Questions for q&a

thomasnut Member Posts: 113

After just watching the last episode of q&a i have a few of my own. Not sure if this is the right forum to ask but here goes.

  1. Are we going to see a balanced progression system for both killers and survivors. Survivors even if sacrificed can still pip as long as they do x amount of things in a match. Why then is it not the same for killers and there progression is only attributed to the amount of sacrifices they get? Progression and pipping should be based on over all performance on both sides.
  2. My next question is based off my "just fast enough rule" Not sure how to phrase this next question. So here goes - Will there ever be a change to either the amount of pallets in game or the ability of survivors just to run to every pallet in the game and constantly do nothing but loop. Even when wounded.
    Here is how my just fast enough rule applies. Even when wounded the survivors are able to reach a pallet. Understandable since there is an initial separation after each it. However why is it the survivors always have the ability to make it to the very next pallet the moment the killer is able to catch back up. Thus creating the ability to run to and exploit the looping mechanic by systematically running directly to every pallet in the game. So i guess my question is will this ever be fixed? If not it seriously needs to be.

Final question - Why do hex totems not have skill checks. They seem to be the only thing in the game without any skill check and survivors can just easily dispose of them.

I am a new killer with around 300 hours in the game. These are serious issues i'd like to see addressed especially the exploitation of pallet mechanics.



  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    As a p.s to my first question. Can you imagine if the only way survivors could progress if they had to rescue two survivors from a hook every match. They'd go nuts. So why is it then the killers must get 2 sacrifices a match?

  • Warno221B
    Warno221B Member Posts: 17
    edited June 2018

    Just a question, that has probably been asked before. Is it possible for when you are trapped by the pig with the reverse bear trap, when it has 30 seconds left on the timer the survivor trapped hears the music from the Saw franchise?