"Git Good"
Git better
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My point proven ^^
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Don't mind me, just collecting the tears for my brew.
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Yeah why don't they say Git Worse? So like, GW Git Worse, cause they want you to get worse instead of good, because if they git good, then they'll eventually git gudder than you and then they'll tell YOU to git good, so instead say Git Worse so you can always win. GG EZ GIT WORSE
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What the hell are you people talking about.
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When someone says Got Good, they have no come back for the thread been posted....is like a doctor during medical studies to get good...we learn through experience....but people who say git good just are those types of grammar nazis!
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I don't understand the point of this thread are we complaining about people who say git gud?
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@DudeDelicious YES thank you!!!
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Sir/Ma’am you spelled git gud wrong. It is a stupid phrase though.
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I spelled good wrong? o.O oh no no no no, i am not resolving to that, is like when people say "laffs" ugh.....
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Yes, in that case they need to git gud ASP
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Its actually git gud.