Graphics looks like they’ve been butchered.

Just got done downloading the new patch and I don’t know if it’s my TV or what but does anyone else’s graphics look bad? Like they’ve decreased the graphic settings or something? I’m on PS4 btw
Screenshot? I'm curious and can't play yet.
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The graphics look really blurry on PS4 I see no difference on pc
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Well it is a console after all.
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@Boss It could just be me but full screen it and look... doesn’t it look kind of hazy? because I remember before this patch, the characters waiting in the lobby had better quality ...
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Character models seem to suffer the worst they look awful
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Seems minimal, but can certainly be bothersome.
Hope it'll be looked at
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@Petraaahh Yeah, the maps in the game also look bad.
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Well I'll check it in few mins when I'm done downloading 🙄...I played few mins before the patch so I'll recognize a difference for sure too
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@TheRealDweard I'm saying they look considerably worse than before the patch on ps4 and simply stating that such problems don't exist on PC so no worries there!
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I will try later and post my experience too on ps4 pro.
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Just a thought, but maybe this is part of optimizing?
Making things look more ugly is usually the way to go for more FPS. 😛
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Do you prefer minimal extra visual quality or huge FPS increases? You cant have both, sorry.
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Oh, it's not that way on PC?
I'm feeling a mixture of yay and aww.
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I'm on PS4. Just got the update downloaded. They 100% are more blurry and less crisp. No doubt about it. On the menu at least.
I'll post what they look like in game in a bit. Kinda disappointed. I'm talking about the models of characters. The doctor looked kinda bad.
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If it's not too much trouble for a PS4 user: Can i get a view of a character in the main menu and not in the lobby?
I've never been one to see details as well as others...
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Frames are looking stable now
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FML that reminds me of Ormond. I hope that's not the case for the whole game now.
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In order to probably better optimize console I wouldn’t be surprised if Behavior is going to start cutting back on graphics quality for console.
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Many thanks!
And oh yes, now it's clear to me, clear that it's not clear.
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Doesn’t look terribly bad.
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@Boss It looks okay in the main character menu but not in lobbies and in-game.
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Exotic Butters.
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Jane’s profile looks rather... errr...
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Just played a match as survivor. The character models are definitely scaled back some. I guess I'll get used to it. It's not that big of a deal, but overall the graphics aren't as nice.
The game ran a bit smoother for sure. 2-5 frames smoother. It's hard to say.
The Doctor looks kinda meh really. I don't know. Was it just the models? Or the maps too?
It's like a 20% quality sharpness scale back.
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Yeah my bet is they are cutting back on graphic quality to insure more stable frames.
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Well just played a game as a killer and I can say my head feels dizzy, eyes are hurting and I definitely need a break 😂...
So thank update please...
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Ok, I had one game as survivor. It looks blurry and sharp at the same time. Frame rates look better I think and ps4 is no longer making that really loud sound at the start.
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Honestly though if you want better optimization console is going to have to sacrifice a few quality things.
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It isn't like the PS4 is a trash system. I mean lots of high end games play great on it. Uncharted 4 looks great and is smooth. I know that's a AAA company and game.
So it's not like it's an obsolete horrible system.
The graphics took at least a 10-15% hit. Which I guess is okay if the frames go up. I already miss the way the game looked before.
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@PinkEricka well this looks like hot garbage. Blurry by Daylight. How the ######### do other games look amazing on PS4 and this one still suffers? Did someone with Parkinson code this?
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@Nickenzie Does XBOX look like this too?
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It is what it is I am not playing games for graphics.
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Well yeah otherwise you wouldn’t be playing a console if you were playing for graphics. Not saying all console games have bad graphics/frames just that typically if you want to enjoy graphics and frames you play pc.
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@Nickenzie Thanks Appreciate It. After the Clown Chapter Graphics were bad and i had to take a break from headaches i'm not going through this again.
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Yeah. Plenty of games with great graphics on ps4 but I don't like most of them.
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They promised 60 fps for consoles, so of course that will involve some kind of downgrade 😉
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Yeah I get it. I'd rather have pretty stuff that runs at 40 than blurry stuff running at 60.
I'm okay with the changes. The game still looks good. It's just a hard change to accept at first.
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Yes graphics got really worse. I am reinstalling in case it fixes the problem. ( ps 4 ) wish this gets fixed Soon. Some of us invest lots of money on the game so please invest time on not breaking the game. Please , from Argentina
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They downgraded for fps
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The graphics look awful. It seriously makes my eyes hurt! I'm not playing until it's fixed.
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Graphics are horrible at the moment
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Hopefully this isn't going to be the normal, i had fine fps before this update only one map gave me fps drop nothing to terrible but as game is now its just disgusting to look at not to mention you cant see ######### u lose survivors fast everything looks grainy and trashy they better fix it
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They said Optimization was gradual over multiple patches, they'll probably find a way to further optimize portions of the game to restore graphical fidelity...but we all know this isn't the prettiest of games (sadly)
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This is the sacrifice we have to make for the better FPS. We’ve complained about it and now we’re seeing it begin to be fixed.
Yall need to choose one. Good quality or good frame rate, we can however hope that since this is the beginning of the optimization that sometime in the future they can do something in the backend of the game to improve frame rate and give us back the visual boost.
For now, this is pretty much what we asked for.
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i didnt notice a difference but I have a PS4 pro so maybe that’s why. But if it’s for better frame rates I’m all for it! On my pro it’s running real smooth as survivor and on killer some maps are a little better but the asylum map makes a big difference not quite 60FPS but it’s still better!