Survivor gameplay has become Frustrating



  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Please someone tell me this thread is bait…

    This @harry14141414 guy can't be serious about this:

    "you went too far with buffing killers to the point that every single match is now an atrocity. a freaking warzone with killers like legion plague specially … everyone is injured before we even do a single gen ! like how far will you go with helping killers out ? Imagine a perk that blocks gens for 120 seconds then also throw up on the unblocked gens with the add on to make your ######### last 60 seconds on it.. like DEVS ! pls !! wth are we doing ? why so much punishment to survivors??

    survivors sitting in corners self caring when sloppy is on …

    pls make this game fun for survivor as well …"

    Buffing killer? When did that happen?

    Legion and Plague are to powerful?

    Sloppy Butcher and Corrupt Intervention are an issue?

    That's the perspective of a 100 hrs newbie.

    The game is still in favor of the survivor and if you can't get a gen done before everyone is injured, you and your team are simply bad.

    And btw, getting injured is no measurement at all. Because single hits don't mean anything, as long as no one got hooked, no damage is done to the team.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    You basically said "Hey guys, I just saw a great killer lost a game so survivors OP". You obviously have a mindset that if you as killer don't get a 4k against every team, the game is survivor sided. I don't disagree that it used to be, but recent changes have made this game much more balanced between killers and SWF. Yes, even 4 rando that all play great can still do well, but good for them. The majority do not. And I rarely run into a well enough coordinated SWF that I don't at least 2k on.

    You shouldn't just ignore that player base that plays solo survivor because they will just get frustrated and quit and then you are stuck with no one to kill.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    Those changes are just some QoL things. The basic flaw of chase time versus gen time is still the same.

    Gens could get done in less than 3 minutes. Resulting in 4-5 minute matches and the killer can't do much about it, IF the survivor are decent (not "good", just "decent" is enough).

    Decent teams could escape with 3 survivor EVERY game, IF they don't fool around or do stupid over altruistic stuff.

    Average killer need survivor to make mistakes to win. Killer need to be waaaaay better/more skillful than survivor to actually "win".

    If both sides are on the same skilllevel, the survivor will win.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Those toptier survivors also demolished a toptier killer while running no perks ROFL, your argument is out the window.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Obviously more to it than that with skill checks of varying difficulty depending on hexes and since you are stuck in one spot for what feels like forever next to a loud noisemaker waiting for the killer to wander on over to find you. Then if you aren't a total idiot you'll be doing gens that need to get done, so you don't leave a 3 gen strat or dangerous gens left for end game. You know what - maybe killers should have to hit skill checks while carrying someone to the hook. Killers don't have to deal with enough skill checks.

    Killer was way easier for me than solo survivor - but it is more boring, you basically play all killers the same way - find survivors, down survivors. There's at least some variety with random groups seeing if you can get that exit gate open.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    As they should. My argument is, thats exactly what SHOULD happen.

    No scrub killer should win against optimized 4-swf groups. Only the best killers should have a chance at that. And as the depip squad showed (as every noob only knows them), tryhard nurses beat them. Toptier huntresses pipped against them.

    So given a fair competition, its more balanced than people think.

    Also, didnt Nurse 4k most matches at the official dbd tournament? With facecamping? Unbeatable 4-swf groups lol. Ez tunnelcamp

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550


    I don't see how you can call reducing pallet numbers, proximity to each other and removal of the pallet vacuum QoL. And those changes absolutely reduced the chase time.

    If I have enduring and spirit fury and spirit fury is active, I can hit a full health survivor through a pallet, I'm stunned for 1 second and then have the second hit on them in 3 seconds. Chase time reduced. You say drop the pallet early? That means they went around that loop less times than they used to be able to. Chase time reduced.

    That's just one example.

    The games I get "gen rushed" are when I'm not focusing on survivors that are on gens. When I down and hook someone, I don't hard or soft camp, I go to the gen I either see a survivor on think they are on. When their team unhooks, I don't race back to the hook, I focus on spreading pressure to keep survivors off of the gens.

    That doesn't mean I never have a game that doesn't feel like it was over fast. But usually those games I made too many mistakes and sometimes, I just face survivors that are better than me.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    The first two points I can kinda agree, for the third I cannot.

    I personally find Survivor as casual and Killer as competitive.

    Killer is still very difficult, the devs didn't buff them as much as you say they did.

    About your complaint about the Plague keeping gens "blocked" for 60 seconds, take risks, the gen is not blocked, you can still work on it. It does give you a disadvantage, but who cares? Get on the gen with your pals, complete it and cleanse yourself if the Broken effect is that big of a deal for you.

    If you escaped only 3 times it's most likely because you made mistakes, killers rely on survivors' mistakes to win a chase, unless they are Nurse, Huntress or Plague with the Corrupt Purge. And since in those 14 other games either all died or one got the hatch then the killers must have been good at mind games.

    Just please don't blame the devs just because you had a bad day, if that is the case.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @MhhBurgers why do people like yourself keep bringing that old video up?

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550


    I play both roles. In killer vs 4 solo, yes I find it easier for the killer. In killer vs 4 SWF, I give the advantage to SWF but the gap is much less than it used to be.

    There are two types of killers in this thread. Those that think the game is balanced when they can 4k most of the time. The other are those that feel the game is balanced at 2k.

    The thread started because the OP was frustrated with solo survivor. I don't agree with their specific points made, but I do agree solo survivor is a lot more frustrating than killer.

    I feel, many of the recent changes that have closed the balance gap between SWF and killer have widened the balance gap between 4 solo and killer.

    Some of us have been giving suggestions about how to make this game better for everyone, others just care about one side.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @MhhBurgers Wait - did Baefu start streaming again? (Sorry for the off-topic)

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    No amount of changes makes up for not using perks dude.

  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334
  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    So for example, you would say the exhaustion nerf is not a buff to killer gameplay? The DS nerf? The Brand New Part nerf?

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    Nope, those were not enough buffs, it's still lopsided for anything that isn't billy/nurse. I'll say it again and again, nerf billy and nurse then HEAVILY nerf survivors. Buffing 12 killers is unrealistic and nothing can even come close to match current nurse/billy unless you completely redesigned their whole kits. For starters almost ALL maps either need to be MUCH smaller or standard killers need a way to put pressure on the maps through presence. Also give survivors way more ways to lose a killer if we're gonna nerf the idiotic looping. Breaking a chase is MUCH more fun than running around the same pallet 3 times anyways.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    The first and last buffs were implemented in 2.1, which was the best patch and when the most people were playing DBD. The DS nerf was all killers got this patch, and even then it's still ridiculously powerful in the endgame.

    I've lost games as both survivor and killer where I know I just got outplayed because the person would actually be really smart and/or really good at looping. But most of my losses as killer lately have been me trying anything I possibly can to just slow the damn game down and failing because of map design and gen times. Solo queue only sucks because most survivors are terrible at the game, that's pretty much all there is to it. Keep buffing solo, and you'll buff swf to ridiculous levels. And NOTHING is more frustrating than being in a situation where your skill/actions don't affect the outcome. For most killers (unless the survivors are terrible and/or you use broken add-ons), that's where DBD is. That's a big problem, and much of why most killers have left.

    This. If survivors can escape easily with zero perks against a decked-out killer, that's an issue. Period.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Yeah. I think bp offering in general should be 100% for a brown, 150% for yellow, and 200% for green. You spend 3k for a brown bp offering and at most you're only going to gain 4k for a net of 1k bp. Most games you're probably at a net loss. What in the hell is even the point to use them other than that they're in your inventory.

    So much wasted offerings and items in the blood web. Why is a brown tool box 3k and also and add-on to increase charges by 15 also 3k. That doesn't even make sense. Honestly, I'd just prefer to spend 25k per level of perk and find items in-game.

    I get that the grind is important in keeping players playing the game, but it really is out of hand.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    What do you consider a loss?

    You can give buffs to solos in the form of information that SWF already has without adding much benefit to them.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    0-1k is a loss. 2k is a draw. 3k and 4k are wins.

    The only solo buff you can give that doesn't buff swf is giving survivors in-game vc with each other. That's it.

    Anything other than that will buff swf even more. Balance around swf and implement in-game vc.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    So there you have it. The game could be in a such a state that it was impossible for any survivor to escape and you would still think more killer buffs are needed. You aren't concerned about balance, you just want to face stomp every match.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I agree with your loss assessment. Personally, I rarely get less than a 2k, even at rank 1. I doubt I go up against less SWFs than you, as I don't dodge lobbies unless the ping on multiple survivors is red.

    I don't want in game voice comms and I disagree with you that this is the only way to close the gap between SWF and solo. Also, if you are reading the posts between the the OP and now, you'll see I also stated once the gap is much less, there may need to be more tweaks to the survivor/killer balance.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    I don't dodge. I've been rank 1 so many times that back when we at rank 1 were waiting 20-30 minutes for a lobby, I'd do college schoolwork while waiting for games. I've played rank 1 on both sides for multiple seasons, I even hit rank 1 this season with the ######### emblem system as killer, but a few bad games has dropped my rank to high 3-mid 2.

    I would hate vc as well in the game, but I don't see how else you can close the gap between swf and solo. Because the biggest problem with solo is most solo players are just bad. I've been in swfs before where we purposely don't use voice comms and we still wreck killers. Don't know how else I can say that most solo players need to git gud.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550


    Here was the post with some of the things I've seen suggested that I feel will help without buffing SWF because they can get it through comms. There are many more ideas out there.

    I to have played rank 1 on both sides for multiple seasons. I find the new rank system easier to level up on killer than survivor, mostly because I have to compete for rank points with three other survivors.

    Yep there are some bad survivors. They need to improve. I'm not saying you said you don't, but if a killer can't on average, kill 2 people in a match, you need to git gud. A 2 kill average would be balance.

    Yep I believe it is harder to do against an SWF than a solo because solo lacks information that SWF has. I definitely do not feel it is because SWF players have more skill because I have seen some great solos and some terrible SWF survivors.

  • Sunstellar
    Sunstellar Member Posts: 13

    "sOuNdS LikE a lOt oF gItTiNg GuD neEdS To HapPeN tBh"

  • leighia88
    leighia88 Member Posts: 3

    I wish they would change solo play where you can have a mic. That's the main problem is when you create a party and team up with friends, then the game is balanced because you communicate as a team. On solo no one is working as a team. Without the survivors teaming up properly it's a massacre every time. I can't even play with 1-2 friends. I waited over an hour for a match yesterday trying to play with one single friend. Unless I have 4 players ready to go, it's pointless. They need to make it where you have the option to use your mic on the team. Just like fortnite does when you play squads. Then the weak perks wouldn't be so bad.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "you went too far with buffing killers to the point that every single match is now an atrocity"


    "I played 17 games today as survivor, I escaped 3... I BAD WORD escaped three times."

    This is a skill issue. I'm escaping probably 90% of my games at red ranks.

    "pls make this game fun for survivor as well ..."

    I think you are mixing up the word survivor with killer.

    Points 1 and 2 are the only ones with any actual validity to them and I can agree on.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    Point number 3 is so wrong in so many ways. You are entitled to get a gen done before everyone is injured? That’s what you’re implying when you say it’s a problem that everyone is injured before a gen is done.

    And legion is SLOW. He has to hit with frenzy, stun himself, and chase you 110% speed while you loop, pallet stun, etc. and then he has to hit you with a normal attack. That’s a lot more work than any other killer in the game at the moment.

    Plague is cheeks, nerfed to death by demand of the people who don’t want to learn how to play against killers.

    Killers aren't over buffed, gameplay wise, they’re ok where they are now in the case of most of the roster. Rank wise? Busted. Needs to change. Ranking is too difficult and the play style is forced, bland, and counterproductive.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    Yet even with as “buffed” as killers have supposedly been, the games still go way too fast and they have to rely on either OP killers/builds or bad survivor plays just to 2k. That or play like a jerk.

    Survivor is easier. Solo just sucks sometimes because it’s a crap shoot where most survivors are out for themselves.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    here's my opinion on your 3 main points:

    1- there is multiple reasons for that. one being, that you gain many BPs if you have a lot of action going on. no action = few BP. as an example: sitting on a gen for 80 seconds, holding M1 = 1250 BPs. pressing space at the right time in a chase = 1000 BP. Since there are 4 Survivors, the amount of points is split up between the 4 of them, while the single killer has the entire BP pool for himself. also, the Killers point cathegories are all about chasing (hooking, chasing, using the power during a chase, breaking defences down). the survivors cathegories are each one a seperate task (healing, repairing, chasing and surviving). its only logical that the kiler will make more points...

    2- that needs to be adressed and fixed asap.

    3- survivors are still the superior role though. imo a single survivor should not be enough to overpower the killer by looping them and wait for the genrush to happen.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Never saw the point of getting bent out over 1-shots, mori, or even tunneling. I play as if its a 1 hook life and no selfcare. It pushes me to improve in the areas where personal skill actually matters without the reliance on additional chances. Killer is meant to be threatening and their features partly help in a predictably countable system. In all I find playing solo survivor to be the most relaxing method of enjoying this game. Yes swf is easier but other voices just annoy me in most cases ruining my experience.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Assuming survivors stack all the powerful perks, yeah it can be easy, but I don't do that in the hopes of getting better. It hasn't worked so far, but I don't use Self-Care, Exhaustion perks, any form of stun, endurance, or killer aura reading perks (though I occasionally run Spine Chill). My big choices are Borrowed Time, Kindred, Empathy, Lightweight, We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge, Technician (which is broken atm), and sometimes WGLF so I can learn the perks of new characters I unlocked.

    It really sucks with some killers, especially in the lower ranks where they're running all the nasty perks together. On top of a team of solos who try to help, but often I die on 1st hook since no one ever comes to rescue (or maybe they just dislike Jane? I can't see that, she's awesome). I'm also really, really bad. Killers have it so easy against people of my skill level yet the rank system is designed such that I'm purple and people expect better of me. I actually set a new record of chase today so I am making progress, but it's not like killer's don't have strong perk combinations either.

    Good killers vs. overly-altruistic teammates is a bad combo. The thing is, you want your teammates to be really helpful, just not to the point where you're all laying there dead because you couldn't hold back for a few moments. I wish for a perkless mode, or maybe a week where everyone plays without them so we each can see how it runs, how powerful the perks actually are, and which ones we'd like to use. Information can be a powerful tool in a game like this, so do you take those (Bond, Kindred, Dark Sense, etc) or do you take DS, Self Care, Sprint Burst, or something that helps you deal with the killer directly? It's good to have a big pool so the choice is difficult and therefore more important. If there were only a couple, everyone would be the same and every match would as well.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    just stop as I sensed youre defending Legion. LMAO you gotta be kidding me

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited April 2019

    I am defending him. He doesn’t need a nerf because you aren’t experienced enough to counter the worst killer in the game.

    And of course you’ll write a wall of text, expect everyone to read it, and not even hear anyone out on their feedback because they oppose your idea.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    I'm pretty sure I did not oppose you, as I didnt even read what you said till the end. I'm pretty sure no survivor main will try to even argue with someone who thinks Legion is fine .

    you must be fun at parties my guy :D

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited April 2019

    I oppose your views dude. Don’t write a wall of text and not even have the decency to read a few paragraphs. That’s annoying. And I’m great at parties, I’m the guy that knows what he’s talking about.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    I dare you create a post RN and in it say Legion as he is now is fine and they should stay in the game comment yes if agree or no if disagree

    lets see how many yes's and no's youll get.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited April 2019

    It’s been said countless times already that people just find him boring to play against. He’s not powerful at all. Just weak and barely a threat.

    And you dare me? Are you serious? Haven’t heard that since pre-school.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited April 2019

    what a great counter argument.... we’re done here.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    oh Im sorry I wasnt trying to argue with anyone I was just being nice. I guess its something you dont like to be? nice ?

    however if you really want me to counter what you said, you pretty much made it sound like Legion is totally fine then after couple of replies you admit that people find him boring to play against. thats where it ended for me so I ended it .

    so Im really not sure what you think now, IS LEGION FINE OR BORING TO PLAY AGAINST?

    Generally speaking

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    As a survivor main I find him fun to play against.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Killers should get less points or make survivors get the same points as the killers that will fix the issue or make were gonna live forever can get stack by healing someone or doing gens wity someone the other points that you said its meh maps are ok if you know were are the good loops and safe pallets billy and nurse are getting a full rework on there addons so that ok bug i hope that arent way to powerful but the problem right now its legion needs to get reworked first now i know that ppl wanted first freddy rework or leatherface but we all know that legion its cancer and we cannot counter play against him

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Survivors games will keep being frustrating and unbearable as long as I play as killer ;-)

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited April 2019

    I remenber when We're Gonna live forever first got released and a ######### tonne of killer just switched to survivor, because why bother playing killer and dealing with infinite when you could play survivor infinite the killer and get more bloodpoint than them.

    The wait time for survivor skyrocketed and I literally stopped playing the game for a month because having 30+ minute wait time wasn't worth it.