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Congrats on ruining DBD again

I play DbD now for a quite decent time.

In the past only patches came out, which I couldn't like.

The new content is good and fun, but the balancement patches you guys bring out are terrible and not thought of at all.

Gen rushing is still a problem and all you do to adress this, is to make another perk which hinders killers from ######### enjoying this game again.

You don't even think about balancing the second chance perks of survivors and give killers some map pressure.

No, thanks for robbing me money for a DLC and ######### balancement again.

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  • Member Posts: 767

    DS is gutted?

    It's just another counter to camping and tunneling which is the only power a low tier killer has over the survivors.

    I'm talking about the perks letting you sprint away with no skill involved.

    If killers had a sprint burst perk, imagine the outcry.

  • Member Posts: 767

    Sorry, I was just pissed off a game I loved from the bottom of my heart is corrupting more and more.

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited March 2019

    I wouldn't consider myself a full fledged killer main either.

    I was playing survivor all day back then when my friends played the game, I know the frustration with camping, tunneling, 3 gen strats just too good.

    But also learned to counter camping, even back then when unhooks were skillful plays and not the safest thing in the world, even with a hillbilly with insidious in front of the hook.

    I was someone who loved the idea, to apply damage on the unhooker instead of the unhooked player, when hitting any of the two players in the unhook animation.

    But what did I get?

    It now ######### negates any damage applied to the unhooked player and gives them a free sprint burst. (The game basically tells you to ######### yourself)

    I actually wanted to see the game advance in terms of fun and fair gameplay, but everything which got patched, made it more #########.

    The deep wound status effect is a joke, a wound doesn't stop killing you when you are chased by a killer.

    Especially with moonwalking/on the ground looking killers. (Whose idea was it to integrate this stupid deep wound status effect bullcrap?)

    That it affects borrowed time made me pissed off even more back in the days.

    I adored the changes to pallet looping, but why did they add a fast throw animation for pallets when standing still, isn't that the most unskillful play you can make?

    To stand still at a pallet waiting for the killer to come and then throw it down.

    Dev team thinks "Let's encourage it."

    Then the vaulting speed changes.

    It killed whole map (pools).

    Haddonfield, Lerys and Preschool are a broken mess nowadays.

    (They were already before the patch, but now even ######### more)

    Yet, no changes to these ######### up maps in the patch notes.

    If you have balanced landing, you can infinite every killer not being the nurse at every haddon field house.

    How is this balanced?

    How is the fact balanced, you can end a game with ruin active in under 5 minutes?

    (Yeah, it happened a lot of times, when I played killer and NO I am not a blind moron)

    How is it balanced, perks like Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Self Care, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time (dont get me wrong, I love borrowed time, but at its current state, its op as hell, it should be a perk to verse facecamping/camping, not to make EVERY unhook super safe) and Adrenaline still exist in it's base form or stronger than ever before?

    I mean, imagine killers without NOED and Ruin.

    These are two of the most strongest killer perks.

    These two are considered base kit for every killer and can both be destroyed within seconds, making every round to a gamble game of getting even one-two kill(s).

    I know there are a lot of ######### survivors out there, which make the DbD community and Devs think, killer gameplay is fine and balanced, while it is not.

    But why is rank 1 full of morons? (The true skill is not FOUND at rank 1, TRUST ME)

    Becuase players aren't rewarded for skill, they are rewarded for completing actions and chase/being chased. (It SHOULD never be in the desire of a survivor TO GET CHASED)

    ######### reward killers for KILLING or HOOKING and reward survivors for GUESS WHAT, SURVIVING.

    An escape should be worth SOMETHING, it should be well deserved and not EXPECTED.

    Just like A KILL.

    The scoring for survivors is actually OK (not really), not good, but it's okay.

    But the scoring for killers is based around making yourself a fool for a bunch of greedy swf ######### so they have fun.

    At the end of the round, it may say, "You won", but it just doesn't feel like it and it ain't like this.

    This game is a mess, it always was. But back in the day, it atleast wasn't so obvious the game wants to mentally break you down.

    ...But the devs kept promising to improve the game, but all they do is give survivors more second chances and rob the killers their strength once and for all. If you dont know how to balance a game properly, GET PEOPLE ON BOARD WHO DO IT AND HAVE FUN PLAYING THE GAME, COMMUNICATE WITH THE COMMUNITY AND STOP IGNORING EVERYTHING.

    The only two good killers are nurse and hillbilly.

    So you have a killer which is played by looking at the ground for 50% of the match, being slow as ######### and grunting all the time.

    And you have the good old billy which is played by crusing around the map to find a survivor and hope there ain't any pallets near.

    Both killers are so ######### unfun, I can't even express how much I hate playing them.

    I dont fell like a killer, I feel like a single mom who lost 4 of their kids in the mall.

    I still play hillbilly and nurse though, just because the game FORCES me to.

    (Don't get me wrong, billy can be fun, but the principle of chainsawing from gen to gen in order to find a survivor is not fun for the survivors and NOT fun for most of the killer players.)

    This is what I meant, when I say the game is patched to death.

    (I only listed what is wrong with killer, the list goes on with my survivor complains which are also a long list...)

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    You played both roles for a while that is why you understand balance more than him.

  • Member Posts: 1,433
    edited March 2019
  • Member Posts: 1,433

    Nah, you killer main consider a surv main a troll?


  • Member Posts: 767

    You just triple posted to disrespect us for non topic related comments.

    +1 street respect

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    He is banned don't worry. He can go back to reddit now.

  • Member Posts: 250

    Killers got nothing but buffs this patch and survivors got a much needed nerf to the most OP perk in the survivors arsenal: Decisive Strike!

    How in the bloody hell you STILL think killers got the blunt end of the patch stick is beyond me!

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @deathsia like every patch both sides got their nerfs and buffs. DS was just the biggest change.

  • Member Posts: 77

    counter to camping and tunneling? how? oh because now d-strike only works after being unhooked just for 60 seconds? you think good survivors are gonna be caught again in those 60 seconds? if killers tunnels even with borrowed time.. why not tunneling the one with decisive strike? you just have to wait 60 sec to not get stunned :)

  • Member Posts: 750

    Can you explain how the game is corrupting? Or are you just giving false statements because they now force you to work for pips and the free escape grasp is gone? (DS is still powerful in my opinion but yeah)

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited March 2019

    Are you willingly ignoring what I wrote?

    I made a giant post explaining what I meant.

    Also I consider perk changes, mostly to tier 1 + 2 not as "buffs".

    I dislike the pipping system, yes.

    I want it harder and more rewarding, not easier.

    It's currently not rewarding, read my post.

    I wasnt only talking about recent update, again, please read my arguments before trying to counter them.

    Also the DS change isn't a nerf in my consideration.

    Just the way DS works has been changed and now there isn't any counter other than waiting 60 seconds after downing someone.

    It's wrong to punish killers for using strategy, also considering camping and tunneling to strategy.

    They should be rewarded for doing otherwise, but not punished to do so.

    The only THINGS considered a killer buff are the perk changes which most of the time change tier 1 + 2, but NOT tier 3 which CAN'T be considered a real buff, because every good killer and survivor will have tier 3 versions of the used perks.

    Even then THEY only buffed a SLUGGING PERK (WHY, why should someone use it?)

    The only killer perks getting an ACTUAL buff are:

    Fire Up , which still is #########.

    Also Thanatophobia and Spies of the Shadows got nerfed.

    So 1 buff, 2 nerfs. Equals a Nerf. (Not counting the slugging perk as nobody uses it, but slurses and slugbillys)

    I dont see HOW killers got BUFFED.


    It's just ######### balancement, but not survivor sided.

    But the cringy MLP GIF made your argument valid, of course.

    Oh and if that wasn't clear, I still play survivor, but more on a daily hunting and with a friend if any are up for that.

    I know how bad the game can be for survivors, especially not in a 4 swf or against a nurse.

    Post edited by mcNuggets on
  • Member Posts: 5,873
    edited March 2019

    @Eveline how are all survivor mains stupid? I'm disappointed, I thought you were not like that.

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