Why? You've taken two steps backwards...

5 minute killer queues.
3KS, 2 gens, 8 hooks, BLACK PIP?
Killer ranking was fine as it was, only survivors needed adjustment (you could do very little and still pip easily)
Disconnects during load still happening - the only upside, 4 man disconnect = black pip for killer because of gatekeeper changes.
I don't understand the logic behind the matchmaking changes. Do you want people to quit playing? I'm literally considering just doing dailies until this gets fixed, I don't have the time or patience to sit through a 5 minute queue just to have disconnects and do it all over again. I've played 5 games today, and have had only TWO games start with all 4. One game, two disconnected (rage quits), rest just quit when they saw it was 3v1 or 2v1.
Killer pipping was the problem, not survivor. They said this themselves that killers were abke to pip too fast which meant empty lobbies as survivors pipped slower.
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Yep, meanwhile killer was too easy to double pip, always 1 pipping, extremely hard to black pip and impossible to lose a pip.
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Tru3 said otherwise, and let's face it, he's one of the most prolific killer players out there. A slight tweak was needed for killer at most, but even without, unless you triple hook 3 survivors and double hook the last one, you would only get one pip. Two pips took exceptional play - now exceptional play, you are lucky to black pip, maybe one pip.