People dcing looking at it like some kind of counter

Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

Reality check for you guys.

You are depiping (3 pips) and maybe getting banned. You are shooting yourself in the foot.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Yep, it’s better to just play that match then risk getting banned.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Who cares about PIPs? I haven’t DC’ed from a game in quite a long time.. But come on lol. Potentially getting banned.. Sure. I guess. For a week tops your first offense. Not the end of the world. It’s not fun to play in games with a DC, but I don’t get mad at people for it.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    Hey, it worked for getting Freddy nerfed.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    Gotta deny that BBQ stack, that is the 200iq counter

  • ImAGirl
    ImAGirl Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2019

    dude, they dont ban me for DC'ing. Ive DC'ed plenty as I dont want to play those stupid Coldwind Farms. it's almost like them saying, "ya, .... we know we messed up this game ..... have a free pass on some parts of it." If i was banned on DC'ing every time id just stop playing.

    you need to draw a line somewhere in your life and say, "This is not okay!"

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't like coldwind as much as you and I never Dc'ed.

  • ThatGamerDude976
    ThatGamerDude976 Member Posts: 19

    Until they fix this stupid emblem system, I don't care about dcing anymore. Played 15 matches tonight, 1 pip. 9 depips. And 5 safety. I did the usual 3 gens, 3 unhooks, totems etc, waste of time

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Instead of punishing DCers, reward those that stay. You catch more fly would honey and this would help prevent players that DC as a domino effect.

    Because the DCer doesn't give 2 shits if you penalize them with depips.

    Ban them? Lol It would also be moronic for them to ban for DCs considering there's so many god damn bugs. One which just force closes the game on PC and you're sitting there like bruh what the #########... Infinite Loading screens.... the game has tons of issues that will frustrate someone into DCing. Not just getting downed first.

    Massive abuse, say 10-15 games in a row should be looked into. I didn't know I was having connectivity issues while hosting killer games a few weeks ago and it caused everyone playing to DC quite a few times. This was actually MY fault and not the survivors. But I earned bloodpoints and they all earned 0 on my screen. No one was banned as far as i know, but host issue can be the cause for DCs.

    Again, the dev cannot tell if you quit or alt+f4, lose internet, or whatever reason. They already said this and until they get dedicated servers, punishing DCs outside of depips is detrimental to the game as a whole. I can only imagine what is going to happen to players using the Switch lol.

    As for me, I don't DC unless the killer has great ping pregame but has teleporting/stuck in place lag in game. Or survivors are being absolutely stupid or sandbagging. Then you have cheaters. These are fewer than players being toxic and whose entire game intent is to BM. lol so no. I'm not going to stay in toxic games because the dev doesn't have a top tier anti-tamper software or proper way to police games. Call me what you want but i'm not going to stress out over a video game. There's a quit button for a reason.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    most are at the point they could not care if they got banned or not with how bad the game is in its current form. that actually says a lot about how the games changed over the last 6 months. more people that get banned means less people to play against, maybe listen to the complaints and assist in helping get things changed. to where both sides can have fun and not face annoying mechanics/perks. or we may end up seeing a much much longer wait time for matches on both sides.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    So much this. Work on why the dcing is happening, not just banning those who aren't enjoying the game.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Most people who dc are toxic (not all) and they dc for petty reasons. You can't work on that since most streamers they look up to are toxic as well. It is popular. If you listen to toxic people you will only make this game more toxic.

    There are things I don't like as well but I don't dc, there are better ways to be heard than selfishly ruining game for others.

    Have a nice day.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @CornChip Both needs to be done. If a certain map or killer makes people want to dc, this part of the game needs to be reworked.

    But dc'ing is also against the rules and a lot of people dc for unacceptable "reasons". Therefore, dc's must be punished.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Making them lose pips isn't the answer. This just makes ranks around 15 a cesspit of disconnectors. Imagine just starting the game, working your way up and seeing everyone d/c every game. Would you continue playing to rank up? Or just figure the game isn't fun and give up?

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464

    What ban? i don't think anyone has ever been banned for disconnecting from matches ever.

    It might be a rule, but it certainly isn't enforced.

  • killakestrel
    killakestrel Member Posts: 17

    Wait if you dc you can get banned?

    i had no idea it's not something i worry about since i never dc on purpose.

    i mean if net gose down i cant help that lol.

    but that said i honestly dont see the point in dc'ing

    look at it this way if your against a killer you dont like its good practice to get better against them. and if your against a lag switcher then if you play smart and just hide do gens and get out surely that as a giant FU!! is worth more than dc'ing with rage?

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    A lot of DCs happen because things aren't going their way. You can't fix that. Yesterday I was playing Shape for a daily and a 3 man SWF twitch instantly DCed all at once. Still early in the game and I downed the streamer with EW3 then someone then attempted to body block, an EW3 Shape. Within a second of that 2nd down all 3 DCed leaving the 4th guy alone to do 5 gens. The 4th guy even complained that I didn't REWARD him for them DCing! I somehow was at fault for them DCing and not farming. Later I was playing Plague and had this one Survivor going ham with a flashlight click macro and being as annoying as possible. He stayed long past the gates opened only to DC the instant I went to hook him.

    How do you fix that? No amount of gameplay changes can do anything to fix that, those people are just toxic trash. The only way you can fix a problem like that is to remove the people that cause it. Or at the very least punish instead of rewarding them!

    Losing pips? That's what some want, it keeps them in low ranks to bully other players. Losing BP? Worthless to start with for the most part and easily replaced. The current "punishments" for DCs aren't doing anything against DCs so they need to be made harder. A simple lock out timer would be enough where each DC after the first in X number of games gives longer and longer lockout times.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2019

    ehhh idk about all survivors but from what I’ve overheard on ps4 it’s more of a you’re camping tunneling and I can’t pip Bc of it so neither should you. I don’t dc to be clear.

    on the other hand they were dcing before this idk just idk. I want my Bloodpoints regardless.

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    In my experience @HeroLives on Ps4, many survivors have stretched the terms camping and tunneling to mean basically anything the killer does.

    I got called a "roaming gen camper" for patrolling the gens after a survivor DC'd early in the match.

    Was also accused of "tunneling" for downing a survivor in the first chase of a match for which they DC'd.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    On PC as well. I got called a camper for searching all the generators as the Doctor, not finding anyone, and going back to the obvious unhook that was about to happen. According to them, I was going to shock them, switch to punishment, and hit them. The hook was on a hill, and the way up was opposite me, roughly 40 m away at the time of the unhook. Apparently, they believe the Doctor can magically teleport.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2019

    @RWoodrow Survivors are a mixed bag, there’s smart ones, spiteful ones, and brain damaged ones who would rather blame the killer for the outcome than their own bad plays. It really shows who has the capacity to learn from their mistakes, and those who would rather blame others. Atleast you can sleep at night knowing they’re probably single Bc of this.