I went against a tournament winner survivor in ######### rank 1.
He was running:
Man of Mettle
Object of Obsession
Self Care
So basically, he looped the long walls. I couldn't approach from a sneaky angle because of object of obsession. I can't mindgame, I can't do #########. He had zero margin of error on any of his plays. I can't mindgame see through walls!
I'm tired of this #########.
Why does BHVR not give a #########?
Because being looped for two minutes, he thinks I had a fun game?
Sweaty survivors are delusional.
Post edited by tehshadowman33 on2 -
@tehshadowman33 Wait, so because he looped a wall he should be called homosexual? You should take that screenshot down, its not a good look.
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I fixed the screenshot to include the word which is synonymous behind my intent, something which you don't seem to grasp.
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Yeah AFTER I read what I read. No need to passively dumb down my reading comprehension especially if you decided to switch the words around after it was read. Thanks for censoring it though, that other word was unnecessary.
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I'm with the survivor on this one honestly. And reading the way you reacted you just sound like an entitled child. Besides, OoO only works outside the killers TR so it's not gonna have the effect you seem to be under the illusion that it did.
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You're not understanding the situation.
See through walls + Object of obsession = Survivor knows where I am at all times = Survivor will (with sufficient game knowledge and skill) NEVER MAKE ANY MISPLAYS.
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They can see you and you can see them. Once you get close enough to them that they're in your TR, they can't see your aura and OoO isn't in play anymore. It sounds like you just got outplayed and would rather blame it on anything other than your own inability
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Sounds like you got outplayed
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All I’m seeing from your screenshot is a bunch of excuses. That survivor was actually being nice lol
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@ClogWench Just to help the OP clarify. On the Cold Wind Farm maps due to the gaps between the boards for the loop structures the map's mind game tiles are braindead as they are easily seen through.
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I'm aware but as killer you can also see the survivor. Besides if you're having that much trouble with one survivor, leave them and focus on the weaker ones. It still comes down to him being outplayed by a better player.
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You always have survivors like me. Trust me =D We go down like champs!
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The walls on cold wind are annoying for sure, I'm sure anyone who's played killer can attest to that. Your reaction here however is completely unnecessary and I give kudos to the survivor for keeping his cool while you blasted him.
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Time is a resource. If I cannot force survivors into making mistakes, then they are guaranteed the maximum amount of stall time.
It's braindead easy to stall because of those walls. I can't moonwalk, I can't pretend I'm moonwalking. You can't do anything but play on the survivor's terms... YOU HAVE NO CHOICE.
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That's what you get when you play with ESP :)
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Yeah I just want BHVR to change some stupidly long loops in coldwind maps. And NERF CLAUDETTE PLZ SPECIALLY HER P3
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You have the choice to break chase and find someone else.
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This poor argument has been refuted ad nauseam.
So, OK. Then let's assume that all four survivors were just as skilled as that player.
They are all running Object of Obsession and are all on gens.
They see me approaching.
They run to a jungle gym with a long wall on Rotten Fields. Let's throw in a double pallet for good measure, just for extra spitefulness... Because that's a thing right now.
I abandon chase.
I go to another survivor.
They do the same.
At least 3-4 generators will be done by the time I get the first down due to having to exhaust all the pallets, and them looping the long wall, and the distance between generators on Rotten Fields.
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People are also starting to use coldwind farm map offerings and this OoO bullshit to maximize loop time.
I might add. Because they KNOW that unless it's a T1 Michael, they can maximize that chase time.
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But that wasn't the case, was it? You faced ONE guy with that build and got such bad tunnel vision that you didn't go after anyone else and wasted your time chasing one guy. And even if you did get 4 people with that same very specific build at once, on that specific map, that doesn't excuse you for acting like a spoiled brat who didn't get his way. Grow up dude.
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You're not arguing against the main point of my argument. Nice ad hominem though.
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Doesnt happen every game, so its balanced
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Coldwind sucks against very specific setups of perks, yeah I get it. Big deal. Some maps are better geared towards certain sides, that's just how the game is. Get used to it. You still have faster movement speed and can see the survivor through the walls too. Lotta killers can work around that strategy as well.
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@ClogWench agreed had a very similar situation as op recently however the moment the survivor began looping me I simply left to pursue other survivors.
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Don't hate the player hate the game.
The survivor is right. You're just asking for him to let you catch him. Not his fault the walls are see through. If he was abusing a glitch that's different, but this is a part of the game. And it can work in your favor because he can't stealth you, so you will never lose the chase. If he's the last survivor that's a bad situation.
Just power through the loop. Use Enduring/Spirit Fury or Brutal Strength if you really need it. Stop trying to always mind game survivors.
You just come across as entitled when you get mad at survivors for looping. Petition the devs to fix it and maybe don't show how toxic you are to other players just playing the game.
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So basically you insult that player. Very mature.
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Coldwind are full of bs lol.
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All I can see in that screenshot is salt from the killer, that’s it. 🧂 🧂 🧂
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Yeah, this just comes across as you b*****n cause you lost. Your inability to mindgame is not BHVR's fault. Good place as any to say "git gud scrub"
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Billy and Freddy both say hi and oh so does the Game.
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i do agree that the cold wind farms need some work, but otherwise this just looks like another case of player salt.
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Game has been out for years and you mean to tell me all this time you still haven’t figured out how to deal with coldwin?
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you got outplayed. just git gud. lmao
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I'm on survivor side but you right ColdWind farm is ######### everyone who say is not well, please god have pity of your soul.
Coldwind are the most unbalanced map on the game, purgatory is another world ( crotus prenn ) those maps killers have no control due to tiles advantaging survivors and large distance to travel ( rotten fields , crotus prenn , thomson house).
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That damn Survivor. Trying to survive. I hope he will rot in hell.
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LMAO this guy really put that screenshot of the chat up and thought people would immediately side with him
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you can't mindgame on coldwind tiles though
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I think he's trying to say his inability to mindgame is exactly BHVRs fault, since you can't mindgame coldwind loops.
Sure, you can see survivors through them, but how much does that matter to you as killer versus as a survivor?
Post edited by Free_Hugs on0 -
Oh my god this is pure comedy.
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Soooo, coldwind farm maps means I break chases 99% of the time? Yeah, good look trying to pressure survivors by never hooking them. Gens are flying, and the only real pressure is hooking survivors.
Yes, breaking chases is necessary sometimes. For example some specific building with really long loops and a window. But farm maps has 99% save pallets + see through walls. U need to bruteforce every single pallet.
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play legion and moonwalk problem solved
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Coldwind map tiles do need a revamp. They're the product of a flawed understanding of the game from before looping was really a thing.
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I want to say this.
Yes. I know, this is salt thread. I was salty because I got looped for the maximum-possible time on a Coldwind tile when all I really wanted to do was have a lot of fun chases, and mindgame players into making bad window vaults in a Rank 1 game.
Yes. I know the survivor is just trying to survive. If there is a mechanic that BHVR leaves in the game that's effective, then players WILL use that mechanic, both Killer and Survivor.
Yes. I could have chased other survivors and ignored this one player entirely. With those perks and his strategy to prolong chases by heading to long walls on Rotten Fields, he was not worth the time investment. Given I was playing The Plague at the time, who is incredibly easy to loop due to her post-PTB speed nerf and on maps such as this she's pretty much a M1 basic killer unless you have a chase go on for so long that they go from sick to broken (but by then they will have achieved their goal of stalling for 3-4 gen's worth of time at least).
Basically, this was mostly me venting. I do want to bring to BHVR's attention that problems, such as see-through walls, exist in the game, but this was definitely not the most mature way to do so.