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Could you please remind us what is being done about generator times?

Hello, I have a question. And it's what is being done on the developer end to fix, or maybe even increase gen time, so that killers may have at least more time in-game without having to run hex: ruin to slow the game down, hence kind of wasting a perk slot, do you think maybe we could have something similar to what you guys did with the healing nerf but evidently of the gens?
Best Answer
Supposedly they are working on extra objectives to be completed in order to slow the game down, but that's been like a year+ in production so who knows where they're at.
Could take a page out of the unspeakable games bag. Such as finding a fuse to install in a power box in the killers basement before gens can be repaired because that makes sense. Other wise it could easily be placed around the main building in each level.
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True, but don't you think, maybe, they would have rolled out at least a small solution by now? no matter how small?
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Maybe, just maybe, that could work
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You dont just add something over night. You cannot simply say "We put this in, now they need to do that". There are many things that need to be balanced around that. I mean, if you would put in an extra Objective which would double the time Survivors need to do their Objective (as an example), you would still need to check how this impacts the game as a whole, regarding Killers, Items, Add-Ons and so on...
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Why does the gen time need to be increased? Is it so killers can kill more survivors and 4K's become even more prevalent?
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Not necessarily for some 4ks ( though I'll be honest that would be slightly nice) I'm just tired of gen going by so quick
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Did they test ashs perks in a ptb? No we just going to fire in a bunch of untested perks. Seems like double standards to me. And before you say perks is differwnt from adding objectives both have massive capabilities to change the game.
Also they have been testing other objectives. The hallowed blight flowers. The lanterns. All of those mechanics could easily be transfered to the game. Lanterns are fuses. Blight flowers are essential gen parts? The list goes on. I will say if were adding objectives it has to coincide with nerfs to billy and nurse. Specifically billys fast saw and nurses omega blink distance and multiple blinks.
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They usually wait until the whole thing is done as a package. Their changes also come very, very, very slowly.
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Did you give feedback? Was the sample of players testing the perks large enough. I have serious concerns we might be adding some unstable perks that could massively mess up the balance or well be getting some absolute garbage perks on par with original survelance.
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Regarding the Halloween Event and others:
Yes, this is true. But those are just tests for the moment. Maybe it will be in the game in this form or another.
Regarding Ashs Perks:
This is correct, but none of his Perks is broken. MoM and Flip Flop sound good, but without any testing there cannot be a general opinion about them (which is backed up by observation). DS was broken, this is for sure. But other than that...Nah. And some new Perks that will find the way into the Meta on Survivor Side would be nice, even though MoM and Flip Flop need to be stronger or equally strong like the current Meta Perks, and I dont think that this is the case.
On Killer Side there were Perks for the Meta in the last Patches, even though Meta is different for Killers, since some Killers benefit more from Perks than others (e.g. that Genblocker Perk is more useful on Hag or Trapper, as it is on Spirit).
Regarding PTB:
I dont think that a PTB is good for testing. It is good for testing technical stuff, if things are working as they should be (and not some Perk is bugged), and to see major issues with something. But the finetuning should be done on the Live Server, because there we have actual gameplay. PTB is not enough for this kind of testing, so I would doubt that a PTB-test would have given valuable information on one of the new Ash-Perks.
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They been slowly seeping it in via events. To see how it works with the game. Didn’t A lot people not like the lantern or the plant thing for the hallowed blight/hollowing(forget what it’s called) grounds event. So that’s why it’s probably taken so long
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You speak as if they are prevalent now.
Unless the survivors really don't bother doing gens the hatch is all but guaranteed and the majority of the games played won't have someone with the ability to 4 man slug unless as stated the survivors really badly mess up.
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Having anything like that be in the killers basement wouldn’t make any sense. We all know damn well killers would just camp the basement and wait for someone to go down there. There’d be no harm as the survivors could not progress the game until someone goes down there.
Gen speeds are fine. If they add another objective it needs to be something BOTH sides participate in. I understand people wanting longer games, but sorry killers don’t need any more help. Also if you slow gen speed, you’ll just decrease the punishment for campers as less gets done while they are camping, so you’d have to put a stop to that as well.
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@DudeDelicious; that's exactly what I do when I play killer. I'll chase them away from a gen, kick it, find any stragglers around said gen, chase them, down them if I can. If not and I get too far away, I'll head back to the gen. If it's still broken, I'll head to the next gen.