Trying to get better at killer

Hay all

I main survivor

but i really want to diversify and improve my basic killer skills. dose anyone have any tips for perks and killers i should try?

or even things i should try that would help me improve?


  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @killakestrel Try the Hillbilly or Legion of you're new to killer. They both are pretty easy to start off with.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    The most basic killers that take little work to play would be Trapper, Wraith, Billy, and Myers. I started off with Myers and Doctor and did pretty decently. After you feel comfortable with the basic killers you could try killers like Clown and Hag.

    Nurse, Spirit, and Huntress probably have the highest skill caps.

    Best perks are Ruin, BBQ, Nurses Calling, Enduring, Spirit Fury, and Whispers.

    When you cycle through all the killers you’ll find the one you play and like the best.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    I started off with the cannibal and wraith which was a mega huge mistake. I had a crap ton of swf where some people were deranked on purpose to boost another survivor. I suggest you start off with HillBilly to counter that.

    If you play survivor and you are decent at looping/chases, I suggest trying out the spirit at some point.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    edited March 2019

    I started playing killer as the hag and then i fell in love with spirit. And legion is cool too.

    The reason I like these 3 killers is map control, slap on perks like Nurse's Calling(Nurse Teachable) or Barbeque & Chilli(Leatherface teachable) makes them even more deadly. I prefer to rubber band all over the map, running Hex: Devour Hope(Hag Teachable) helps this playstyle as well. I try to be harassing atleast 2 survivors at all times, sometimes I'll break chase to go kick a gen and apply pressure to a nearby survivor. Also, If I was able to get a hit on the survivor before I broke chase, chances are if I go back to where they were headed I can find them healing.

    These aren't necessarily mlg pro strats but I think this rubber banding, map control playstyle really helps when you start going against better survivors and playing other killers. Especially when you play killers that are slower/more prone too camping/tunneling. Playing as Hag, Spirit, Legion, even Wraith, Freddy, Michaels will teach you to avoid that and you'll be able to stop the big bad GenRush instead of getting too focused on one survivor.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    BBQ NOED RUIN (Flavor Perk) is a great universal build for starting as killer, especially with the upcoming Ruin changes.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Nea is probably the killer you would be most familiar with. Her ability to blend in among the other survivors is what keeps her attacks always a surprise. This is also a great way to observe the survivors and learn what makes them really "tick" before going in for the throat.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Play without add-ons (or just using white add-ons) and without Ruin or aura perks. You want to learn how to play "core" killer. Once you get comfortable with that you can start using Ruin/aura perks and good add-ons. If you start off using this stuff you will never learn the basics of being a killer. You will probably win a lot at first because survivors at low ranks are awful, then you will start losing a lot. DO NOT GIVE UP! Learn from your mistakes. Accept it as part of getting better.

    The hardest parts of killer are time management and tracking. You have to know how to prioritize stuff, how to optimize your pathing, how to find and chase survivors, and how to disrupt survivor objectives. Don't be afraid to give up a chase to protect a gen or hook if it something you REALLY need to do. Most killer mains don't even understand this, they just chase without thinking then complain they lost when they never applied any sort of map pressure.

    Just practice. Pick a killer you like and play them and only them until you get good enough with a killer you can branch out.

  • scojer
    scojer Member Posts: 38

    When you're chasing survivors, think like them. 8/10 times I cut them off as they come around a wall, because that's the direction I would of went if I was playing survivor.

  • killakestrel
    killakestrel Member Posts: 17

    i tryed billy and legion. dont mind legion billy will take a little getting used to with the chainsaw lol. thanks for the feedback though

  • killakestrel
    killakestrel Member Posts: 17

    thanks to everyone who gave feed back on this i really appreciate it wand will try it all

  • killakestrel
    killakestrel Member Posts: 17

    awsome feedback thanks so much i will defo work on this