Most powerful (recent) perks are only powerful on killers that are already deadly

Soren Member Posts: 369
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

While they're good on paper, because of their values (balance), only top-tier killers can make an effective use of them.

Barbecue and Chili: Hillbilly, Nurse
Make your Choice: Hag, Hillbilly, Nurse
Pop Goes the Weasel: Hillbilly, Nurse

and the reworks:

Tinkerer: Hillbilly, Nurse
Save the Best for Last: Hag, Nurse

Now, Wraith is kinda an exception since he can make some use on some of them, because of his cloaked speed and ambush ability. But overall, a lot of killers are left behind because they don't have the speed/ability needed to make use of these perks - while they are the ones who in fact REALLY need these perks to shine.

That's only because of the balance of these perks. For example, you can make BBQ & Chili to have a longer wallhack, as long as you're not too far away to the hook. That will let some flexibility on casual killers, but remotely the same for Hillbilly / Nurse (since they will lose the wallhack when too far away). They can as well increase the timer on Pop Goes the Weasel, even remove it.

As for now, these perks are mostly "buff" for top-tier killers while lower tier killers still have nothing that can help them with their issues. It just increases furthermore the gap between killers.

Edit: removed Nurse from STBFL since she can actually only profit from the perk when she lunges without blinking

Post edited by Soren on


  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 191

    obviously perks are gonna work better on more powerful killers? like that just goes without saying

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Kuris said:

    obviously perks are gonna work better on more powerful killers? like that just goes without saying

    I think the point is that it's not really helping the underdogs out. I love make your choice but when you're not using it on Billy nurse or hag it's pretty much an average or below perk
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    The reason is simple : the top tier killers do have more possibility than other killers, and they're not bound to the simple gameplay of chasing survivors 1 by 1 and hoping everything goes good for them.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    That'll never change. Almost every perk is made better with fast map travel, they will almost always benefit the most from perks.

    Lame but that's how it is.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @SaltyKiller said:
    Since when is Hag top tier again?

    Good question

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    @Runiver said:
    The reason is simple : the top tier killers do have more possibility than other killers, and they're not bound to the simple gameplay of chasing survivors 1 by 1 and hoping everything goes good for them.

    I can understand that, but the conditions of these perks prevent lowest tier killers to use them...

    Take Pop Goes the Weasel for example. If you rework this perk so that: it applies the effect to the first gen you kick after a hook, but unlimited duration, everyone would have an use of this perk. Make your Choice is godlike on Hag, but really, really situational on other killers (they have to make it back to the hook, and find the proper survivor). If they buff this perk so that every survivor outside a 32m radius of you are exposed, this perk will already be way more flexible.

    Like, I can understand perks aren't meant to have a synergy with every single killer. But when potential great perks are only really usable by the top-tier killers...

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Soren said:

    @Runiver said:
    The reason is simple : the top tier killers do have more possibility than other killers, and they're not bound to the simple gameplay of chasing survivors 1 by 1 and hoping everything goes good for them.

    I can understand that, but the conditions of these perks prevent lowest tier killers to use them...

    Take Pop Goes the Weasel for example. If you rework this perk so that: it applies the effect to the first gen you kick after a hook, but unlimited duration, everyone would have an use of this perk. Make your Choice is godlike on Hag, but really, really situational on other killers (they have to make it back to the hook, and find the proper survivor). If they buff this perk so that every survivor outside a 32m radius of you are exposed, this perk will already be way more flexible.

    Like, I can understand perks aren't meant to have a synergy with every single killer. But when potential great perks are only really usable by the top-tier killers...

    Do you mean actual killer perk buffs ?
    That's cute.

    But not happening.

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    @SaltyKiller said:
    I just noticed this guy said Make Your Choice is great on Hillbilly...

    Usable on Hillbilly. Sure there are better perks since he can use his M2, but you get my point.

  • Rectal_Prolapse
    Rectal_Prolapse Member Posts: 60

    @SaltyKiller said:
    Since when is Hag top tier again?

    Since the rework

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @SaltyKiller said:
    Since when is Hag top tier again?

    Since you were banned. Again, thanks for that bet, the downvotes were nice. Can’t believe you could abuse a mechanic so hard it got erased from existence though

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,051

    BBQ is fine as it is. Yes, non high movement speed killers can't use it as efficiently as others. But as a killer you still benefit by getting aware of survivors locations. At least from my perspective, if I play LF or Trapper e.g. then BBQs aura reading never feels like a complete waste beeing able to know where survivors might be and what they are doing etc. It helps to gain overall game awareness.

    But you are right about timer based perks like MYC, Pop goes the Weasel. Especially Pop goes the Weasel. How often I ran with my Wraith towards a gen I know people are working on just to see it pop moments before I reach it. Or I have to guess a gen and lose my opportunity because of a bad guess. It makes the perk kinda situational and only work in a good three-gen-scenario. But mostly because you only get one opportunity for a hook, it doesn't need such a short timer.
    As a killer you are already running against a time without any rest. You are the most stressed player on the game. And then to use a perk effectly you have to put yourself under a time pressure? Why?
    Timers make sense, when it comes to things like the exposed status effect. But even then the time pressure you are facing, when such a perk like Hounted Ground or MYC triggers outside of your control. You never know what you are doing, when it does and if you gonna benefit from it or not.