This is all happening because Healing speed was nerfed.

Remember when healing speed was nerfed so that it required 30% more of the time? What we had was:
1- Survivors now carrying adrenaline considerably more often because healing yourself would take far too long and many other survivors wouldn't waste time healing you.
2- Sloppy becoming absurdly strong, to the point of getting a nerf.
3- A meta where nothing mattered except repairing gens. Making Adrenaline EVEN more necessary, causing people to never wasting time healing.
4- Frustration over the fact that some people do still want to heal but gets heavily punished because of the dreadful time it took.
We've now arrived to the point that the new stronger Thanatophobia didn't make it simply because it would have caused killers to have the power to reduce healing power by a massive 46% (combined with Sloppy, which people already carried often in their builds). Meaning that Self-care effectiveness would be reduced to... 4%. That's unacceptably slow!
Do you guys want the new thanatophobia? Then healing speed should be reverted. Self-care nerf was unnecessary and it caused massive regret both for the killer side and survivor side.
Honestly if more people were like me this wouldn't be happening -_-
Feedback where needed, complaining should be stabbed 28 times.
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Sloppy was never nerfed, and literally the aim of the game is to repair gens. Adrenaline is not that common. I get maybe one person in two games that has it, and even then most games don't make it through all the gens.
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Really? I see minimum 3 survivors carry Adrenaline in a regular red rank match. Most of the time they prefer to do gens instead of healing I agree on that with you @NurseMainBTW. However I don`t think reversing self care at this point will prevent genrush or reduce adrenaline usage. I think Devs are looking for new ways to reduce that time with more requirements. For example, with this new coming perk Solidarity, they give you that 30% time back with more altruistic way.
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Sloppy Butcher did get nerfed, from 25% to 20% healing debuff.
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Then the problem is Adrenaline, end of story.
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If healing was reverted, would that actually deter survivors from doing the optimal thing and smashing out gens?
Even if it did and survivors all healed instead, would killers still have *even less time* to stop gens from popping because they now have twice as much survivor health to eat through, even if the gens themselves get done a little bit later.
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[dusts off NOED]
Here I go killing again.
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@White_Owl That was to keep the time same. Sloppy increased time by 4 seconds when healing was 12 seconds, so it was 25%. They reduced it to 20% to keep it 4 seconds. It wasn't nerfed, it'd simple math.
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Revisionist history.
Adrenaline was common before too. 24 seconds self-care made it a little too strong. To the point that it was overused. I mean its still used in games a lot now but at least some survivors play it smart and seek out survivors nearby to be healed.
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The issue isn't healing being too slow and causing the gen rush meta. The issue is how powerful survivors are to where they don't NEED to heal and choosing to just work on the gens is even an option.
Healing needs to be that slow. The survivors just need to be weak enough that they feel like they actually need to heal regardless of the speed. The gens are also able to be done too fast which is also why just rushing them and ignoring healing is even an option.
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Whats the point in healing if you know you're going to get an instaheal pretty soon anyway? There isnt one. Adrenaline should go, but it wont happen because killer mains would kick and scream if they ever had to lose Noed to balance it out.
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I'm also seeing more We'll Make Its being used.
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You guys are completely losing sight of what the point of the thread is.
As long as healing takes this long nobody will feel like "Hey! Maybe I should heal myself so I risk less!". The game is not incentivizing survivors to heal at all so that's why most of the survs now gen-rush with Adrenaline. I do so myself because otherwise I would be a huge hindrance to my team.
No, that's hardly the solution. Accept the fact that Survivors would be extremely disadvantaged if this goes trough. Not everything survivors have needs to be nerfed.
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That's what I said. Adrenaline isn't the issue though.
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I don't think they are getting off track, they are pointing out that you're coming at it from the wrong angle.
Healing doesn't need to be incentivized more. NOT healing needs to be more punishable. That is the solution.
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How so? Before the healing nerf everyone preferred to heal over taking the risk of being vulnerable while repairing the generator. Now it's the opposite, you risk too much healing because it's too much of a waste of time you could've invested into repairing, thus having adrenaline sooner and increasing the chances of escaping.
Do we really want the game to reduce itself to having survivors not doing anything but gens this bad?
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"Healing doesn't need to be incentivized more. NOT healing needs to be more punishable. That is the solution." That's how so
Before the changes the game was even worse. Healing was too easy and the killer getting hits was meaningless if you weren't downed and hooked.
"Do we really want the game to reduce itself to having survivors not doing anything but gens this bad?"
My solution already addressed this in my first post.
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I'm sorry but that would cause a severe uproar. You want to have people punished even more for wasting their time.
"I'm injured but now since they have buffed healing speed I could try using the time healing myself instead of repairing a generator" sounds much better and it's a more understanding and positive change than: "I'm injured and If I heal myself I would be punished and waste too much time to be helpful. Time to work on a gen and get my adrenaline".
I don't think you're wrong but at the same time it's too harsh as a change to create a positive change of how survivors play. Why would you make something frustrating and boring even more dreadful than it already is?
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It's harsh because the game is severely unbalanced. The survivors don't need faster healing. They need to be forced to heal with it still being slow to give the killers more time. It's already quite clear in the game that there is an imbalance between the time each side is given to complete their objectives. This is where the term "gen rush" is coming from. Not because survivors are doing their objectives, but because of how fast they are capable of doing them. This slows that down.
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Yet the good killers did much better back when survivors would actually take the time to heal while the bad killers whined about it. So now the good killers have adapted while the bad killers have just found something new to whine about.
You got the healing nerf you all wanted and now are whining about it because survivors have adapted and have run the risk of being injured. If you as the killer don't punish them for it then that's your fault, not the survivors or the games.
Oh and Legion says hi again on why the survivors don't bother healing since there's not point.
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The thing is, perks SHOULD be strong when you double up on them. Thana + SB for example. Maybe the heals were really long. So what? That's the whole point of the build, and killers running it only have 2 other perks. It makes survivor either:
1. Use botany knowledge and/or medkits to COUNTER it.
2. Say something along the lines of "ok, this healing will take too long so I probably shouldn't heal. The killer had ruin which we dealt with already. That means he either doesn't have NOED or doesn't have anything to help in the chase."
Why should a double killer perk anti-heal build be balanced around making sure that already slow self care heals remain viable against it?
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I agree. Let everyone see the error of their mistakes though. I'm very interested to see how this'll play out.
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You totally missed the point and this is quite inaccurate.
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I don't use self care I prefer to either:
- Not get hit
- If hit, escape and find another Survivor for a quick safe heal
- If hit, escape and find a chest with a First Aid Kit
- If hit, go without heals and not be found again.
Heal Speeds:
- Self care remained a slow heal
- Ally heal stays as is as it can stack up to 3x
- Med kit heal speed could increase a bit
If slugged and left to bleed out (bleed out trolling):
- All forms of heal are increased exponentially to the fastest modded heal type available to deter slugging
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You're right it should be strong but survivors will adapt.
- If they didn't use Botany Knowledge before few will swap to it and just bring in a medkit.
- They won't heal and will move to running something like Adrenaline and Resilience.
You're already seeing survivors not heal and just pushing through gens. It will barely extend your match. Also extending the match to make them more balanced so it's not just a genrush shouldn't be fixed by using perks. It makes those perks a must have rather than balancing the game so you can play with different builds.
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1.If healing takes too long/too fast the Gens get done quicker because they waste less time healing and focus only on Gens.
2.Killers running Sloppy makes healing take longer, wasting Survivors time healing and makes Gens go a bit slower. The more anti-healing perks you have the slower the heals and then you get #1
The only solution is balance, not too strong not too weak. Thana is still too weak and needs to be paired with another perk. FACT--If Thana gets a buff it is too easy to pair with another perk making anti-healing too strong and you get #1 again. Thana doesn't need a buff, it needs a rework to become strong in it's own way that doesn't allow it to be too easy to pair with another anti-healing perk.
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I am non-stop flabbergasted at how blindly biased both sides are. Survivors are not too strong. The average survivor gets destroyed by below average killers. On the flip side, really good survivor TEAMS destroy really good killers.
The problem is how powerful things become in the right hands. The biased "mains" think blanket nerfs and buffs will fix it all, and the developers just keep piling on new killers and perks that exacerbate the problem.
Maybe, if we stopped pointing fingers at the other side and tried to get constructive on how to fix them, we could close the gap.
But, you will likely prefer to keep screaming and crying instead.
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Devs created this whole gen rush meta by nerfing the ######### out of self care
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Find other survivors to heal you or be a team player and heal others. (Bond / Empathy)
Run Botany. Run Leader. Run We'll make it.
Bring a medkit.
So many options already exist for players who want to heal faster and counter killer perks and add ons.
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Where did I pointed fingers and cried tho? I'm an advocate for both sides to have fun. Killer mains here wants survivors to be garbage in pratically everything they does and that's not the way to do it.
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@powerbats I'm curious to see what happens with the ds change when it goes live for this very reason. Sometimes it is be-careful what you wish for.
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They keep placing the blame everywhere else then where it belongs and it'll be no different this time. The good players on both sides will adapt and the same people that refuse to change will keep making excuses and play the blame game.
I might start running DS and Unbreakable/AD etc if killers just go full slug.
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I mean I wouldn't mind if healing speed got reverted, it does get a bit boring waiting for another survivor to heal you.
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The fact that you can actually staying injured a strategy... shows you how broken the game is, its insane
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Idk why they did this.
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Reminder that according to the Q&A, devs are toying around with the idea of nerfing insta-heal (which I imagine includes Adrenaline).
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it's called risk-reward. that is probably the least broken thing in this game