Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

[Long List] Suggestions for the Store, UIs, Daily Rituals etc.

ComelyStar Member Posts: 187
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Some of these suggestions might only be minor but I believe they would make a few things easier, hassle-free and more fun. If anyone has any suggestions or improvements regarding my propositions, please don't hesitate to comment. I know some people will have already suggested similar things, but I like to have my own neat list.


Allow to view different items together, eg. a torso with another bottom cosmetic
    ► People want to see how certain things look together before committing to one specific colour/design

Custom Auric Cells-only Outfit Purchases, eg. having three cosmetics from different outfits and applying a varying discount based on the overall price and rarity of the items
    ► It's probably not something people are calling for but not everybody likes an entire set of an outfit but would rather do a pick-and-mix, a 10% discount like on standard outfits only seems fair for a big purchase

When switching to the store, switch directly to the catalogue of the survivor/killer that is on your screen
    ► It's pretty annoying having to click through all those different pages all the time when people most probably always want to look for cosmetics of the character they have already selected


Allow character rotation in the character menu, OR show already owned cosmetics from events/DLCs in the store
    ► It would be nice to be able to examine all cosmetics, from events or even past DLCs, from all angles. At the moment, we can't even see (some don't even know of) some of the writings/pictures on some of the Charity Case cosmetics

Expand the customization window to 3 rows instead of 2 in characters customization menus,
    ► Why waste all that space? It's such a hassle to click through all those pages with tiny rows when most cosmetics are owned (or maybe make it like the survivors menu with a scrollbar that goes up and down rather than different pages)
Example picture:

Add an overall perk counter next to INVENTORY/PERKS so survivors/killers get an idea where they are standing with what's available to them and what they already have
    ►v1: 76/159 - representing the overall amount of levels you have to do to have all possible perks on tier 3 (159) and how many levels you have already done to get there (76)
    ►v2: 34/53 - representing how many perks are already owned regardless of which tier they are at OR only counting those that are already at tier 3, so 34 being at tier 3 out of 53 possible perks
Example picture:

Add a 'randomize perks' button that lets the game choose a random set of perks, just for fun
Example picture:


Special Rituals with special rewards that have a slim chance at appearing or show up after completing a certain task(?)
    ►With bloodpoints being so easy to obtain and the reward on daily rituals being relatively slim, allow special rituals that only have a small chance of appearing that reward you with a lot more bloodpoints or shards or even experience points

Mixed/Different reward daily rituals that can either award you with bloodpoints, iridescent shards or EXP or maybe even a combination of two
    ► Right now, in my opinion, daily rituals do not feel rewarding at all, so even just a slight change such as 20K bloodpoints with 100 shards/100 EXP or only awarding one of the two latter ones would feel a lot more rewarding without being blown out of proportions. We need more ways to earn shards/EXP points other than matches or daily rewards for playing

Daily Rituals Countdown for either individual rituals or for all 3 together that replaces all rituals after 24 hours of activation
    ► They are not really daily rituals, if they are not all completed or replaced daily, so if players waste their chance, they have to hope for something good to come up next

Balance out the survivor/killer daily rituals ratio or allow survivors to choose between only receiving survivor or killer rituals
    ► Right now, it's feels so forced and tedious to only ever get daily rituals for the side that you play the least and for the characters that you play the least. Quite often I personally end up with survivors and killers that don't take their matches seriously because they just want to complete a daily ritual with a character that is not equipped properly. That should not be the spirit.


  • "Disconnection from Host"-message is my personal vendetta, please make the window smaller and easier to remove, maybe turning it into a pop-up message in the corner that can be removed but will also fade out automatically after a while
        ► I often get dodged 20 to 30 times in a row because I'm a legacy Meg and I have some 2.6K hours. I can handle and understand the dodging but having to click away this new, super intrusive message by clicking directly on "OK" 20 times in a row is EXTREMELY annoying and tedious. It's sucking all the fun right out of it, I just want to find another lobby straight away.