Why? You've taken two steps backwards...

5 minute killer queues.

3KS, 2 gens, 8 hooks, BLACK PIP?

Killer ranking was fine as it was, only survivors needed adjustment (you could do very little and still pip easily)

Disconnects during load still happening - the only upside, 4 man disconnect = black pip for killer because of gatekeeper changes.

I don't understand the logic behind the matchmaking changes. Do you want people to quit playing? I'm literally considering just doing dailies until this gets fixed, I don't have the time or patience to sit through a 5 minute queue just to have disconnects and do it all over again. I've played 5 games today, and have had only TWO games start with all 4. One game, two disconnected (rage quits), rest just quit when they saw it was 3v1 or 2v1.
