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The new map is new pallet heaven

Its crazy and insane how many pallets there are. One pallet next to another within 8 meters, pretty strong structures and an insane main building. Hello devs? That's to much, there are probably 24 pallets or so. Spirit fury + enduring ain't doing #########

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  • Member Posts: 1,796

    It really is. I just led a Pig on an easily 5 minute chase. Just with the sheer number of pallets.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i could only play it once with the trapper now.

    it aint too bad for him ^^ made a 4k and a pip.

  • Member Posts: 942

    Haven't been able to play Purgation too much. Glad to know about the pallets.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    Lmao yes it's insane. I ate at least 15 pallets bc my Spirit fury was activated 5 times in my last match there. Enduring, SF, BS Trapper BTW

  • Member Posts: 1,423

    It's such a huge map and the amount of good loops is insane, It's amazing for survivor but for most killers it's hell.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    And on top of it, hooks are scarce and too far away from each other

  • Member Posts: 1,619

    And locker heaven too. Is there a map with more lockers? There are even a zone with about 6 lockers together.

    Only good for the huntress as killer.

  • Member Posts: 72

    I honestly don't know what is going on with the level design in the past two chapters. Ormond and Templs are up there as the worst maps in the game. Safe pallets account for the wast majority of pallets on temple are safe.

    Even besides this, the map is so huge that the killer really wont have time for long chases, as he'll spent a good 30 seconds just getting to a gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,948
    edited March 2019

    It's mental, I ate so many pallets that I got Vietnam flashbacks of 2016 lol

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    Yes and the size is insane.

    Probably one of those maps on which the "game might crash"

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    Yes and no. You can't throw over any of the loops. At least there are a couple of areas where you find open space...

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    Yet I see killers 4king quite a bit on there, it's all about map awareness and The Plague just destroys on there if played right. I've seen Trapper, Plague, Hag, Pig, Bubba all do insanely well on there so far.

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    Oh... and lots of low level loops make for Mind game hell... :(

  • Member Posts: 1,948

    Dude it doesn't matter if killer 4k on that.

    As if saying "I see 4 men escaping on THE GAME against omegablink nurse" has any valid point.

    Survivors who know what they do will dominate with the loops. I did 5 gens runs on this map already, without even knowing all spots on this map. Just because one save pallet is next to another. Kinda like certain farm maps

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2019

    I wish they'd stop making maps this big. I feel like this one and Red Forest both need shrinking now like the swamps had. They're just too big to maintain good pressure. I also agree though, a tonn of pallets. I wouldn't care about so many pallets if so many of them weren't safe. The majority of all pallets should be mind gameable.

  • Member Posts: 1,948

    Oh yeah this aswell, that map is HUGE + has a quite big basement in the main building. That makes the map even bigger. Definitely needs a rework. Otherwise my game will "suddenly crash" if someone uses red forest offerings.

  • Member Posts: 831

    I've been on this map at least 5 times (4 times with nurse and once with Wraith).

    It's a HELL for nurse. That basement? So many walls and the temple has so many windows/entrances.

  • Member Posts: 1,832

    plague doesn't destroy on any map against people with half a brain because she sucks major ass lol

  • Member Posts: 189

    have you not get used to get ######### in the ass every patch by now? survivors need ez games

  • Member Posts: 489

    Yes, there is a crazy amount of pallets on this map, I am not a good looper, but was able to give a leatherface the run around for a looooong time just going from pallet to pallet.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    Bad plagues suck ass, there fixed it for you and the same is true for bad killers which seems to be a recurring theme from a lot of killers on here.

    Those that learn this map and know how to play their killers well do good on it, those that don't obviously don't.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Nearly every pallet is safe now, especially on the new map. There's barely any point in playing the match if you're on a killer like Freddy and you suspect the survivors aren't potatoes. I check Steam profiles. Over half of my matches at my rank are against some combination of SWF. Yet the game is being catered to the absolute lowest common denominator of solo survivor. The ridiculous amount of safe pallets just makes the mid to low tier killers less viable than they were before.

  • Member Posts: 1,269

    Meh it's not that bad guys there's a reason for them I mean we have a 1 shot killer again meaning more pallets for safety

  • Member Posts: 269

    For real? I get it like every second match. Sometimes in a row.

  • Member Posts: 1,948

    So basically you are trying to implie that the amount of pallets and size of a map doesn't matter? Ridiculous. Well, let's give survivors only 3 pallets and shrink every map by 70%.

    "those who have learned the map..." nonsense

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    The temple has 1 permanent god pallet downstairs (but you have to do the gen to get it) and another god pallet that may or may not spawn upstairs. Actually that first god pallet is like a super god pallet, I honestly don't think there is a stronger pallet in the game. It also has 1 permanent safe pallet downstairs, 1 "so unsafe you shouldn't even bother with it" pallet downstairs, and 1 semi-safe pallet that can spawn upstairs between the pillars.

    The pillar arches are safe pallets. At least 2 of the fallen pillar pallets are safe. But then there are like 3 unsafe pallets at some of the tall stone walls.

    Overall yes there are good pallets on the map, but there are also a lot of bad pallets on the map. It's kinda 50/50 what setup you get.

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