Regarding the PC tournament...

   Please never allow these people who hosted this  PC tournament to ever host another official tournament they did a horrible job.  from restarting a match after some one had been hooked, because three people disconnected. clearly  by the rules that match counted, but hey they decide to restart the match. to the screw job of the De Pip Squad in the finals. again  altering the rules/changing the rules mid  match to meet the desired results of the host. 

   This was a horrible day for the Dead By Daylight  community. I have no clue how you decided to get this incompetent person to host the tournament when others far better qualified (TydeTyme) could have hosted  it and it would have been a far better choice. as always I am shocked at how poor  the choices  made within this company are on a consistent daily basis.


  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 191

    @RemoveSWF said:
    TydeTyme is an unqualified egomaniac whose tournaments have much worse rules than the one tonight.

    I congratulate everybody on this successful tournament and extend well-wishes to our new DbD champions Tournament Monsters who beat De-Pip Squad fair and square.


    I am sure if BHVR wanted too, they could have interfered (i could be wrong)

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @RemoveSWF said:
    TydeTyme is an unqualified egomaniac whose tournaments have much worse rules than the one tonight.

    I congratulate everybody on this successful tournament and extend well-wishes to our new DbD champions Tournament Monsters who beat De-Pip Squad fair and square.

    Fair and square? What part of that dumpster fire was fair and square? Stop being contrarian. This entire thing was a joke and extremely unprofessional. They pulled so much damage control it's unreal.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    see if you think this post is all about Marth's team getting screwed over, you're absolutely wrong.It is not its about the host of the tournament who not only poorly hosted it but also did not follow the rules in other matches. that I even referenced in my opening post further proving that they clearly had no clue what they was doing. if you're coming here to fan girl over some team in the tournament. by all means that is your right to do so. but don't side track this post into your fan girling. as this is about the extremely poor host job of the tournament host. that is all.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @EqMonkVeeshan said:
    see if you think this post is all about Marth's team getting screwed over, you're absolutely wrong.It is not its about the host of the tournament who not only poorly hosted it but also did not follow the rules in other matches. that I even referenced in my opening post further proving that they clearly had no clue what they was doing. if you're coming here to fan girl over some team in the tournament. by all means that is your right to do so. but don't side track this post into your fan girling. as this is about the extremely poor host job of the tournament host. that is all.

    The dude didn't even know Billy could sprint and had 77 hours overall.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    @Caretaker said:

    @EqMonkVeeshan said:
    see if you think this post is all about Marth's team getting screwed over, you're absolutely wrong.It is not its about the host of the tournament who not only poorly hosted it but also did not follow the rules in other matches. that I even referenced in my opening post further proving that they clearly had no clue what they was doing. if you're coming here to fan girl over some team in the tournament. by all means that is your right to do so. but don't side track this post into your fan girling. as this is about the extremely poor host job of the tournament host. that is all.

    The dude didn't even know Billy could sprint and had 77 hours overall.

    I know that, along with many other things I witnessed inspired me to come to make this post. but then some fan girls tried to make this post into something other then about the extremely poor host choice.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited June 2018

    here is a clip about the host and how they viewed the tournament. to them it was just to try to get bigger watch this this is sick. they only gave a crap about how they was getting viewers and host. and from this point on they did everything they could to extend it far longer then it need be with restarting matches that should have been counted to forcing overtime by changing rules to suit the desires of them.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @EqMonkVeeshan said:
    here is a clip about the host and how they viewed the tournament. to them it was just to try to get bigger watch this this is sick. they only gave a crap about how they was getting viewers and host. and from this point on they did everything they could to extend it far longer then it need be with restarting matches that should have been counted to forcing overtime by changing rules to suit the desires of them.

    Holy #########...that's pathetic. I would've been happy just getting an opportunity to commentate the literal best DBD has to offer. This is just going up in flames.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    yea it was pathetic, it was pathetic that Behavior actually selected them to host the official tournament.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited June 2018

    Why BHVR chose this organization to run this organization over someone within this community who knows the game in and out is baffling.

    I said it in another post, but TydeTyme's tournies are really good. Great rules, commentary and the teams have 5 minutes (as compared to 30!!!!) to be ready for the match. Honestly these rules in place now make no sense. (survivors can't body blocking hooks, but killer can body block exit???)
    There was no reason that this tourney should have been over 11 hours. Why was there such huge downtime between matches?
    The commentators had like little knowledge of the game and mechanics. **And to say that some teams or players were bad was just out of line and in poor taste. **
    _The music we had to endure between matches was ****** terrible and too loud. _

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited June 2018
    RemoveSWF said:

    TydeTyme is an unqualified egomaniac whose tournaments have much worse rules than the one tonight.

    I congratulate everybody on this successful tournament and extend well-wishes to our new DbD champions Tournament Monsters.

    We get it you don’t like Marth88 or Tyde And your a cool rebel going against the crowd but, that tournament was a
    ######### show start to finish, it should be redone, the hosting and general facilitating was horrendous.

    there was no joy in that win for them at all, TM were robbed of a win by the stupid hosts, they didn’t understand their rules, I watched the full 12.5 hours and the hatch thing was constantly changing and confusing players.
  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    @Jesya said:
    Why BHVR chose this organization to run this organization over someone within this community who knows the game in and out is baffling.

    I said it in another post, but TydeTyme's tournies are really good. Great rules, commentary and the teams have 5 minutes (as compared to 30!!!!) to be ready for the match. Honestly these rules in place now make no sense. (survivors can't body blocking hooks, but killer can body block exit???)
    There was no reason that this tourney should have been over 11 hours. Why was there such huge downtime between matches?
    The commentators had like little knowledge of the game and mechanics. **And to say that some teams or players were bad was just out of line and in poor taste. **
    _The music we had to endure between matches was ****** terrible and too loud. _

    I swear they intentionally dragged out the down time. Maybe they had some deal with that "musical" sponsor and got more money the more of that crap we had to listen to. On a number of occasions full groups were stuck waiting 10min for the commentator to join.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited June 2018

    @Might_Oakk To get more views and hosts at the expense of everyone else already watching.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    I'm a particular fan of the "graphical glitch" the nurse had ...
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @EqMonkVeeshan said:
    Please never allow these people who hosted this PC tournament to ever host another official tournament they did a horrible job. from restarting a match after some one had been hooked, because three people disconnected. clearly by the rules that match counted, but hey they decide to restart the match. to the screw job of the De Pip Squad in the finals. again altering the rules/changing the rules mid match to meet the desired results of the host.

       This was a horrible day for the Dead By Daylight  community. I have no clue how you decided to get this incompetent person to host the tournament when others far better qualified (TydeTyme) could have hosted  it and it would have been a far better choice. as always I am shocked at how poor  the choices  made within this company are on a consistent daily basis.

    It was just finite proof that DBD will never be competitive :wink:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Caretaker said:

    @EqMonkVeeshan said:
    see if you think this post is all about Marth's team getting screwed over, you're absolutely wrong.It is not its about the host of the tournament who not only poorly hosted it but also did not follow the rules in other matches. that I even referenced in my opening post further proving that they clearly had no clue what they was doing. if you're coming here to fan girl over some team in the tournament. by all means that is your right to do so. but don't side track this post into your fan girling. as this is about the extremely poor host job of the tournament host. that is all.

    The dude didn't even know Billy could sprint and had 77 hours overall.

    77 hours? Maybe spending those afk in menu,otherwise he would know how billy works

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    I'm a particular fan of the "graphical glitch" the nurse had ...
