Suggestion to punish and fix (face)camping



  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @Master said:
    Yawn im geting tired of these threads
    Facecamping has been removed ages ago....

    Are you sure about that ? Oh well, i am glad you don't know about how it's done then, less facecampers.

    You can still bodyblock survivors away from the unhook? Show videoproof pls

    You can block the unhook prompt, i get a couple of them daily "ummm russsians". I don't have a video proof and no time to do it really, but i am not the only one aware of that..

    No video proof, then it never happened.
    Guess those russians have been cheating because I am not able to bodyblock away from unhookign anymore

    Like i said, one less facecamper knowing about it. I don't really care if you believe it or not :) Most experienced killers know about it, i guess you are just new. Peace

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @Michael_Myers said:
    Good vid showing how useless camping is
    Video debunking a dishonest camping experiment

    Camping works but not mindless camping. At fking rank 2 I as Myers downed 2 people who were trying to make a save on one player I nearly 4ked but got outplayed by a kate who kicked my ass barely dodging my lunges. I nearly 4ked because of this.Exits gates were powered they could leave but i left that game with two kills because i camped the last survivor at rank 2. I had a game recently where an insidious leatherface 3ked despite my warnings to others players this was at rank 8. Camping works sometimes but if you mindlessly facecamp it won't work as well. Remeber you might say the gens being faster to complete counteracted camping but it didn't in fact it just made the situation even worse killers will see tow gens no ruin as a death sentence and just give up and camp the last player in hopes they can get one more players afterwards and salvage a 2k game. Camping makes it so time wasted hunting for survivors is not consumed. This is so important as time is a luxury in DBD.

  • Fengminni
    Fengminni Member Posts: 99

    Honestly, I think the best way as a Survivor to stop camping from happening is to actually punish it correctly. If they are camping, and you are on the hook, don't try to free yourself, and then struggle as long as possible. As the Survivors not hooked, if you see camping, immediately just do Generators. If everyone did this, eventually Killers would stop camping, because it won't work anymore. Yes, as the person hooked, it sucks that you essentially waste one match, but if literally everyone did this to punish camping, then after a while, it will stop happening. I think, though there may be something I'm over looking.

    Lmao this does not work against campers. All the campers that I have faced do not give a heck about the gen rushing while they are face camping they wait until the survivor is completely dead, until the very last second. They even ignore all of the survivors trying to lure him away. I am at rank 7 and killers still pull this facecamping crap, even more than at rank 20 smh.
  • Grimzy
    Grimzy Member Posts: 219

    They need to introduce a debuff to camping killers that works similar to exhaustion for survivors. Make them loose move speed or make them reduce damage so they need 3 hits to downa survivor and let it gradually degrade over time.

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184

    I just read the title of this thread and I'm already terrified to look at the replies LOL.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Grimzy said:

    They need to introduce a debuff to camping killers that works similar to exhaustion for survivors. Make them loose move speed or make them reduce damage so they need 3 hits to downa survivor and let it gradually degrade over time.

    You do realize that Mathieu Cote the game director likes and probably inspired camping right? Look at dev diary 3 for the quote.
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited August 2018

    @Peasant said:
    Grimzy said:

    They need to introduce a debuff to camping killers that works similar to exhaustion for survivors. Make them loose move speed or make them reduce damage so they need 3 hits to downa survivor and let it gradually degrade over time.

    You do realize that Mathieu Cote the game director likes and probably inspired camping right? Look at dev diary 3 for the quote.

    A little fun fact about that.
    Not everyone know but mathieu used to stream the game long ago.
    He used trapper and trapped under hook back when you could actually trap in a way that forced the rescuing survivor to disarm the trap or get trapped or having the hooked survivor get caught in the bear trap right away and most of the time I personnaly watched him play, he had insidious in his perk setup.

  • LRGamer
    LRGamer Member Posts: 160
    Grimzy said:

    They need to introduce a debuff to camping killers that works similar to exhaustion for survivors. Make them loose move speed or make them reduce damage so they need 3 hits to downa survivor and let it gradually degrade over time.

    Dead by Daylight - Camping is Part of The Game
  • All those saying "looping is a bigger problem" or "you get perks to help" obviously havent been in this situation. At least with looping you get to play or can CHOOSE to walk away. Camping just ruins gameplay for survivors. Ive been playing for the past 2 hours and been body camped by every killer.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Time to die on hook - 120 seconds
    Time to do generator solo - 80 seconds
    Survivors in game - 4

    Do the math

    You have your counter

    Stop training killers to camp and do what's right... DO THE FRACKING GENERATORS

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @Claudette_Baguette said:
    The game's priority should be to have fun. Camping, especially facecamping is one thing in this game that is absolutely no fun at all.

    You can get dowened at the start of a game and then camped until you are dead and you have no counterplay you can make. And no, genrushing in no counter because you still die and don't have fun. Also, it's a core game mechanic that you get saved my teammates so theres that.

    I'd suggest that if the killer spends too much time in a specific radius around the hook, the killer starts getting a debuff similar to exhaustion, mangled, etc. The closer and longer the killer is next to the hook the faster the debuff starts to fill up. Once the debuff circle is full, the killer could either get stunned (he can't do anything and is rooted in place) and loses vision for x seconds so that survivors can safely unhook the survivor and run away (easy fix). The killer would only get the debuff if the is not in a chase of course and the circle would only start to fill after 5 seconds of hooking a survivor.

    Another option would be that the killer gets teleported to a random spot on the map that is at least 48 meters away from the hook so survivors can unhook safely as well.

    Camping isn't fun and has been a core problem since release and it should be fixed.
    What do you think?

    awesome love it

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @mcNuggets said:
    Buff killers to be viable, stop looping and exploiting map mistakes and then we can talk about camping which is only a problem because killers are weak.

    looping IS REQUIRED TO SURVIVE if you respect pallets to not give us our 1000 points for stun then your stupid to not try and swing through a pallet and hit us as you get stunned i mean its broken that you guys can do this

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @Orion said:
    The only fix camping needs is for Survivors to stop rewarding it. You are not entitled to a free save.

    but your not entitled to a free kill soo.....

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @TeaLeaf said:
    Something I think to consider as well about camping as a strategy is if you commit to not camping survivors ... and I seen this when they see me playing by these arbitrary rules RUSH the dang hook. Some times I can't get more then 20 steps with out the survive getting un-hooked. I don't want this, I want you to sneak in there, carefully... cautious. I want you to take more time to rescue your friend so your not doing a gen. When you know the killer is forced away from the hook there is no fear, there is no caution, good little killer went away -.- now lets run tot he hook and get dem BPs.

    what if you have make your choice and we have were gonna make it and botnay knowledge and a medkit? we can heal our friend, not get instadowned and you also wont get your devour hope chip if you have that and many other things, i run self care, botaney knowledge, were gonna make it, sprint burst. along with usually a ranger medkit with a faster heal and add 10 charges

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @TeaLeaf said:
    Something I think to consider as well about camping as a strategy is if you commit to not camping survivors ... and I seen this when they see me playing by these arbitrary rules RUSH the dang hook. Some times I can't get more then 20 steps with out the survive getting un-hooked. I don't want this, I want you to sneak in there, carefully... cautious. I want you to take more time to rescue your friend so your not doing a gen. When you know the killer is forced away from the hook there is no fear, there is no caution, good little killer went away -.- now lets run tot he hook and get dem BPs.

    what if you have make your choice and we have were gonna make it and botnay knowledge and a medkit? we can heal our friend, not get instadowned and you also wont get your devour hope chip if you have that and many other things, i run self care, botaney knowledge, were gonna make it, sprint burst. along with usually a ranger medkit with a faster heal and add 10 charges

    Just few tips, Botany Knowledge and We'll Make It don't stack. Also the Emergency Aid Kit heals faster than the Ranger Medkit.
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767
    edited August 2018

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @mcNuggets said:
    Buff killers to be viable, stop looping and exploiting map mistakes and then we can talk about camping which is only a problem because killers are weak.

    looping IS REQUIRED TO SURVIVE if you respect pallets to not give us our 1000 points for stun then your stupid to not try and swing through a pallet and hit us as you get stunned i mean its broken that you guys can do this

    Camping IS REQUIRED for the killer TO WIN if you respect campers and still go for the unhook,then your stupid.
    I mean its stupid you guys can run in a circle and this for multiple minutes (if you know the map well and are skilled, which most survivors most likely including you are not) with almost no counter play to it.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    another cry thread about something that's not going to be punished cuz they just want to abuse the punishemnt.

  • Touken
    Touken Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2018

    another cry thread about something that's not going to be punished cuz they just want to abuse the punishemnt.

    Oh its the same dude who has nothing to say except for the same thing if ur not going to discuss stuff then leave 
  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    The killer isnt scary until he wont let you go huh?

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @TeaLeaf said:
    Something I think to consider as well about camping as a strategy is if you commit to not camping survivors ... and I seen this when they see me playing by these arbitrary rules RUSH the dang hook. Some times I can't get more then 20 steps with out the survive getting un-hooked. I don't want this, I want you to sneak in there, carefully... cautious. I want you to take more time to rescue your friend so your not doing a gen. When you know the killer is forced away from the hook there is no fear, there is no caution, good little killer went away -.- now lets run tot he hook and get dem BPs.

    what if you have make your choice and we have were gonna make it and botnay knowledge and a medkit? we can heal our friend, not get instadowned and you also wont get your devour hope chip if you have that and many other things, i run self care, botaney knowledge, were gonna make it, sprint burst. along with usually a ranger medkit with a faster heal and add 10 charges

    That is the thing though, its all unknown, its a gamble. That what makes it fun is the mind games. I want you to think about, and if you perk build for that your not for something eles. Maybe I do have make your choose, maybe I don't. What I am saying though is tactically tossing in a camp to throw people off, make them more cautious is a strategy in its self. Camp on the 2ed hook, and go after the survives that comes to help, don't camp on the 3ed and catch some on unaware at a gen! Camping can be used to keep a cat and mouse feeling... the problem is when like a A.I. the killer HAS to leave case it just isn't fair and must be shouted down after the match.. This type of camping isn't guarding a player tell he dies, its baiting a trap but to many survivors its no different then normal face camping and gets the same amount of salt.