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The Pig, What needs changed?

Hang on, this is a big one.


Pig, Plague, and Trapper.

I love these three, I love the looks, I love the backstories, I love Saw, plague doctor-esque things, I love Friday the 13th (which I'm pretty sure they said is what the based Trapper on), but most importantly I love the powers.  

The powers, though, while nice on concept have one main problem between them all is the fact that you can't really surprise people with the killer you are playing. Take Shape, Hag, or Wraith. I have gone in games without even seeing these killers until three gens are done, and it was fun. Not knowing what you're up against is really unnerving sometimes. But with Pig, Plague and Trapper (and to some extent Doctor but I'll talk about that later.) It is so easy to find out which killer you are against with those three and form a strategy against them. 


First, I will list what I meant when I ended the last section.

The three previously stated killers all have a "structure" to go along with them. Pig has Boxes, Plague has Fountains, and Trapper has... well, Traps. When you see these you automatically know to form a strategy against the killer. For Pig, you know, remember box locations and watch out for an ambush attack. For Plague you know to find good loops or places to break line of sight, and watch out for infected structures. For Trapper you look out for... Traps. I understand they are necessary with the power and am not asking for a rework as that would be absurd, I just want to state my feelings.

But I feel like Plague is a step in the right direction, you see, a fix for ALL of these killers would be to add some downsides to USING these structures. Trapper has bloody coil, and that is what I mean, some sort of downside to using the specific structure, it makes Trapper a harder killer to go against.

For Plague, using the fountains gives the killer an advantage, so why not have the add-ons for Pig that give you status effects while you have a trap on your head instead give you a status effect AFTER you use a Jigsaw Box, it makes sense, right? This fixes the issue of knowing the exact strategy to use.


I will mostly be talking about Pig in this section as she suffers most from these problems. I will try and fix her add-ons to make her a harder killer to fight, etc.

As stated last sections, the fix is simple for Pig. Status effect add-ons should affect you after you use a Box, as this would give a significant downside for taking the trap off, because it is WAY too easy.

The four status effect add-ons for Pig are:

Utility Blades- Hemorrhage

Face Mask- Blindness

Slow Release Toxin- Exhausted

Rusty Attachments- Mangled

These take effect while the Reverse Bear Traps are on a survivors head. Imagine instead you take a trap off and THEN you get an effect. Maybe you take off the trap and you try to Sprint Burst away from an approaching Pig, but you can't, because the Box gave you Exhausted for maybe 60 seconds. This is a HUGE buff for the Pig and would maybe make her viable at higher ranks.

(Maybe an UR add-on that gives Exposed but like takes away the ability to see Jigsaw Boxes or something.)


You may have noticed that I talked about how there are no surprise to the three killers in question, but what about Doctor? Well, he really doesn't NEED it, the Doctor is BUILD to act the way he does, but Pig, she has a STEALTH ABILITY, and yet you can be on alert for it within five seconds of the match starting. It isn't really very hard. Sure you can still be stealthy on Pig on like, The Game or Léry's, but those are two maps that you can use your power on. TWO BAD MAPS. The truth is that Piggy is in need of a buff either way, Plague is fine, Trapper is usable, but Pig, sadly is not.


  • L3gi0nMa1n
    L3gi0nMa1n Member Posts: 9



  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm personally not even a fan of Slow-Release Toxin. It's only good IMO if you are pretty much tunneling the RBT Survivor because if you are not, there's a very real chance the trap comes off before the Exhaustion ever becomes relevant. I think the only RBT-penalty add-on that does anything potentially meaningful is Rusty Attachment, and as you said, Sloppy Butcher renders it pointless (not that I'd really consider using it all that much if Sloppy Butcher didn't exist).

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Make the countdown timer start right away, rather than once a generator is repaired. I think that's the only buff she needs, to make RBTs actively dangerous.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    My concern with that suggestion is, oddly enough, that it won't change all that much. It's not terribly uncommon from my experience for the countdown timer to become active as soon as they're unhooked (because a gen popped in the meantime), and it's still pretty easy for the Survivors to get the traps off from there. Sure, it ups the stakes (in the sense that you'll always have the timer start as soon as you're off the hook instead of only sometimes) but doesn't seem to do a whole lot in terms of improving the RBT's ability to slow the game down (at most, it may dissuade people from healing immediately off the hook). It's kinda like Tampered Timer in the sense that it certainly makes death by RBT more likely, but it doesn't actually do anything meaningful unless it actually kills someone.