Freddy rework

Okay so as most of you know when they say they're reworking Freddy they don't mean changing his power but changing all of his add-ons. So heres what I think they should change his perks too.
Wool Shirt: A small boy's orange and yellow striped shirt. Identified with a sewn name tag to "Jesse".
- Slightly Decreases movement speed (3%) while transitioning to the dream world.
Sheep Block: A white and blue wooden block depicting two woolly Lambs grazing and the letter "S".
- Slightly increases time to be woken up by another survivor by 2 seconds
Kid's drawing: An unattributed drawing clearly crafted by a young child.
- While a survivor is asleep action speed is reduced by an additional 10%
Garden Rake: A small claw rake, a must have tool for any accomplished gardener.
- Slightly increases movement speed (5%) while a survivor is being put to sleep
Prototype claw: A home-made tool to facilitate bush trimming.
- Moderately increases movement speed (9%) while a survivor is being put to sleep
Outdoor rope: Sturdy outdoor rope, handy to tie up anything.
- While at least 3 survivors are asleep the remaining survivor will have a moderately decreased (15%) action speed
Nancy's sketch: A crude and bold sketch made with Fusain, signed by Nancy H.
- While a survivor is asleep action speed is reduced by another 17%
Green dress: A little girl's green dress with a silky white ribbon.
- Moderately decreases survivor movement speed (7%) while being put to sleep
- Slightly decreases the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep increased by 0.3 seconds
A white and purple wooden block depicting a sleeping Cat and the letter "C".
- Considerably increases time to be woken up by another survivor by 6 seconds
- Slightly increases action speed (10%) in the Dream World.
Unicorn block: A white and red wooden block depicting a prancing Unicorn and the letter "U".
- Considerably increases time to be woken up by another survivor by 6 seconds
Swing chains: Rusty, but sturdy chains used to securely attach a swing seat.
- When a survivor is being put to sleep they suffer exhaustion for 30 seconds
Nancy's masterpiece: A painting of a Character, made by Nancy Holbrook at Badham and kept as a treasure memory.
- While a survivor is asleep their action speed is reduced by another 25%
Jump rope: A long Double Dutch jump rope, stained with many years of use.
- While at least 2 or more survivors are asleep the remaining survivors will have a moderately reduced (15%) action speed
Blue dress: A little girl's pale blue dress with white lace which's front is ruined by large cuts.
- Moderately decreases survivor movement speed (7%) while being put to sleep
-Very Rare-
Pill bottle: An empty pill bottle which once contained a medicine called "Zoneral".
- Survivors suffer from exhaustion while asleep
Paint thinner: A tin of a highly volatile and inflammable material.
- Tremendously increases movement speed (14%) while a survivor is being put to sleep
Class photo: A large photograph taken at Badham Preschool showing the cheerful class of 94-95.
- After putting a survivor to sleep, any survivor within 8 meters of that survivor is also put to sleep
- Survivors time to be woken up is reduced by 0.5 seconds
Z block: A deeply scratched and burnt wooden block which's only recognisable feature is the letter "Z".
- Tremendously increases time to be woken up by another survivor by 8 seconds
-Ultra Rare-
Red paint brush: A large paint brush, wet with crimson paint.
- Tremendously reduces the Terror Radius.
- Tremendously reduces survivor speed while being put to sleep by 10%
- Moderately increases survivors time to fall asleep by 2 seconds
Black box: A black cardboard box filled with photographs.
- Obsession cannot be woken up by other survivors or other survivors failed skill checks.
- You become obsessed with one Survivor.
- Only one Obsession per Trial.
The sad thing is if a killer gets reworked all their add ons change which is depressing since I also like the class photo and yeah I hate playing freddy then survivors doing gens while being put to sleep :/
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I really like the idea for an addon increasing the time to wake up
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A rework for Freddy would get rid of his free wallhacks when a Survivors out runs him/gets out of his Terror Radius. He's such a cheese killer. The fact that he's invisible outside of the Dreamworld and survivors have no idea if they are hiding in a "good spot" is such a meme ability. He doesn't need any buff. The only and I mean ONLY buff he probably should get is reducing the 7 second sleep attack, but he would need to be immediately visible the second he puts you to sleep.
If a player can't get Survivors with all his free wallhacks and the ability to surprise players from his location, then players should pick a different character. Not all Killers will ever be created equal in terms of the general ease of dominating Survivors. And it shouldn't. 4 people being able to play the game without constantly being faceplanted > 1 person who chooses a Killer that requires more skill.
Let. It. Go.