Why don't survivors surrender themselves to the killer after the killer's had a bad trial?

Orion Member Posts: 21,675
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

For three years, killers everywhere have, on occasion, given survivors the hatch. Either because one or more people DC'd or because one or more people didn't make it into the trial or just out of sheer pity.

However, in those three years, I have never heard about nor seen a single survivor (save for myself) surrender themselves to the killer so they wouldn't go out with a 0k after a particularly ######### trial. Why are survivors unwilling to pay the same kindness to killers and give themselves to the hook?

Post edited by Orion on


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I guess I'm just meeting the wrong survivors, then.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    For me it is that I’m a nicer killer than I am a survivor.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    I mean not in every game but it happens more often than not. I don't give everyone the hatch tho. If they had flashlight or ds and not wiggle, they meet Bubba in his chambers.

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218

    I've done it...I've had survivors do it for me. There's still some unselfish players out there.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm really meeting the wrong survivors. I have never seen any other survivor do this, as mentioned in the OP, while playing either side. Usually, as PhantomMask20763 said, they just troll around and insult the killer in the post-game chat.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    I try to.

    Like if we've completely destroyed this game, I've gotten some work done, and the killer didnt dc, ill go get them to kill me. I lose what, 5000 points?

    Sometimes they just carry me to the exit though...

    The fact they didnt dc out of spite/rage is usually enough for me to give it up if 3 people are already guaranteed out.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I do it. Sometimes it's even intentional =D

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I've had a trial where the Killer spent the entire game letting me win after crushing 2 of the survivors. Like he downed me an the other last survivor and let us wiggle off him right in front of the ruin totem.

    I got far enough to open the door (I had a daily to do) but then I found the killer, and signaled him under a hook because he deserved the kill and I didn't deserve the escape

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    My entire team of SWF plays killer as well and when we feel like the killer played super good but still couldnt make it because Ruin got destroyed at the first 20 secs of the match or because he got a ######### map we farm with him and always give him all hooks but killers never hook for a 3rd time even if one of us wants to die.

    It's odd how the killer, the player who is supposed to be the bad guy, ends up being the good guy.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's different. I mean when the killer is the one being crushed.

  • Apoch
    Apoch Member Posts: 96

    I've had Survivors offer to let me hook them after their team mates abandoned the match and I'd helped them grind some points so as not to de-pip.

  • TheCatLady
    TheCatLady Member Posts: 60

    I've done it before. Most recent example was when I was playing with a friend on Yamaoka Estate I had an inkling the Pig we were playing against was much lower rank than we were and I felt bad for her.

    After the exit gates were powered and the Pig came up to the gates I beckoned her, walked over to a hook and pointed at it a few times to get the message across, and let her kill me. Because I know how much it sucks to play as killer and underperform, and a lot of the time the survivors are absolutely no mercy and BM the hell out of the killer when they work out they're not very good.

  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287

    I would but I want those 5000 escape points (or 7000 if I'm getting hatch.)

  • Donnyc
    Donnyc Member Posts: 47

    When I have a bad game I work on a generator in the middle and don't leave it until I get carried away. I also don't look for the hatch unless 3 gens are done and I run instead of sneaking around when I do look for the hatch.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I did this just yesterday. The Trapper didn't camp hooks at all, so he was about to walk away with no kills. Someone had burned a BPS, and I knew I had earned a good amount of points. So, at the end, I ran out of the exit gate and into a trap and let him sacrifice me.

    In another match, a Wraith got stuck with a 3v1 and kindly let us do the gens and go. I offered to let him sacrifice me, but he declined.

    Every once in a while a survivor lets me sacrifice them, as well. Once, it was because I let her rescue someone I'd hooked in the basement after the gens were done, so I think she let me sacrifice herself as a thank you. It's rare, though. In hundreds of killer matches, I could count the number of times it's happened on one hand.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I used to. Unless the killer was a dick, I'd help them get a 1k. Although once, one got a 4k because my teammates didn't leave when I pointed at them to... Joy of solo btw.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2019

    My experience on ps4 is like this. In group they are mostly toxic especially swf. But when one of them is left and they see they can't win they try to farm or act like they are nice. That doesn't mean you should spare them. I love sparing fair people but they are rare. I sometimes even let 3 go if there is one disconnect and they were alright.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    I've had at least 3 of such Survivors that i remember.

    That's 3 over almost 3 years though, i've given the hatch and exit gates way more than that.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I actually got these survivors when I was learning nurse on console.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Ive given killers hooks they didnt earn during events as have others. Players do show mercy to both sides. Does it happen often? Hell no but is done.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    OMG the way you named the thread confused me. I was thinking of why don't survivor not surrender after they themself had bad trial.

    Yeah I only met one guy who tried to give me a hook after I only got 1k and gens were powered. I left him, killed the other two and let him go afterwards. It was so funny. He tried to help me but everything changed in the end.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's why you should always read the OP. Anyway, I changed the title a bit to be clearer.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Sorry. I will next time. :)

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,657

    If the Killer decides to let the Survivors farm (because of a DC or a 3 man game for example), I usually let him hook me. Some refuse to do it, tho and I dont want to waste anybodys time by running to a hook again and again.

    So yeah, if the Killer is nice, why not.

    If the Killer does not any Kills, I do not let him hook me, because I think I earned it to escape, when I did well. Of course the Killer earns it to hook me, when he got me, so I am not mad if a Killer does not give the Hatch in a 3 man game or when somebody DCed early.

    But well, might be another Bait-Thread.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Not a bait thread, I just wanted to point out the hypocritical attitudes of survivors who expect the hatch under certain circumstances, but aren't willing to do something equivalent for killers. However, according to some of the people here, some survivors do actually do it once in a blue moon.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    I had it once. But usually on crap games it's just insults -> tbag, gg ez, etc.

    These crap games usually happen on the farm maps, which becomes especially annoying if the SV made an offering. They know it's freaking hard and Killers don't have a good time there. I try my best, but sometimes I can't get even a hook. ######### happens, right ;)

    I don't DC though. I still get some crappy BP, which is better then nothing. But SV willingly want me to hook them? Not really.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I do it quite often if the killers having a bad trial and isn't a jerk I'll give them the hook and sacrifice. Sometimes they won't let me offer myself up and other times they will.

    I had a game against a Bubba who was obviously new so I let him sacrifice me and he thanked me post game because he'd just bought the dlc for that match.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Because I dont have to do what you want? What kind of ######### argument is this

    "Why don't you just not win?" I've never heard anything more entitled.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited March 2019

    I've done it many times playing survivor, most of the time thought the killer won't, downs me and carries me to the gate, ive had them say thanks for the offer and they let me out for at least trying too and we have a friendly chat.

    It does go both ways but a lot of it is dependant on how each person plays throughout the match.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    depends on the killer, but i sometimes do that.

    happens very rarely though...

    in order for that to happen the killer must be sthg like a baby nurse who got bullied by my team, while also trying to play fair (and i dont have an "escape" daily on...).

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2019

    I would never accept it. It feels like a humiliation when you are the killer. When I am the survivor I accept the hatch without feeling bad.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    You've never had someone offer to let you hook them? Like run up to a hook and point at it for instance. If I don't have a daily to live, I'll offer the killer a hook depending on the scenario. If we had DCs and the killer was nice enough to let us farm points and get doors/the hatch, I'll offer them a hook if they would like to by running up to a hook and pointing at it. If they didn't get anyone, but was a good sport, I'll do the same. Most of the time they'll down me and take me to the exit or shake their head, though. xD

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 781

    You don't lose by giving last survivor the hatch, you do lose by dying to the killer, and if the killer has had a bad match, they will not pip and not get a lot of blood points out of you dying. While as killer you will still double pip while giving the last one the hatch.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747

    I saw it once. When I was very new I played trapper and went against swf abusing ranking. Three red ranks vs a baby trapper. Did not go well, but once exit gates were powered they tried to 360 til they died. Got a gg afterwards.

  • nunadventures
    nunadventures Member Posts: 198

    I played a game as killer and I was basically just ######### around (I guarded the basement box and wouldn’t let anyone get near it). And when everyone got gens done and opened doors and a survivor came down and pointed to hook because he thought I deserved points and stuff. He was an absolute king and I will never forget him

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    A good reason is that a survivor will lose their item on death, Killers will automatically lose their add-ons regardless of their performance. I know i'd be more inclined to die if i wasnt carrying a Skeleton Key or another item i cared about.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Orion On the occasion where I can convince my family to dare play survivor and face the deluge of camping and tunneling, we are always willing to reward a cool killer who got wrecked. Just Friday night we played 7 games together. We were blown away that 4 of them had a killer who neither camped, nor tunneled.

    Match breakdown:

    1. Camper, 3 of us escaped - very boring match.
    2. Really good Huntress with little to no camping. Owned us, but one of the most fun matches of the night, and a lot of laughs after match. (I say owned, but dammit, we got the gens done..and died before opening gates.)
    3. Tunneled me for the first 3 gens. I got unhooked, he tunneled me again. We all escaped.
    4. Nurse - he was clearly learning how to play nurse. We lost him pretty easily several times. He got no hooks by the time the 5th gen was done. So, we "accidently" ran into him and ran around a few minutes. Then two of us ran to hooks and gave him kills. He was very thankful afterwards and we agreed to play KYF with him so he could learn how to manage his ports.
    5. Camper - 2 of us escaped. My son is never willing to let him mother just die on hook. Fed LF his second kill.
    6. Spirit - He was running prayer beads, and gave us some good jump scares. Hatch escape. Was fun.
    7. Hag - scary, and a lot of fun. But failed to score a kill before 5th gen. Two of us ran to hooks again (different 2 than last time) and gave him 2 kills.

    Most of the time I play killer, I find plenty of toxic survivors. Friday was the first time in month where I found the majority (out of 7) killers to not be campers or tunnelers. It was the most fun my wife and kids have had in DbD in a long time. Hoping they agree to play more.

    Not all survivors/killers are azzhats. Try not to lump them all together.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    I played a match against a pretty good pig, I mean she was on it with stealth dash attacks on Gideon’s. This one dude dc’d within the first minute Bc he was caught. Despite that we did our best down to two generators the team basically finished the last two Bc she let us. Me and this other random Dwight let her kill us. He let his head explode and I let her hook me after powering the exit gate.

    i often surrender to the killer and let them kill me when everyone’s match is screwed, and they were nice enough to take it easy. Sometimes they don’t want to hook me, but I repeatedly point at the hook to let them know they can end me.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    I do it sometimes and I've seen others do it when I was a survivor and when I was the killer. I also often give the hatch to the last survivor when I'm the killer if they didn't piss me off during the match.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    Or sometimes if the killer has done pretty badly and they played fair I let them kill me at the end. especially, if I pipped/double pipped, and the rest ran out.

    if the killer is hook chasing, and camping and we still won absolutely not, Bc they weren’t even trying to do their other objectives.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2019

    I wouldn't want them to, I don't want anyones pity. To me that's more insulting than them just leaving after a bad game.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    When I let the killer sacrifice me it’s more of a thank you, and not a pity Bc I know those killers need to be buffed, but they still gave it their best go.