Some little (or not so little) things that I would love to see in DBD amazing universe...

The sky is the limit guys, I´m so passionate about the things this game could bring us in a near future. Just some ideas for the devs:

  • An urban map (not necessarily an entire city obviously). Neon lights, alleys, skyscrapers as a background... it could break with so many forest maps that we have nowadays... because horror can be in the city lights too...
  • Historical survivors or killers (a gunslinger, a II WW soldier, a victorian girl)
  • Collectible items hidden around the maps to expand the DBD lore universe.
  • Killers based on urban legends and/or creepypastas.
  • Ash W. from the Evil Dead series as a survivor.
  • Poor Leatherface, he needs a sawyer house map and the company of His friend Sally Hardesty... he feels so lonely...
  • Licensed killers, licensed killers and... oh wait... licensed killers ;-)
  • Another type of killer... an Alien, a killer machine, an insectoid mutant, a werewolf...
  • Scream chapter, Friday the 13th chapter (could it be possible?!?!), Stranger Things chapter, It chapter, The Warriors chapter (ok it´s not horror, but OMG, a Baseball Fury as a killer, Ajax as a survivor... it would be pure and simply amazing), The Strangers chapter, My Bloody Valentine chapter (the original of course).. and so on...