Proposition for changing NOED

Before going further, i will just explain a few things. I play both side and i am fine with actual version of noed as it encourage survivors to do a second objective in order to not be punish later and it can be easily outpass. I make this proposition more like an idea if at some point the perk get unbalance in regard of the gamecore or to give maybe an idea for another perk.
Change : The perk now turn all remaining dull totem as hex perk and the perk receive a token for each totem light. The perk now block all exit gate (effect similar to blood warden but it didn’t reveal survivor aura) until all the hex totem get destroy.
Buff associated :
ð The speed boost get increase to 5 % (similar to the first version of NOED)
ð The perk get back his 8% for cooldown for miss and succesfull attack.
ð If there is no totem available as the last gen is done, you exit gate still get block for 40/50/60s.
Nerf :
ð Remove the exposed state.
New description of the perk : Once the exit gates are powered, all available dull totem get turn in hex totem and give one token to the perk. As not all the hex totem didn’t get destroy , all exit gate get block, the killer beneficiate of a speed bonus of 5% and a bonus of 8% for miss and successful attack.
If no dull totem are available as the last gen get powered, the exit door get block for 40/50/60s.
The problem is that the change is to great, at this point it wouldn't even be NOED any longer it's just a completely new perk all together. It could definitely be an interesting new perk however my only stipulation is that you mention a token system but never say what the tokens would actually do?
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8% cooldown reduction is worthless. Break the totems and NOED is gone.
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Stop trying to fix what ain't broken.
Noed is fine how it is atm.
Your idea in general sounds interesting as a complete NEW perk, although I think it only sounds good on paper, but would be terribly weak in reality.
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Or people just could spend an extra minute of their game to search for totems to break instead of calling for constant nerfs for a perk that has easy (but time consuming) counterplay?
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The token allow the killer to know how many hex totem link to noed he has at his disposal. For exemple if the killer have in the end game 2 hex lift cause to haunted the ground , he will have 3 token as the others will be associated to noed.
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As it is nothing i don't see why it get remove from the original perk and it shouldn't came back ^^.
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Noed is so good that most killers in red ranks don't even use it.
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Man read the first line of the first message :
"I make this proposition more like an idea if at some point the perk get unbalance in regard of the gamecore or to give maybe an idea for another perk." : i already say that currently the perk IS balance but i would just propose an idea to change it maybe for later and create something else .
The perk will have mostly for effect to slow down the game, and this is something that a killer need ... Add to that a bonus of speed and you can have some impact.
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Read the first paragraph please.
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Well noed is balance but it is more a situational perk.
Also enduring is also a good perk but not much use even at red rank.
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Sounds like a completely different perk, Hex: Fired up bloodwarden 🤣
But Seriously, NOED is fine how it is. It's only strong because it's easily prevented. If people actually did dull totems like they should It wouldn't be a problem but a lot of people think gens are the only objective and ignore totems.
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Yes i am totally agree that the perk itself is fine, i was just proposing a rework IF one day the perk become unbalance because of the change of the gamecore and if the change wasn't interesting maybe create a perk apart ^^.
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Because it's useless. 8% faster recovery means instead of a 3-second cooldown after a succesful hit, you have roughly 2,8 seconds of cooldown. I mean, if you really pay attention you might notice it, but it won't make a difference.
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in order for that to be even worth being sconsidered a hex, you would have to drastically increase the numbers for the mms increase and atk cooldown decrease.
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Best constructive feedback ... Even on steam forum they didn't reach this level ^^.
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If i read correctly....
Worse/Better bloodwarden depending on situation
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Worst not really but yeah pretty much that as you keep a speed boost and a cooldown for attack.