Question about Bloodpoints.

I'm playing on an alt account, and I'm wondering how many bloodpoints it would take to get everyone to level 40. Also, how many hours would it take to get everyone to level 40? I don't need an exact amount, an estimate would be fine.
i got all killer teachables + all perks on one killer in 207 hours
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I know that I got 200,000 for buying a perk I already had on the shrine, and it let me get a killer from level 6 to level 14.
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It depends, If You play alone as survivor, in swf, killer or all of these ;p. If You play alone and as killer and You are good and play for points not always for kills You will almost always get more points on average then playing alone survivor
But if You want to do it as fast as possible and get all people to lvl 40; use for sure all bp boosters, get Your friends on swf with bps or envelopes, but yeah on average You will need about 1 000 000 or a bit more for one character, so if You are really good and grind points fast I guess You can do it in around 250-300 hours ;d0