depending on who you play more, that's when you notice another side is 'toxic'.
No one is entitled to anything, but people can't seem to get that into their heads.