Why is the community split into two groups per say?

Why do some people feel in dbd that if you are a survivor main that means you must hate killer mains because it is obviously killer vs survivor and some killer mains feel the same way. Like to me it is odd because do most people not play both regularly it's not like some game like "choose your faction!" you can play both be good at both and like playing both. You don't have to have that survivor mains vs killer mains mentality I feel like if many people played both equally also people would have a better idea of what is balanced and what is not. Because if you play both survivor and killer you can understand the frustrations of killers and survivors. Also in no way am I saying you have to play both survivor and killer but what I am trying to ask is why does this us vs them mentality exist.


  • Petraaahh
    Petraaahh Member Posts: 208

    I feel you I play both equally and it's crazy seeing the us vs them mentality... In terms of why this is? I think for starters people do play one group exclusively which is why at times you'll see one side of the group complain about something being op when in reality if you'd played the other side you'd know it wasn't. But I think the main reason theres a divide is in the nature of the game. One sides fun is another sides misery getting s 4k as a killer feels great not so much for the survivors though and vice versa having all 4 survivors escape feels great for them but it feels terrible for the killer this leads to resentment towards one another. There's no way to fix it really save from playing both sides which not everyone wants to do.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    I would say differently. There are four sides:

    - Survivor mains.

    - Killer mains.

    - 50-50s (or 30-60 or whatever percentage you come up with).

    - The ones that dont care.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Hatred is fun. Have you ever killed anyone? Let me tell you, it's so much more satisfying when it's someone you hate. Otherwise, you know, it's just another job. You gotta have passion!

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Because people are people. And because one side feels strongly against the other instead of finding ways to have fun with what is given.

    There is a time and place for feedback, there is no time for braindead complaining. But of course myself and probably a few others will be the only ones to point out this fact.

    I'll keep tabs on this thread to see how it might derail.

  • Pingo
    Pingo Member Posts: 11

    It's not that it's straight killer mains vs survivor mains, but the killer mains and survivor mains are just very vocal with their bitching that it makes it seem like they're the only ones there.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Some of us don't consider ourselves either. Sure, I play killer much more than survivor, but I started as survivor. I understand the concerns and issues with both. I find myself often disagreeing with both sides as they often see it from only one stand point. Myself, I see the need for both. Without survivors, nothing to kill and long waiting times. Without killers, nothing to run from and long waiting times. I hate seeing so many survivors switching over lately as I have noticed wait times changing at certain times.

    Balance in this type of game is hard, but it is exacerbated by toxic "sides" and a development team that may not always consider the major ramifications new perks might have on other killers. IE: new DS and how it destroys several other perks. Or how perks that shut down 3 gens in the beginning may make it more eventful for some killers, but make killers like Nurse and Billy, who are already very powerful, even more dominant. Not helping.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    It's just the way it is

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Tbh the devs don't get enough credit for what they deal with sometimes