Was the Plagues Nerf Deserved

Do you think her walking speed while holding the purge should be as it was in PTB or stay as it is currently on live? I think she's still good but it's just a little harder to throw up on them during a loop
No her biggest weakness was always looping I don't see what was gained from making her weakest point weaker still!
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Kinda wished it stayed the same but the did up other stuff too
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More fun for toxic swf.
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Not Deserved at all, The Buffs she got were so little, especially in comparison to the nerf she got. In my opinion she needed the changes she got without the nerf.
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No, her speed was fine the way it was.
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Can someone link me the changes?
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Not deserved. She had potential before, now she's gonna end up just average mid tier.
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Absolutely not. She was slowed while charging and that was enough, because you had to know when to charge her power and when not to charge her power. Now it doesn't matter, and she's even weaker to looping than before.