Shrine of Secrets - rework

mj2303 Member Posts: 47

So this is probably going to get some hate, but it’s just an idea.

So shrine of secrets has become a bit redundant as of late, with players rather saving shards for cosmetics/new killer/survivors and even more redundant for those who have grafted and unlocked all the perks anyway. So I was thinking of a way of making things a bit more interesting again, here’s the gist:

  • shrine now contains 3 killer perks and 3 survivor perks
  • cost of the perks is relative to its popularity (BBQ, NOED,SC costing a lot more for example)
  • cost of unlocking all 3 survivor/killer perks would be equal and the shrine would update every X weeks
  • Each perk in the shrine would be protected by the Entity. Meaning even if you owned the perk the entity would now block you from using it, until a) the shrine reset or b) you freed it from the entity by paying shards

Not only would this now make people more interested in the shrine but also mix the game up by forcing killers/survivors to try a new perk build, unless they wanted to use their shard ofcourse.

Sound good? ...... just a thought


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    NOED will never be in the shrine and wouldn't be as popular if survivors just did their objectives. Putting that aside, why would you make it harder for new players to acquire perks that everyone else already has?

  • mj2303
    mj2303 Member Posts: 47

    Not harder at all, if they didn’t own the perk and unlocked it they would now own it as it is now.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It'd be harder because those perks would cost more.

  • mj2303
    mj2303 Member Posts: 47

    True but unlocking perks isn’t exactly tricky these days. Plus not so powerful perks/ less popular would work out cheaper for them so again it would balance.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Unlocking perks is actually really ######### difficult due to bloodweb RNG. After some thirty levels with the Plague, I have not unlocked the second tier of any of her perks. And again, it makes no sense to deprive new players of perks they know are good just because they're good. That's kinda the opposite of what the Shrine is for.

  • mj2303
    mj2303 Member Posts: 47

    Why do you need to unlock the 2nd tier you get the unlocables at set levels, so as long as you rack up the BP (again not hard)all you need to do is plough them into a character to level 45 and you have all 3 unlocked. Also it’s not depriving them as they are all still there to be bought, I didn’t even state a cost of shards to be fair could be just slightly more than what it’s at niw. But at the same token it refreshes the game for those who HAVE put the time in and unlocked everything. But your not a fan of the idea it’s cool