The casual player has no incentives anymore

I love this game, the fact that the devs have keep up with updates and new content is exactly how to keep this game relevant. Sadly this new ranking system is broken and yes I know that ranking up usually dose not matter but to a casual player it does. Ranking up is bragging rights when playing with friends or just a accomplishment for the few games you get to play each night. I know this may sound ridiculous to some people but the incentive to play for most casual players is to rank up either as killer or survivor, when you cant even pip to rank up because you lack the skills to accomplish everything at once (saving, doing gens, being chased, healing and breaking todems) your ultimately punished because your style of play is to do exactly your role and survive by staying hidden and doing gens. Sure occasionally you do a save and heal people but even that Grant's you no pip.

Out of 10 games I de piped 4x usually due to a DC and my team falling apart (1 or 2 if those games I did escape via hatch). I safely piped 5x and gained 1 pip 1x. There is no incentive anymore and frankly I now just play because I love the game and skip over wether or not I piped. People who play this game 5 or more hours a day may be able to rank up but sadly the people who can play a few hours will be doomed to live in lower ranks with baby killers and may one day rank up to a challenge but because of this new system a baby killer will get gen rushed and we will still not pip and will get that safety pip to be forever stuck where we are.

But hey! That's just my own opinion on this new ranking system and I will still be out there playing.
