Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Incoming balance update

So, there's a lot of things that are going to be changed in the mid-chapter patch and now we have a big list of rebalancing now.

Decisive Strike - It's change was needed. Definetly better than No Mither version, but will bring more people raging about flashlights. So, it's good.

Sprint Burst - Let's be honest, a perk that basically NULLIFIED half of the killers' abilities and even worked in a chase was too strong. So, now it doesn't recover while you run which makes it kind of useless in a chase unless you're facing a dummy who lets you stand still for 40 seconds. And Adrenaline would be much more of a good perk because it ignores the exhaustion. Don't know about Lithe and Dead Hard though, they're going to be affected too.

Self Care - Interesting change, now medkits with a lot of charges are saved for chases and moments of possible interruption. Makes survivours waste even more time now.

Deja Vu - Hey, 3-gen strategy, you're getting rekt! Great for some map control and at least not trash anymore.

Calm Spirit - Is it going to work like Iron Will or what? Love that anti-Doc change though. At least, I can still use auras against them.

Ace in the Hole - Nothing new, just some Quality of Grind changes for all chest looters.

Sole Survivour - Good rebalance, but as they said in the video, it's getting rekt by BBQ.

Dark Sense & Bitter Murmur - Those got some buffs and it's good. Might even be as strong as BBQ.

Tinkerer - RIP Tinkerer. That's it, the new one not only doesn't fit this name and icon, it is trash. Especially with the way this game turns off your TR.

Predator - Good change, would definetly help in a chase.

Whispers - Definetly a buff. Especially when there are 1-2 dead.

Sloppy Butcher now adds mangled effect. Paired with SC nerf, Bloodhound, Coulrofobia and Distressing will make you suffer.

Save the Best for Last - FINALLY!!! It's going to be a great perk for people who hit survivours often.

Trapper changes are great, but the only thing I honestly dislike is that you still know that Trapper has a Diamond stone before you actually got out of the trap by yourself. Though, it's not something critical and it's a great way of buffing that 50/50 addon.

Hag's finally getting some love! All the changes are great. Also, if you give her normal 4.6 speed she will just M1 chase and Camp till Daylight like it was at her release. It's much better to use her powers.

Hatch changes were obviously going to be released at some point LOL

Overall, this week's Q&A was so informative that it kinda shocked me.

Btw, rn I have both SB and SC equipped and (wow) still say that this change is good. Shocking?

P.S. I expect a lot of whine once the time will come for PTB.


  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    I actually agree with everything :+1:
    (Maybe not tinkerer because I think it's a quite funny change but o well :) )

  • Shadow_Dragon
    Shadow_Dragon Member Posts: 13

    I agree with you on all of these points. I love these proposed changes and hope they go through at the proper time. These kinds of updates will really stir up the meta nd make the game so much better. I would also love it if calm spirit affected other things like getting trapped in traps by the trapper or other causes of notifications like the macrabe boxes for the pig. That kind of interaction would buff its use quite a bit.

    I am 50/50 on the tinker change but over all i love the idea of it giving you a notification and a change to stop the gen, pair it on a billy or a nurse who can get there quickly would shut down gens quite a bit.

    Honestly the sole survivour change to counter BBQ i love this!

    The one perk i am really excited for? Ace in the hole <3 I love to horde.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068



  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    I realy like this ideas i hope will be on patch soon...

  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201

    @Shadow_Dragon said:
    I agree with you on all of these points. I love these proposed changes and hope they go through at the proper time. These kinds of updates will really stir up the meta nd make the game so much better. I would also love it if calm spirit affected other things like getting trapped in traps by the trapper or other causes of notifications like the macrabe boxes for the pig. That kind of interaction would buff its use quite a bit.

    I am 50/50 on the tinker change but over all i love the idea of it giving you a notification and a change to stop the gen, pair it on a billy or a nurse who can get there quickly would shut down gens quite a bit.

    Honestly the sole survivour change to counter BBQ i love this!

    The one perk i am really excited for? Ace in the hole <3 I love to horde.

    But BBQ will not be affected, if you're 40/20 meters away from the killer BBQ doesn't work on you anyway, and if you're further away, it will still work. But at least it counters Nurse's Calling, Deerstalker, Bitter Murmur and some powers' aura reading addons (I wonder if Doc's illusions will be affected).
    Overall, good change, but there's BBQ that still might get you.

  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201

    @Larcz said:
    I realy like this ideas i hope will be on patch soon...

    According to the roadmap and the fact they are already giving us details about it, I'd say that PTB will open mid-July. But I might be wrong.

  • LadyGamerX
    LadyGamerX Member Posts: 28
    I agree with all of this except the exhaustion perks. As a 75/25 mostly killer player I think they should have been left alone. I am hellaaaaa salty about my tinkerer. RIP to my rapid fire hatchets and fast a f boi chainsaws.  :'(
  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201

    @LadyGamerX said:
    I agree with all of this except the exhaustion perks. As a 75/25 mostly killer player I think they should have been left alone. I am hellaaaaa salty about my tinkerer. RIP to my rapid fire hatchets and fast a f boi chainsaws.  :'(

    Thoguh, they also said thqat they want to tweak some powers because of deleting tinkerer. Hope it won't be a nerf.