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New content and The Plague

Since the update I have never seen so many people quit during games, particularly against The Plague. I see a lot of experienced players bumming and blowing about needing to get better at the game and to deal with a killer many find overpowered. The thing is, the matchmaking is often dreadful. Matching level 14 survivors with level 2 killers etc. Two good things about the new update are the map changes on some levels which have certainly freshened up the game and, whilst unpopular with some, the matchmaking timer which at least gives some indication of the wait times. But this isn't enough to offset a hugely overpowered killer along with the decimation of D strike. I could live without D strike but the Plague needs a lot of work. Perhaps the developers will make changes once casual gamers stop playing the game because a lot of the matchmaking issues are likely down to lack of numbers playing the game. This will get worse as the plague keeps showing up with her overpowered abilities which were bad enough before killers had unlocked other characters teachable perks for her. As a casual gamer myself I am sick of having a disadvantage due to survivors rage quitting when playing The Plague. I can however fully understand why so many people are quitting when a killer has managed to down them from several metres away. Either the developers listen to the casual gamers and sort this out asap or this game will not have enough players to make it viable.

As for the changes made to combat hook camping... It appears the developers have failed to account for the sheer amount of trolls playing killer who care more about killing survivors by any means than they do about making less blood-points. If you want to combat hook camping there needs to be an real time, in game threat to the killer. Say blindness or disabling them while survivors get the unhooks. A credible penalty. At very least all survivors being able to see the killers Aura when they are hook camping would be something. (I'm not talking about killers patrolling the hook as that is a legitimate strategy, I'm talking about face camping and positioning themselves so that they can wipe out anyone going for the unhook etc.) Personally I love this game, I do not mind getting killed so long as it seems fair and I've had the chance to make some points, you can't win them all. I reckon I could deal with occasionally playing against an overpowered killer if the changes to the game had addressed issues facing survivors like hook camping, but they have not. The have failed miserably to correct this aspect of the game, so may expect a lot less traffic on their platform. They also need to apply a quitter bonus to remaining survivors, the game is harder with less survivors but it isn't reflected in final points awarded. I would also suggest the Killer needs a bigger reward for quitters although, a lot of the time rage quitting is totally understandable.

I'm not sure if the changes have stopped survivors team body blocking hooks, if not this also needs looked at. No survivor should be able to bully the killer in this way. The only time I do camp hooks is when teams of survivors do this, I hate camping hooks but it's the best way to get back at players abusing the game mechanics. To clarify, one player body blocking a hook is not the worst thing in the world but to have several do it at once seems very unfair. If that means removing the ability to do so, fair enough.

These are just my thoughts, I am not an expert by any means and have no idea how difficult it would be to implement these changes but the developers need to do something or risk loosing a lot of players.