Corrupt Intervention, Thoughts?

What's your thoughts on corrupt intervention so far?
It is nice to have less gens to check in the beginning! But I'm not sure how helpful it actually is. It also sorta pushes me away because after the time is up, you're down a perk.
It's like Ruin but more reliable, with the extra benefit of the survivors having to come towards you.
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Or they just hide all game, at least on Plague she has a huge terror radius and no way to find you without whispers.
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Imagine not doing generators for 2 minutes...
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Doesn't matter if the killer found nobody. You just delayed the game by 2 minutes. Hide in a locker or look for totems and ur golden.
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Looks strong on paper but in reality is quite weak. Competent survivors just wait it out and then you wasted a perk slot for nothing.
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I thought I would love this perk but I’m finding myself just running ruin instead. It’s nice for killers like hag & trapper so you have time to set up your traps but for everyone else it’s only useful if you manage to get a hook or two in before it runs out.
Like you mentioned, after it runs out it sort of feels like I wasted a perk.
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Usually the survivors will hide near the gens until they are unblocked. That is my experience when using the perk.
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I have been experiencing this with the perk. That is ultimately slowing the game down but when survivors are immersive to the point of never finding them, it becomes a problem for the killer. I'll try running some tracking perk the next time I use it.
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It's too inconsistent. If they don't spawn nearby the gens that are blocked, it basically does nothing. Though it is really good when the spawns are in your favor.
I can see myself using it over Ruin on a few killers, but some slower ones like my Huntress are probably gonna keep Ruin on their builds. And some killers I'm gonna use both just to stop the gen rush as much as I can.
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using both is really bad since you're incentivizing survivors to go look for totems.
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They'll look for them regardless of CI or not. They hate Ruin that much. It's supposed to give you enough time to get a hook or two before 3 gens pop.
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or being good at hunting.
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You would be surprised how easy it is to stealth just about any killer not named Doc or Class Photo Freddy.
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When you have absolutely NO clue where they are what are you gonna do then? check every locker for 2 minutes?
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Honestly I find it harmless. Hang back, cleanse totems or what ever til it wears off.
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If it blocked the gens until 1 gets completed now THAT would have potential so they couldn't just wait it out. Almost give you a semi early game 3 gen strat.
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Haven gotten a good enough tier to run yet, but as survivor I just hunt for totems around the locked gens. By the time I break 2-3, the gens are usually clear and killer has focused on somebody that went in on the unblocked ones.
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It's pretty blatant at this point that you're simply bad at the game.
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^ basically I wait it out and look for other objectives to do. I do it to avoid the possibility of getting 3 gen’d later.
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It's alright but I really dislike how the developers are still using perks to balance the game. I mean don't get me wrong, it's nice to have a perk that helps against determined survivors but we need a objective rework to solve the bigger problem.
Also, don't combo Ruin with Corrupted Intervention. Survivors will likely hide for the first 2 minutes while doing something that's not a generator, so they are more likely to find your Ruin (even though they don't know you have one).
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My thoughts as well. They make a lot of perks to fix problems that just need to be fixed in the base game. We don't don't have enough perk slots for all the problems and even if we did, most those perks aren't good enough to fix the problem very well any way. Maybe just slightly less painful.
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I'm super into this idea.
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Wanted to run it instead of Ruin, because it sounded quite good, and Ruin is trash... But it is even worse than Ruin, survivors just hide 2 minutes, and the game is just delayed.
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It sounds good, but overall I think it is not that useful. Especially when combined with Ruin - instead of doing Gens, the Survivors will move. They cannot spawn on Ruin, but since they are walking around the Map, they are more likely to find Ruin at this point.
So I think combining with Ruin is counterproductive. Maybe if you combine it with Distortion, but if the Survivors do not do any Gens at all for the first two minutes, you are down to two Perks. And in general, using two Perks for one thing is kinda meh.
LIke said before, for Killers who need Setup, it might be a good thing. But overall I would consider it a "okish" Perk, but nothing that will be in the Meta.
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I'd have to try it on a killer I'm more familiar with to truly judge it.
Looks good on paper. Survivors only have 4 gens then can do. Killers outside of the top 2 instantly get more map pressure.
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Here's a hint: This is a casualgame with no competitive scene, you insulting me here does nothing, it's like saying "look, I'm good at holding m1 and doing ######### that wouldn't be impressive to any actual gamer who plays skillbased games like starcraft, dota or quake.
Aside from that, finding survivors is pure luck, ppl told me there's some kind of algorythm to spawning but it's impossible for a human to recognize complex algorythms in a game. Heck I had no mark beyond an F in algebra so I won't recognize mathematical skills in a game about slashing ppl as a game-skill anyways.
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The easiest way to find survivors spawns is to take Ruin.
Not even joking, 90% of the time they will spawn near the area where Ruin spawns. Look for the 2 closest gens to the totem and they will be on one of those.
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That would be even more reason to grief survivors to the point where they quit for me if the devs made this an intended design.