New ranking is awful.
I played spoopy myers but with devour hope and luckily got lerys. I 4k'd and didnt even pip. This is dumb, I get punished for playing well?
Hey man how dare you play well behavior looks down upon you for doing well now BEGONE you filthy 4ker
All jokes aside behavior did a pretty good job so far :)
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It seems too inconsistent as survivor (haven't tried killer yet).
But survivor is such a hard thing to judge anyway. It all depends on the killer playing well for you to score, no unhooks or heals if the killer can't get any = no pip.
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As survivor I usually get a black pip because I play stealthy insteand being a looper, so almost no chase points for me = black pip.
This is bad, yes.
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I play stealthy and never loop and I do not have this problem. Sometimes I will deliberately make the killer chase me to get some points but most of the time I stack up by sabotaging and destroying totems.. and just staying hidden within the killers terror radius.
TBH I don't see how survivors have such a big problem with the new ranking system. It's more accurate and only rewards where rewarding is appropriate.
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I understand you. Happened to me earlier today. 6 people trapped as Trapper, 3k. 24k bp. Depipped.
There's a counter, though. You can stop caring about ranking. I know I will.
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So far the only way I've pipped is using instasaw billy with an ebony (yea every now and then I want an easier game. I'm a trapper main, I deserve it).
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looks like rank 10 is the new rank 1 ^^
seriously though... i dont play a lot anymore and now that ranking is harder AND 3 killer emblems have received nerfs, i wont make it further up than maybe rank 5 - 3...
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It's too soon for me to make final judgements on the new system but it has def slowed down my ranking. I HATE that Merciless is harder to get now. I played 6 matches so far:
3 as Spirit: one 2k and two 4ks
1 as Wraith for a Daily: 1k
1 as Hag: 0k DCing Survivors let last go
1 as Doctor for shits n giggles: 4k
Of those 5 matches I had all 1 pips except for Doctor and Hag. Hag ended up a safety pip because 3 DC'd and I couldn't do much. Doctor was the only 2 pip and that's because the Survivors kept throwing themselves for unhooks and only did 1 Gen.
Normally Id have went up 2 to 2 and a half Ranks overall and instead had 1 rank up with 2 pips away from a second rank,up.
It feels mostly fine, which I'm surprised...but if we get too many DCing situations like my Hag game, then this system is really going to sour any enjoyment I get from ranking up. Which to many is a joke, but I get some self satisfaction & pride of feeling I,played really well.
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Can confirm the new system is questionable.
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As survivor, I tried playing stealthy focusing on objective and altruism, escaped unbroken and didn't pip. Next game I tried to get boldness against a nurse, won a few good chases/escapes and even got iridescent altruism but still didn't pip!
it's really hard for me to get higher than silver objective because all survivors gen rush unless only 1 or 2 gens get completed so I get over 100% objective.
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I just played a near 30 minute match with people that were looping, flashlight saving, etc.
4 Man SWF and I just have my level 1 Plague I was trying out.
Potentially the longest match I've had in a long time.
Just as they got to 1 gen left, they all got up on one of the hills and were T-Bagging and flashlighting me. I vomited all over them from below, and immediately - all four of them quit.
I took my 20,000+ points and de-pipped.
Absolutely ridiculous.
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I agree just like most here that the ranking system is now weird; but for me the result as a survivor and killer are tilted now.
Most of today I played with a few friends in SWF (which I rarely do) and we all had trouble getting to the safety pip. We could get 4 gens done if lucky, and get hooked and unhooked several times, with last one of us escaping through the hatch. And yet not a single one of us could get past the new safety pip range. 2 of us sat in the 5-8 rank requirements and the other in the 9-12. 3 survivors, SWF as usual, can barely pip in our experience.
Now as a solo I did a few matches as well, I stopped shortly after and decided I'm officially a Nurse main now. It feels more difficult because my teams just seem to fall apart or other forces at play that cause me to not reach the safety pip (guess I have to git moar gud now).
On the other hand I now almost double pip every match as Nurse regardless of kills but they help too.
In the end: I've been unintentionally depipping all day as survivor which annoys me. As killer, it's business as usual and at this rate I'll be back to rank 1 to farm into oblivion.
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"Looks like rank 10 is the new rank 1"
Thank you for making me laugh, so true!
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To many are trying to rank with their old tactics, see where your lacking and change it up. Its only natural that a long standing routine needs to be reevaluated with these changes.
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That is great but when you are in a game with high rank people what tends to happen is someone is chased the others gen rush. If you don't gen rush you get stomped on as soon as the killer gets their snowball if you do then you don't get enough points in evader because the killer has not chased anyone but the guy that he first found which has looped all game. Even if you do all 5 gens open 2 exit gates and survive you won't pip at rank 1 in fact if the killer camps or doesn't hook anyone then the whole team is guaranteed to depip. Either they need to make it so you can get more points in categories so that if you loop all game because you are tunnelled you don't get depipped because the killer was trash. I hate the emblem system because it punishes gameplay that isn't BHVRs ideal playstyle. Sure you wanna stealth and do gens/totems to escape fine but you won't pip. It seems silly. I would rather have a points pipping system which means that if you get 25k and don't escape you pip if you get 22.5k and do escape you get a pip. And double pips at 30k for red ranks at least.
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So many people wanted a harder ranking system and when we have one now you are still complaining...
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@IamFran You don't even pip when you have 4 x Gold. So loopers don't pip, either. The matches have to be very weird and unusual so that you could pip as surv.
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keeps the baddies where they belong. the bottom. suck it up, buttercup.
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@pungent_stench Yeah, all these bad players who only get 4 x Gold and therefore shouldn't pip. Check how the new pipping system works first, before you try to insult other people.
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i can't help but think while reading through this...has this community ever even been close to contentment? always this gunny sack chock full of rabid cats and dogs, shook vigorously for maximum effect. let's be happy we have this game for day.
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i have played all day. it's like condorloco said up there. stop caring.
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I still think they did this in the wrong order.
They should have introduced incentives to make people actually care about rank first then made the rank changes.
Instead now you're gonna have the people play toxic but still did enough to up pip that eventually attain rank 1 sitting in the purples and greens this is gonna be fun.
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They really are. I'm shocked the changes actually made it in. No game dev should try to force their players to play a certain way. I'm hoping that enough players make it known that this system sucks or the game starts losing enough players to where the devs are forced to revert the changes just to bring them back. I can easily see newer players dropping the game because they keep getting matched with players way above their skill level due to the crappy ranking system.
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This is the problem with the new ranking system. I got tunnelled all game by a freddy. He hit me once and I looped him the rest of the match. He was relentless on getting only me. I managed to escape and despite doing 3 totems, 1.5 gens I didn't get to pip because the killer didn't injure enough people for anyone to be able to heal. The problem is that the benevolent emblem relies so heavily on the killer doing well that if the killer doesn't do well then it is impossible for you to pip at higher ranks.
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Here's the thing: that killer probably depiped, while everyone else probably got a black pip. This means that the killer will drop in rank, while you get to stay there. Everyone is going to settle into their proper ranks with time, but it's gonna take a while.
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By the time that we "settle into our proper ranks with time" it will be rank reset though then we have the same ######### show again. I don't even understand why rank reset is a thing. If there aren't rewards for ranking up then why shake the barrel every month for no reason.
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The bad players will drop more than the good ones, so it will help. It's gonna take time, though.
Well, if you think of players as rocks of various sizes, then shaking helps them settle more quickly.
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@KingB @The_Crusader Bhvr wants us to play nice together to pip. As a survivor if you don't allow hooks you dont pip and you cant gen rush as killer you need survivors to save each other enough. If you don't "cooperate" with the otherside it is much harder to pip. Just play how you want and let the chips fall where they may.
If it creates a rotten experience for newer players that is on bhvr not on you.
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Funny that's exactly how I've seen it. You need to slow down and give the other side a chance. 5 gens and no hooks as survivor? Let the killer get hooks so you can unhook. Ended the game early as killer where all survivors are down? Let one up to unhook the others. It feels like you need to farm.
Imagine some 2000+ hour hillbilly instadowning everyone at the start of the game, and for that forever being stuck in low rank. Good luck to new players against that.
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That is exactly how I feel. If you stomp on survivors as killer now you don't get to rank up past purple ranks. It shoves all the amazing god tier killers into the purple ranks and leaves killers that rely on snowballs in red ranks. It is fine to play like that but it is a bit silly that killers that are better at killing end up in lower ranks. The same with survivors you can survive every game but if you don't go back to unhook your team mate even though there is NOED active you aren't gunna pip. It seems stupid.
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I'm flattered you think I'm a god tier killer, but really, I'm not that awesome.
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I didn't say you I meant generally speaking. If survivors throw themselves at the hook like they have been to try and get the benevolent emblem and the killer kills them I don't see why the killer is punished. Like "oh yes Bill I know I could down you right now but your team mates threw themselves at me so I haven't got enough chase points let me follow you around while nodding so that I get chase points so that I can actually pip even though I already have my 4k in the bag."
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I meant the part about "god tier killers" being stuck in purple ranks (which is where I've been since the new ranking system). It was a joke anyway, just trying to get people to relax a bit.
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When I play killer I like to kill.
When I play survivor I like to escape.
I don't care about the rank, there is no monthly reward for achieving rank one anyway.
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See I only care about the rank because I don't take joy in stomping on players that aren't as good as me. If I loop a killer all game and escape it is boring if I kill all the survivors in the first 3 minutes of the game it is boring. The problem with not being in the rank you are is that as a solo survivor you end up with a ######### killer and an even shitter team. When you are killer at a rank you don't deserve you either get looped all game or down everyone in the first 3 minutes.
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Why does not ranking up have to be considered punishment?
You got a lot of points, most likely. You picked some add ons fun for you. You were given a map that worked well with your add ons. You completed your objective.
Who cares about rank after this games been out for almost 3 years? What are you getting out of a higher rank, honestly?
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If nobody cared about rank then why did the Devs change it?
I care about rank.. It is a extra little grinding thing included while I grind out BP. I look at pipping as a win or loss for me. I don't look as escaping as a win/loss for me. But this is me. I don't care about climbing high in ranks, but when I earn a pip, I do feel a little better about a match.
So when people come out and say why does anyone care about rank.. Well maybe you don't.. but the Devs do... Otherwise why would they make that change? They want you to start caring about it.
If everyone didn't care about rank, than I can't see the Devs doing anything about the current system in terms of trying to enhance it. So there are people who do care about it, and telling them not to.. or asking them why anymore... seems rather ignorant. Especially considering what the devs are trying to do.
Also you wouldn't see posts complaining about how rank is now harder if people didn't care about it.
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This was my friends game earlier today. A lot of people are reporting the same concerns. Everyone is being thrown together, rather than a queue based off your “rank.”
What exactly was proven here with their PIP gain? The Killer was a brand new player
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^basically but new match making makes it harder Bc the total randomness. While I enjoy the variety match making brings, it’s still you can get a bad killer or an above average killer, and same with teammates. Don’t have a problem with how emblem will pan out, but I think they should revert matchmaking to the way it was.
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That rank 3 guy wouldn't have pipped I can almost guarantee it if the killer was a rank 20 and didn't chase him or chased him all game. The rank 20 shouldn't have been put with a rank 3 even if they were swf that is a matchmaking problem not a problem with ranking.
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The thing with anyone below rank 16 is there are so little players that are bellow rank 16 because you can't depip. So instead of giving new players new players you end up with giving them SWF because they are the closest to the rank that is closest to them globally (position in the world) wise. If you play in Chad for example chances are you won't get people your rank because you live in a random ass location. I have the same thing happen to me when I play at 6am before I go to uni. Everyone in England tends to be in bed so I end up with players from Russia that are rank 12 when I am in red ranks.
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That is a DREADFUL thing to look at...what the Hell...I can't imagine that Killer even remotely having fun there :/ much less if couldn't have been fun for Survivors either