Head On Is Way Too Inconsistent...

I literally got grabbed while fast vaulting with the perk on. Like seriously?. He wasn't even that far from the locker... And then another time it just didn't stun him and he was even closer -_-
That perk should indicate the area that will stun the killer, that's the only change it needs imo.
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And maybe have priority over a killer grab? This just seems like a waste of perk the way it is
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If you can properly stun the killer, he won't be able to grab you anyway though. If you can't, you took the risk and failed.
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Why even take a risk with that perk when it's so inconsistent when you can do better with others. This is a joke
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You have to time the perk perfectly since the stun starts once you finish leaving the locker.
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That does seem unfair imo
The idea is that you slam the door into the killers face. Which means the stun should activate when it connects with the killer.
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I agree with you, the fact it doesn’t makes it trash tier IMO.
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If killer is fast enough he can also damage you through it
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Apply directly to the forehead.
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I feel like it only works when killers walk towards the locker. Doesn't work when they walk sideways sometimes.
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Add in the fact that every lobby is 300 ping now and the doors to the locker might not open until you are on the hook.