What exactly does Shadowborn do?

I've been playing this game for YEARS and yet that description baffles me, it says my cone of vision is wider than normal but I never see a difference with it on or off.
What EXACTLY does it do?
You might want tier three (assuming you don't have it already) I'm surprised you don't notice.
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Alternatively, play Hag with Shadowborn, you'll notice alright.
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It makes you feel that you're moving faster ^^
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LOL! Hilarious part is, I DO notice my killer seemingly moving faster.XD
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Basically I don't use it unless I am playing Nurse. It's the only killer that benefits from the little bit of wider view.
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@iceman2kx Not the only killer, but she benefits more than most. Monitor and Abuse also is good but has slightly less F.O.V then Shadowborn.
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you see WIDE
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The wider view is nice, Personally I use Monitor and abuse or shadowborn on all Killers just because I can't stand how small the killers FOV is.
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It's also useful for Huntress