General Discussions

General Discussions

What ever happend to "if it aint broke dont fix it" ? like why messup stuff like this?

Member Posts: 194

to keep it short..

1) Emblem changes need to reverted . Im not sure what was teh problem with the old one. I dont mind any change as long as it doesnt impact que time for me thats all i ask.

2) Nerfing Plauge mov speed / lunge distance im not sure what got ninja nerfed but im not catching loopers even on their third loop after patc, i could mindgame and get a lunge hit before now its not happening..

3) instead of banning players for dcs why not give them an incentive to stay? like if your being camped give the player being hooked an incentive to hold on.. like if he scores atleast 700 struggle points and if he never gets rescued adn dies of 1 hook then he earns a token.. which he can spend on a 1 time use unlockable cosmetic that will only be active for 1 or 2 uses. the cosmetic can be a variation of legacy skin with different color or in game cosemtics.

at the top of my head i can think of few criteria thats worth rewarding unlockable cosmetic for a limited time use.

a) playing vs a devour hope or a nurse should reward some

b) if you spend more than a minute or 2 in downed state (slugging).

c) playing vs a mori offering without disconnecting.

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  • Member Posts: 2,015

    3 is such an odd idea.

  • Member Posts: 189

    so if u are gen rushed killer gets 3 tokens, if 3 gens are done while you hook 1st survivor u get 1 token and 15k bp for stress you go through, if someone dc's you get 5k bp per dc as if you killed him on 3 hooks... you're crying here like survivors have it hard in this ######### game. survivor is EZ! so what if you're being camped once or twice cuz you did 4 gens when he downed you. ofc he won't protect that 1 shity gen that 3 ppl are doing, he will protect the kill. grow up and git gud!

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I'd say replace the reward in 3 with significant blood point reward for staying in a hopeless match.

    Emblem changes would be fine if they did not change the match making and screw it up so bad. There was only one killer from the U.S. out of more than 60 lobbies? 250 ping in all but one. Lots of red rank killers in green and yellow matches. Unacceptable. How are these survivors supposed to get better when the lag is too high to play or a red rank is obliterating them? Ridiculously hard to pip like that.

    It made me feel better about playing killer though. Gave survivors one more killer in the U.S. since it is apparently just me and one other guy.

    Pretty good job so far......

  • Member Posts: 274

    give players a cosmetic when they are being camped? the fooq are you smoking?

  • Member Posts: 1,371

    This is "Dead by Daylight", not "Survivor Daycare". You are suposed to die, prove them wrong. That's all the motivation you get, no bloodpoints for being on the ground or getting caught

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    To keep it short:

    1) The emblem system was (and still is) fundamtentally flawed. Not every player should supposed to become rank 1 by just playing enough

    2) Not every killer is meant to be viable, stick to nurse I guess lul

    3) Just get queue time penalty for DCing like any other game...

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