Hate Legion? Let's compare them to Nurse.



  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited March 2019

    What rank are you, survivor? Seriously?

    every red rank survivor i play with knows how to manipulate this mechanic.

    If you are running AWAY FROM LEGION, yes, he just needs to walk backwards and go "corner this way, so they gotta cut right"

    If you see him moonwalking, and circle back around to the loop you just left and connect the LOS, the chase picks back up. It really really really really is not hard. You just got to be confident.

    Ive seen this done, and done it myself. Try it.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You're still saying it's so easy but it isn't. Yes I may not play enough survivor to know how to counter everything but even so I'm at least decent.

    But still it it's so easy then teach me. I really want to see how you do it. Invite me on steam and show my in Kill your friends mode how to do this tactic.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    1. Counters)

    • 360s are no counter cause missed hits dont give penalty while in frenzy
    • pallets are no counter to Legion
    • Deep wound isn counterable

    2 Stealth)

    • his ability allows him to see not-hurt survs when hitting someone in frenzy within TR

    3 Skill)

    • Nurse needs more than a couple of days to play her properly, before that shes trash to play with and easy to play against
    • Legion doesnt need any skill, power rulez, you know that after few games

    4 Kill)

    • he needs the amount of time the timer needs to vanish, then thats it, ands thats probably not the way you want to experience the game as surv ... thats just a broken mechanic

    So any Arguments from your side? Oh, no? Well just a salrty Legion main. Just get lost.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    1: The nurse heavily relies on line of sight and if you break the Nurse could completely lose you. Whenever I play against nurses, I break line of sight and usually, although not all the time, they will move on because they lost me. If the Legion loses line of sight, he can find you again easily because he has 110% movement unlike the Nurse who is extremely slow so all the Legion has to do is move around to look for you. Additionally, if a player mends and Legion stabs another player, he will just find you again due to being in his TR and due to the deep wound, you probably wont have enough time to completely get out of his TR before you drop down.

    2: Legion has a small counter-play and even if you're really far he can just catch up. Although he loses his momentum he can easily wait for his power gauge to fill up enough to get a stab on you. An example was one of my games last night, I had a daily with Legion but when I stabbed a player I saw someone who quickly left my TR but all I did was go to their general location and find them which I did.

    4: Although you can prolong a chase against a Legion, if you know how to juke a nurse properly by breaking line of sight and hoping they are not a god nurse, you can completely lose them however if you are against a Legion who doesn't give up on chasing you, you are almost guaranteed to be downed.

    Legion is weak however he is really unfun to play against, especially if they have good addons.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    Nurse does not require line of sight. Sure cornfields are a ######### for he,r but they are for literally everyone, including legion.

    But a decent nurse, not even a great one, knows to blink zig zag to find survivors.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    And I'm tired of people trying to justify a broken killer.

    1) nurse blinks can be disorienting to the player, they need to know where the survivor is exactly or where they will likely be to blink successfully and get a hit. Plus after they blink they need to hit or become stunned. Legion can just injure someone then m1 them or wait for their bleedout timer to expire while keeping them in sight. Nurse is too slow without blinks for that.

    2) the difference is there is a chance to stealth away from a blinking nurse, albeit small, still a larger chance than stealthing away from a legion.

    3) Legion is just a survivor with a knife. So they can do everything a survivor does except slam the pallet down. Nurse does take time to get good with, Legion takes 5 minutes and you reached his skill cap.

    4) There's a reason he is now king of tunneling.

    People are going to hate on legion cause they want to do so, the killer is basically no fun at all to go against. Might as well just go on the hook and die and save your time. Nothing in your pretentious, insulting statement is going to change it. Feel free to ask your parents for confirmation of that.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    1: Running fast is disorienting to Legion as well, it's why 360's work.

    2: You cant see scratch marks when frenzied, this makes it far easier to juke a legion then a nurse of the same skill level.

    3: You are wrong, but right. he is a survivor with a knife. But he has mechanics to learn. it took me as long to learn legions ins and outs, as it took the nurse.

    4: You sir haven't played against a tunneling hag.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    You can't really juke a legion though. They can vault and have almost no missed attack recovery time, they can literally just chase after you while barely even using their brain and get you 100% of the time. Maybe you could hit them with a pallet but they can easily juke the pallet and even if they get hit it won't be long before they can frenzy again, so there's nothing you can do except prolong the inevitable.

    With the nurse, you can totally juke her. Her power relies on prediction rather than persistence, and if you are unpredictable then she will have a much more difficult time catching you. She is punished when she makes a mistake or when you outsmart her. She has to make a decision on what to do based on what she thinks you will do, and you do the same.

    When you are running from legion it isn't about juking and escaping, it's only about stalling. That's not very fun for either side and often it's a lose-lose situation. The survivor dies and the killer gets 1, maybe 2 kills and that's it. It doesn't matter if the other survivors escape, your game sucked ass and the killer's wasn't very good either. Even the ones who escaped probably had a boring game, sitting and doing some gens and then running out. Currently legion isn't good for the game, it makes things less fun for everyone. The devs should change the legion to actually do what it's supposed to do and encourage not tunneling rather than making tunneling the most viable option

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    I agree.

    At least Legion is slow. He can get you but without the best add ons they don't normally wreck a team that fast.

    Better than those Nurses who mysteriously know where everyone is and has all your teammates slugged within the first 2 minutes. So much fun!!

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited March 2019

    See you sir, are on the right track. But seem to be frustrated over.... Hooks?

    They have no real missed attack time sure, and can vault. But if you time their frenzy and vault at the right time, they are left on the other side of the pallet then you, same as windows.

    "it's not long till they have their frenzy back" Yes, without add-ons it's a handful of seconds till they can vault again. But then it's gone almost immediately and needs a hit to carry on. Which means he is very succeptable to being left on the other side of obsiticals.

    Have you tried letting him hit you the second time on one side of the pallet before vaulting? This costs him a chunk of time. and can make him drop a chase of you do it right.

    and again. Just cause he hooks you doesn't mean anything. Ask yourself how long you ran him, and compare that to good player game times (how long it takes people to drop gens at rank 1) if you run him for what would be a gen or two, you did a good job.

  • Apoch
    Apoch Member Posts: 96

    Give Legion Nurse Blindness but with far longer duration and suddenly everything is balanced.

  • ThatGamerDude976
    ThatGamerDude976 Member Posts: 19

    i just dc everytime i see him, cant be bothered with a 10 min, mending and healing match

  • Eul
    Eul Member Posts: 24

    Kinda funny reading all those 'you can count good nurse with ooo,ooo' craps lol.

    if you can juke or runaway from nurse, then she just simply isnt a good nurse

    if the nurse is really is a good player there's no way you can get away from her

    Yes, Legion also does that, Gets anyone he wants but he takes much longer time and effort. without purple add-ons he has to spend much more time than nurse. when a real good nurse just gets any killed survivors in like couple blinks.

    You think you can juke, get away from nurse? then that means you still didnt understand how this game works.

    Legion, without purple add-on is one of the shittest killer in the game and nurse?

    Nurse is like 0 tier no matter what add on she has. No other killers can be compared to her

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited March 2019

    You say this like I haven't played them.

    Perhaps I find them easier than you do, I can't say. But they are not that hard to learn.