Survivor gameplay has become Frustrating

harry14141414 Member Posts: 356
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

pls fix the issues we are facing when playing survivor

1- cant get good amount of BP as a survivor like we do when we play killer

2- every other map someone rage quits

3- you went too far with buffing killers to the point that every single match is now an atrocity. a freaking warzone with killers like legion plague specially … everyone is injured before we even do a single gen ! like how far will you go with helping killers out ? Imagine a perk that blocks gens for 120 seconds then also throw up on the unblocked gens with the add on to make your ######### last 60 seconds on it.. like DEVS ! pls !! wth are we doing ? why so much punishment to survivors??

survivors sitting in corners self caring when sloppy is on …

pls make this game fun for survivor as well ...

it's so hard for me to accept the fact that if I want some good amount of BP and fun, I gotta play killer.

I never play swf I'm always in purple- red ranks …

I played 17 games today as survivor, I escaped 3... I BAD WORD escaped three times.

and most of the matches ended either all 4 dead or someone gets the hatch and 3 dead .

I have 3574 hours in this game.

PS: Comment whatever you want but be respectful. I am stating a personal opinion if you wanna discuss it I'll be more than happy

Post edited by harry14141414 on


  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    The first 2 are a legit issue for me, 3rd is meh, a lot depends on how you and your team play.

    I will sit and self care in the corner because for some reason there always seems to be that one person who can't hit a normal skill check.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    IMHO killer is harder, point 1 & 2 I agree with. I wish we would do double bp every other week.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141


  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    let's not forget the frozen loading screen when loading in a match. the times i had to close dbd through task manager because of this has been too frequent after the graphics update. I think this is a major problem too.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    If what you say is true, and I'll believe it is, then I'm eager to listen or read *your* opinions on balance issues, since you've already put the hours in.

    I'm not saying everyone else has an invalid opinion. I'm literally saying your opinion has more weight when it is an informed one. An opinion based on solid foundations, as opposed to just knee-jerk reactions to a streak of bad matches.

    And yes, if someone with 10 hrs poured into the game is going to talk about balance, he certainly has the right to do so, but everyone else has also the right to dismiss uninformed opinions as such.

    BTW, I agree with you to a certain point. Solo survivor is harder than Killer facing solos, yes.

    But I would add, Killer is way harder facing efficient SWF's.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Vaults, really? I'll tell you this, I read it in another thread but really don't remember who posted it:

    Walk through your nearest open window with a hammer, or knife. Place yourself at the window frame and extend your arm in front of you. Now tell me if hitting through vaults is, or isn't fair. They're not vaulting a portal to another dimension, after all.

    The pallet test would be way more dangerous to recreate, but the concept is the same. Add latency.

    And even then, yes, hook them. Still, the challenge won't end right there.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Vaults and Pallets aren't suppose to be safe-spots that you never get hit on.

    It's not like survs have enough braindead un-mindgameable spots on the maps anyways.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    Survivors are unlikely to get more bp than the killer unless there is a serious mismatch of skill or the killer is an afk bot (in which case it's still a mismatch of skill since afk has no skill).

    Survivors can get more bp per minute than killers if the survivors focus on it.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Warlock_2020 BP economy and the general grind in this game is absolutely insane. I agree with your points about survivor BP gain being a joke, especially when compared to the expenditure of each match if you go in with a full loadout. But at least survivors can keep their stuff, if they actually survive, as opposed to killers who lose it every match. And even then, I choose to go into matches with only offerings when I play surv, because yes there's a high chance I'm getting killed. And I use white wards when I really want to keep my stuff.

    Theoretically, survivors can join matches immediately after getting killed, and I guess this assumption played a huge role when balancing BP economy. The truth is, they will stare at their screens for 10 - 20 minutes before joining another lobby. So yes, BP gain should be adjusted under current conditions.

    The thing is, all those killers who were pushed into playing the role just for the BP gain, will just turn back to playing survivor, knowing they will get a lot more points now. This will affect lobby times even more.

    Which takes us to the core of the issue: *there aren't enough players willing to play killer*. When I play killer (I'm on PS4), I get full lobbies in less than 2 minutes. 30 seconds are enough 80% of the time. When playing survivor, I have a book next to me, and sometimes I even forget I was playing DBD while reading through whole chapters.

    Why does this happen? There's a huge balance issue affecting the game.

    Allow me to non-quickly express my thoughts:

    The low ranks, as you stated and I agree completely, are dominated by killers, even the weak ones. Butchering almost everyone every single time. I know it because I was once a beginner, and then I stopped playing surv for 4 or 5 months approx, in which I got deranked all the way back to R17 and experienced the pain again. Potatoing, hard camping, guys trying to act like their favorite streamer, etc, etc. I only play solo, BTW.

    The high ranks are dominated by the SWF tryhards, which BTW are way more than 1%, I know it because I don't dodge lobbies and face them constantly. I even know many of their names by now. It's really hard to keep up with them if you're not playing Billy (PS4, again) with his best add-ons. People whine about dodging, about Billy, and about SWF. What a mess.

    Perks that are good for beginners and terribly OP for experienced players, mechanics that are good for beginners but completely exploitable for veterans, etc.

    Then you have the deranking and smurfing scum on both sides, even encouraged by their streaming masterminds.

    Plus, you have a truckload of bugs, DC's (again, encouraged or at least not punished harshly enough) and on top of it, toxicity.

    We're left with the current state of the game.

    What would I propose? Balance around ranking brackets. Consider hours logged in at each role to make a beginner-only friendly environment. The low ranks would feature easy skill checks, more info displayed in the HUD, more forgiving mechanics for survivors, such as longer hook states and shorter healing. Extra BPs (not some meaningless emblem) for killers that apply pressure and spread out punishment instead of camping. A good tutorial! Players won't climb out of this environment through pips, but through player account level (which is, more or less, time poured into the game = matches played).

    Mid ranks would feature vanilla DBD. Now you pip and rank up normally.

    High ranks would feature additional mandatory objectives (not optional or secondary), harder skill checks (QTE for example), 1 extra perk slot for Killers and solo Survivors. *Perhaps* a limited perk pool. HIDING the names of the players, so there's no chance of bypassing the SWF/solo filters.

    LOCK the rankings once you reach tresholds. That way there's never going to be a full repertory tier III perk Billy terrorizing people at R15 just because he dc'ed a lot, or a 2000 hrs Claudette 4Squad teabagging Trappers there. The only way of drastically deranking would be not logging in for months straight.

    And, you get the idea. It almost sounds as a new game to me, very hard to accomplish. But there. That's my opinion on balance. If you read it, thanks a lot, I won't put you through it ever again.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550
    edited March 2019


    I do agree with you that a well coordinated SWF can wreck a killer, though I see few coordinated SWFs. A great killer can also wreck a coordinated SWF, watch Zubat, Fungoose, or Sverkeren for some examples.

    One of the biggest problems in balancing the game is how much more information an SWF group gets vs a solo group. So to me, the first step is lessening the gap between solo and SWF. There have been lots of ideas posted on the forums on how to do this. I'll list a few things I like that would help.

    1)Make bond and kindred base kit for survivors.

    2)Add a beacon survivors could drop for pointing out important finds, hex totems to be specific that you cant cleanse because the killer is on you. There is a map addon that allows you to do this so it is definitely possible.

    3)Add a totem counter that shows survivors how many are left. This would be if NOED stays in the game. I'll talk about that a little later.

    Once you close the solo to SWF gap, then you can better evaluate the true balance between killer and survivor and make adjustments as needed. There will definitely need to be some map tile changes. Here a just a few balance changes I feel need to be fixed now.

    Hitboxes need some work. I have had my share of "how did that hit" on both survivor and killer even in the open field. I don't agree with the hits through a dropped pallet. Especially with the enduring/spirit fury combo. If I hit them and have spirit fury available, I am back up immediately and they are down seconds later.

    Some of them through a window seem off. I see you responded earlier to a post stating this can happen in real life. I don't disagree that we should be able to hit if they are standing against the window on the opposite side, but sometimes I will get downed a full second after I vaulted and am away from the window. Some of this is lag and some of this is tweaks needed to the hitboxes. Also, my opinion would be to stay away from the real world arguments because this is a game.

    I would get rid of any instadown perk or addon in the game, NOED, Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, Insta hatchet and bottles, etc. On the flip side, I would also get rid of inta heals and adrenaline. If NOED stays, then the totem counter is needed for solos. It is easy to say, just cleanse the totems. Even if every solo survivor in the match had that in mind, we would all be running around the map for 3 minutes checking all of the totem spawn spots because we don't know if someone else cleansed it or not.

    There are many more things but this is getting to be a long post so the last thing I'll add is we as individuals need to think about how we play affects the other side. As survivor, it is not fun to be camped and tunneled because it doesn't let me play the game, and this happens in well over 50% of my matches. I get that people feel it is a strategy, but if we continue to only worry about if we have fun or not, people are going to continue to D/C and continue to leave the game. This is why a lot of killers experience long queue times when BHVR have it set up to match to rank. There are not enough survivors to killers. I'm sure you can admit, you don't like going against 3 survivors because one quit and I'm sure you don't like long queue times. They are quitting because the game is not fun for them. They are D/Cing if they are the first found because they know there is a high chance they will be camped and/or tunneled and their solo survivors will all be crouched behind a tree, not doing gens, or cleansing totems or anything that will punish the killer for their play strategy.

    Edit: I just saw your above post. I play on PC and XBox. Killer queues on those platforms are longer for me so that is how I based my opinions. I will say that killer on a controller is harder than on PC. I'm not sure how to compensate for that, but might be what attracts so many to play survivor on Playstation.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Red_Beard I guess we were both typing our DbD Phd papers at the same time, but I've read yours now. Definitely I encourage you to read mine above too, because perhaps we can take some real good points about both posts.

    I agree with your opinion on BS hits, which sound more like a problem of lag and latency and hopefully could get fixed with dedicated servers soon.

    Hitboxes are a big issue, both for hits and for the current looping-as-meta. Definitely if hitboxes are going to be tinkered with, maps will have to feature different layouts that allow stealth and loss of sight as more viable strategies for survs, and killers that know to run angles and develop prediction skills would be rewarded too. I would welcome that kind of changes since I'm really sick of watching everyone stupid Tom & Jerrying around. I don't engage in long chases ever, but I'd welcome the changes anyway.

    Extra info for solos - yes. I also suggested an extra perk slot for solos and killers when there's any SWF coming into play, and mandatory additional objectives.

    About all the instastuff and cruth perks, well I guess they can be reviewed after there's a solid foundation of balance in place.

    Hopefully someone in the dev team or mods could read your suggestions. I think they're way more constructive than the usual "this sucks, that's trash, us vs them"

    Have a nice evening.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    4.8k hours and you're still bad?

    man just give up at that point, that's kinda sad

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Condorloco_26 I think you are absolutely right about balancing by rank and have said so in the past. Unfortunately, many in thos forum did not like that idea. Heck, limit certain perks to certain ranks. That gives some benefit to ranking up. If I can't run NOED or Adrenaline until rank 9, that is good reason to want to get there. Or just limit the tier that can be used at each rank.

    I'd say to add a stamina system for long chases, but that could increase tunneling.

    Either way, more discussions like this are needed and not the usual us vs them.

    Oh, and I've grown to like killer more than survivor. Won't switch back, but might play more if they upped BP. I am a glutton for punishment though, I main Trapper. I love the strategic side of placing traps where they are not expected.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Warlock_2020 Yeah I like Trapper a lot too. Props to you on not getting discouraged playing him.

    And discussions like this one will hopefully get more attention some day. It's good to know there are players interested in the balance and health of the whole game.

    Have a nice evening too.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Survivor is frustrating because teammates are ######### Sandbagging pieces of ######### that get away with it on top of bad killers face camping

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    I dont think survivors have enough progress bars. They need to spend more time standing still holding m1.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    It's weeks like these that remind me how nice of a killer I am. Holy #########, I thought I was being mean sometimes... I got nothin' on some of these guys.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Besides the bp topic, you are describing only bad play of survivors. That's just how it is when you play solo surv. Sometimes you get good mates, sometimes your mates selfcare against Legion with Sloppy Butcher.

    If the survs play bad, it's not the devs' fault. If playing with random teammates frustrates you too much, play SWF.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356
    edited March 2019

    you may or may not have started the game a month ago.. Ive been playing since beta.. and go read the patch notes from 1st to last and tell me if they did not buff the killers at all times .

    now go spend some time in the game before you comment with childish expressions like " ######### is this thread "

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    And with all the buffs it's still impossible to 4k for killers against decent survivors, wow. Buffs are worthless if the game is still broken.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    its really not that often they you verse a team of good survivors .. as killer I 90 percent of the time verse easy survivors

    trust me guys half of ppl in rank 1 don't even know how to loop a jungle gym they throw the pallet quickly

    this game should stop buffing killers. period

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @harry14141414 A game has to be balanced around its top players, not around bad or mediocre or relatively good players. That's not exclusive to DbD.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    1- what If I don't have friends on steam or online in general

    2- if more than 75 % of survivors self care against legions with sloppy that means devs SHOULD look at the problem . not just say like you said.. ooooh its ur fault ...not the devs

    3- thanks for agreeing with the bp issue which is frustraiting

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Then make yourself strong for ingame voice comms, I dont understand why solo survivors should be handicapped either.

    Unfortunately the majority of the communtiy wants the SWF-advantage to stay and dont want the game to be balanced around voice comms.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    You lost all credibility in your thread when I read your 3rd point..

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @harry14141414 It's not a problem to find people willing to play with you. If you meet a random good player in-game, then just ask them if they want to play together from time to time. I've met several people this way. (Alternatively, you can ask here in the forum for fellow players.)

    And if 75% of the survs selfcare against Legion, then these 75% have to learn how to play better. Yes, it's the survs' own fault if they play bad. Sometimes it's that simple. That's why I am suggesting SWF for you if random mates frustrate you too much.

  • Matcuskilgannon
    Matcuskilgannon Member Posts: 38

    I play Survivor mostly and outside of Legion just being an unfun killer, your point #3 is absolutely wrong.

    #1 - 100% agree. With BBQ & Chili, there is no reason to play survivor for blood points when top-peak gameplay nets maybe 25K BP and a half-good killer round with BBQ nets 70k+ BPs.

    The discrepancy is just ridiculous.

    #2 - 100% agree as well. There needs to be legitimate punishments in both BP loss & temp bans for quitters (preferably both methods). It's getting really annoying having a team mate salty quit in the first minute because they got caught.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    The game isn't meant to be balanced at 4 kills and 0 escapes. Also, players like Zubat, Fungoose, Sverkeren, even Scott Jund will prove you wrong about cant get a 4k against SWF. Is if tough to 4k against good players? Yes. Should it be? Yes.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    IMagine feeling this way for 2 years...

    On the frustrating part... but you main killer.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    just because some one has another opinion doesn't mean they lose credibility.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    Killing randoms is something that literally everybody can do, SWF does not automatically mean they will play optimal. Survivors who play optimal cannot be beat unless you play billy/nurse and that's just a fact.

    btw it's funny that you mention scottjund because he got schooled by a SWF that is in his level. Zubat got schooled by Baefu's group when he played plague.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    4xswf toptier survivors who play optimal and make no mistakes SHOULD win.

    If you take toptier material, combine them, optimize them and play a match against random r1 killers, they SHOULD win.

    One the other hand, take a toptier killerplayer, give him a killer of his choice and let him play matches against random r1 survivors, the killer SHOULD win.