The Plague is game breaking

With gameplay, how she works, etc. This killer will literally break everything about this game. The killer is allowed to cause sickens at any time including unless changed, while a player is hooked to inflict sickness. On top of that, she gets to buff herself because survivors have to cleanse themselves to get rid of the sickness.
I have seen from gameplay of people who use her that she can and will break the game. With this in mind, who ever is making the killers needs to find a literal way to balance new stuff out because it is far from it. People say: "Don't listen to killers/survivors for input, etc." No this is a time to listen. I will no longer be playing a survivor due to this killer and her outrageous potential. No point in being a survivor anymore at that. That's my feed back for this new killer. Only decent thing to come out of this patch for the survivors is really the locker stun ability. That's it. This new killer is clearly favoritism.
I've heard that when Freddy came out.
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Plague can be looped, especially next to Walls where she cannot spit over.
If you get caught in the open, yeah, you will go down easily. But this goes for every Killer.
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I watched a lot of gameplay about how she works and the test server players who play on that. She is just too much for the game in it's current state. Too many things are unbalanced on both sides of field, but she is stupid broke. She is literally a killer who's main goal is keep away from just about anything. With things as they are now, not worth.
As for the kid saying git gud, I'll do that when you grow up. It's 2019, trolls are now griefers and trolls can stay in 2012.
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Freddy was said to be OP on release and people still DC on him.
Legion is weak af and people still DC on them.
Doc was advertised as "breaking the game" and was so weak on release that they needed to buff him.
Even the Wraith was called overpowered on release.
Now Plague..
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Curing yourself is easy and being sick isn't the end of the world. Low risk low reward.
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She actually seems balanced.
More of a Trapper (base) with Huntress power. That is if you infect someone, they cure themselfes and then you can hurt them.
Also pallet stuns remove corrupt purge pro tip.
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Gid gud. I'm mean really, just loop her and pallet stun.
Also it's seem pallet stun also cancel her corrupted vomit which make her even more useless.
Consider you still have insta-heal fountain too if you forget.
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Hmmm I find it interesting that you say "I have SEEN from gameplay" not experienced or played ergo you've not played as her nor against her and yet have decided that she is a game breaking killer before release. Honestly at least try waiting until she's out to flame your uninformed opinion.
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She doesn't strike me as OP, She'll be strong in the right hands maybe but she wont be a top Tier killer in my opinion.
She get's countered by loops pretty easily and has a lot of downsides to her power.
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So you base your opinion on things you saw in Videos?
I mean, I actually played a lot of hours on the PTB and I had pretty good games vs The Plague. I did not escape all the time, but I would guess I escaped more often than I would have done on the Live Server.
Of course I will have to wait for the Plague to go live for a deeper opinion (also Nerfs and Buffs should not happen after the release on the Live Server, PTB is good to find major things, but for the finetuning the Live Server is needed).
So you should actually play vs the Plague on your own (and probably with her), then you can base your opinion.
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Also survivors
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