Reverse new BBQ change

Instead of making the aura reading the same on all tiers, make the BP bonus the same. The aura reading is already weak. People don't use it for the auras, its for the bloodpoints.
Why not remove the BP portion and just make that passive and based off how well you do on the emblems... the better you do.. the better the multiplier. Modify the ranges back to way it was.
Then we can see a drop in BBQ usage based on what you say.
Why make it more of a "take-able"???.. The idea would be to have less people using it.
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Go in a locker
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Or why dont we nerf blood point gains all around. Killer gets blood points based on kills 1-4 points and survivors get points based on 1/2 point for gens and an extra 1/2 on escape, and leave the blood web alone that way it will take at least 1000 games to buy a brown.
Were we not just throwing out crap ideas like the ones above
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@Hoodedfengm1n did you read more than just the title?
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you did notice that they heavily nerfed 3 out of the 4 available killer emblems, right?
and yes, i only use the perk, since i get ~60k points with it in a round. billy is the only killer that i can actually get a use out of the aura aspect.
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@Hoodedfengm1n Because them changing the BP bonus would be a much better change than the auras. The aura reading aspect is weak on most killers and the ones it is good on it's still situationally good.
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I guess you also notice that bp's bonus nerf on tier 1 and 2 :D
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"How about no?!"
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@Ihatelife Yes it's stupid. They've nerfed the aura reading for the past like 4 patches, then nerf the bp under the guise of making the aura reading have a bigger range?
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I would argue Pig can get some use out of the aura to track people with Reverse Bear Traps. Definitely not on the same level as someone like Hillbilly, but I think it's something.
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They just wanted make this perk more viable in the gameplay. But I'm also one of the persons that prefer more bloodpoints than buffing the aura reading.
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Forgive me if I missed something, but how did they nerf the BP of BBQ? I thought the only thing they changed was the aura reading distance?
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Tier 1 at live version has 15% of stackable bloodpoints to maximum 60%, on ptb it has 25% stackable bloodpoints to maximum of 50%.
Tier 2 at live version has 20% of stackable bloodpoints to maximum 80%, on ptb it has 25% stackable bloodpoints to maximum of 75%.
So you get less bloodpoints about 10% on Tier 1 and 5% on Tier 2.
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but isnt it a bad idea to tunnel the trapped survivor?
if you'd go for a different one, you'd have one getting rid of the trap, one on the hook, one in a chase and one going for the save. thats much more efficient id say...
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On the DBD wiki, it does not show any changes to the BP with the upcoming 2.6.0 changes, so if there is something in-game indicating this change, I would not know.
The idea isn't necessarily to tunnel them so much as just keep tabs on where they are headed. You can use your judgement to decide if maybe they're close enough to timing out that you can harass them and ensure the RBT kill or if you think they are due to get the trap off on the box they are going to and ambush them from there (ambush them as in cut them off, not ambush as in actually use the Pig's crouch attack).
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You know what the emblems represent?
They represent how BHVR feels you should be playing. It is a reflection of the playstyle they want to encourage. It isn't a measure of your "skill" per say as more of a measure of how you play against the otherside in what the Devs consider "a more fun way".
Since BBQ was made as an anti-camping perk, which it really isn't anymore... Killers take it for the BP portion.. Like you mentioned. Survivors take WGLF since it is only for BP... Both wasted perk slots.
So why not make the BP bonus passive for all players, so they don't need to waste a perk slot for extra points.
Then base the "4 token" system to the emblems... Play the way BHVR wants... get extra points. This is what encourages better playstyles.. bloodpoints... This is being proven time and time again. They nerf BP for certain actions... people respond.
People who don't camp still take BBQ so why not allow them a better perk since they are playing the way the Devs want anyways.
Then BHVR can actually make BBQ the anti camping perk, but without any BP bonus.
What you call nerf to emblems is what the Devs call... We want you to play this way. So it isn't a nerf or a buff.
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@DocOctober Probably won't change anything until they know it's something official since the last time they got flamed for it.
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I wasn't aware of a change to the BP modifier as the Patch Notes didn't mention any. Didn't think to check.
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Some use it for auras.
Thing is 56m was worthless on all killers aside from billy and maybe nurse. It was just too far. 40m and bloodpoints scaling is a lot better.
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@The_Crusader the aura is mostly useless. Its stupidly easy to counter and in most situations not even useful. The amount of people that use it for bloodpoints FAR outweighs the amount of people who use it for aura reading
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these comments about removing the bp portion of it. are you taking the piss? the entitlement is unreal lol .... killer is already a pain in the ass as it is