Head on QOL change

You know how hag traps have a ring around them that tells you the effective range? Implement that but with head-on.
What ring are talking about? Like the ground vibration animation ring thingy around the trap is now indicating the AoE of Head On? Sure if so, the perk is so conditional anyways.
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That seems fine. I think such a thing should be added for all perks that have an associated range, TBH.
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They need to remove enduring hard countering it and DS, it makes both the perks useless and more dangerous to use.
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High-risk, high-reward. Why should Enduring, the anti-stun perk, be gutted?
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@Nickenzie play hag and place a trap. If you look super close you can actually see a ring that indicates the effective range.
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Ohhhh, gotcha! I know what you're talking about, just needed some time to think! :)
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QOL changes are the last thing this kind of perks need.
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Bump to fix this thing. Still as worthless as teets on a boar.
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I can confirm head on must be broken as it's only worked 5/70 times for me. Replicated all the requirements.
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First of all I think the player who "HEAD ON" it has to be revealed to the allies when he's in a locker. Its impossible to play with when you dont speak with your mates..
Futhermore this perk works once on cing...
Increase the radius to help in the basement. It's pretty risky to go in the basement and it's alaso risk getting caught anywhere in a locker.