An Idea for Perk Tiers


So, over time, the developers have been reducing the difference between perk tiers. They have been making them much more similar to the point where players don't think perk tiers even matter. I had a couple of ideas for this.

Perks would still have tiers, although they would be different. There were two main ways I thought of.

1. Perks at all tiers would be the same, however, they would give bloodpoints bonuses. Perk tier 1 would give no bonuses, tier 2 would be 15%, and 3 would be 25. This makes it so a full tier 3 load out would give 100% bonus bloodpoints. It would keep the tier system but improve the grind. Players that have tier 3 on perks would already have spent a lot of bloodpoints, this could help ease up the grind in their other characters, or allow them to prestige or keep leveling. Especially with the increased amount of perks coming out with new chapters, this could be a nice bonus to those who have grinded hard already.

2. This one is a lot more controversial. Perk tiers stay the same, but give emblem bonuses. Now, hear me out. The emblem system has been getting much more strict and more demanding. Players are less able to play how they want. Now, some may not like this, but what if we separated perks into categories for each emblem. We could make it so T1 gives a 1x bonus, or nothing, T2 a 1.5, and T3 a 2x bonus. Let's say, Decisive Strike counts as an Evader perk, and Borrowed Time counts as a Benevolent perk. This would help players rank up based more on their specialty, bandit would also increase perk diversity as running Technician would ease up on the demand for Lightbringer points. For killers, this works too, Brutal Strength and Enduring could help the Chaser emblem. I feel that this is balanced as builds that put many perks into the same category would not help with others. We could make it so that stacking perks of the same category could deplete other emblem points! Say, running Dead Hard and Decisive Strike at T3 would give you 4x chaser, but subtract a little bit from all the other categories.

Number one I feel to be a nice solution, which I think all might like. Number 2 I feel is a little controversial, and not all will like it. That's okay, I just want an answer to the perk tier question that has been increasingly asked lately.


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    1 is an amazing solution, you're a genius.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Me likes 1

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    I always thought that rarity system decided which perks would show up in the bloodweb based on their rarities.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    If they made perks have only one rank, it'd surely make the increasing grind less overbearing.