
Why are there so many mid match disconnects (not connection problems but salt) haven't powered an exit gate in like 10 matches because of that one guy


  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    Oh golly, I'm sure they're sorry mister. Especially after all the pallet looping, abusing frame lock to flashlight them as they pick up a survivor, and down right being a toxic douch but golly, I'm sure they are very sorry mister.

  • rangerdanger0
    rangerdanger0 Member Posts: 41

    I have been getting this issue myself as a player.

    Never had this issue before this new content but now, I will get mid-game dc'd for no reason. I think it's a bug that I hope gets fixed soon.

  • Mcfred
    Mcfred Member Posts: 152

    They need to penalize people it's stupid

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    What really sucks is we lose Pips when a Killer DCs.

  • ssrjazz
    ssrjazz Member Posts: 71

    My group has noticed a lot of just random instances of the game randomly disconnecting for no apparent reason. We've been in a match and one of us just drops in the middle of trying to unhook someone or run across the map.