What is so bad about MoM?

I've not used or faced the perk yet. The general consensus amongst most on this forum suggests it's a terribly unbalanced perk. I want to know why.
How do you PREVENT it from activating? I mean it's not terribly balanced, just a little but it needs something to PREVENT it from activating that's not a mori, 1 shot, or camping.
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So as it stands right now, the only thing an M1 killer can do to prevent it is facecamp or Mori?
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Yup. In a game a friend of mine had someone pulled off the hook, healed up, got hit, got hit again but MoM activated, got hit again into BT, Dead Harded, then got Adren. With any semblance of coordination/planning you can extend a chase for a stupid amount of time. It's insanely strong in an SWF.
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- M1 Killers have basically no way to prevent it from activating without a perk, Mori, or add-on (even then, some Killers don't have an instadown add-on).
- Survivors are rewarded for failure. Oh, did you not drop the pallet or vault at the right time? No worries, you won't go down because Mettle of Man gives you a ######### free third health state.
- Survivors can heal to 99% to negate the aura reading.
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Jesus Christ that's horrible...
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So now we basically have DS 2.0... Looks like I'm only using the perk to get the trophy. I have too much respect for others and myself to run something this broken.
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Yup, and it possibly could've gotten more use. People saying it's impossible to get while solo, just bodyblock or take a hit for someone during a chase. Run off and heal, and if you get two more, it's active. Go down, it's active. In SWF coordinating gets you crazy saves/trains of people just eating hits. That's not including instas.
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Wowie, BT AND MoM...
Imagine struggling against a survivor so boosted they got knocked twice in 20 seconds.
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Yup, he totally didn't just take the hits cuz he could. Clearly just a boosted killer. Survivor mains are always great for a laugh, thanks.
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Oh, of course! Sure!
So he didn't need to take that hit. So MoM had no actual impact on his performance whatsoever. You've proven the exact opposite of the point you were trying to make.
And thank you, I'll be here all week.
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Survivor uses a perk to tank a hit to meme on a killer knowing full well how safe he is to essentially piss off the killer and show she had no chance of downing him. Super weak perk, great gymnastics you've done there, I think I will buy another ticket to your show.
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I love it against the end game campers with my dead hard. :)
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You are the one who posted claiming to demonstrate how powerful the perk is by giving an absurd combo. You originally insisted it was the product of the simplest coordination, but you're now admitting it's just a ridiculous meme with no practical benefit or relevance whatsoever. You're much closer to the truth after adjusting your stance. That's good.
*This post made possible by viewers like you. Thank you*
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Quote above you says otherwise? It's a not an absurd combo, it was an example of how stupid a free hit is. If you think it's a meme, and worthless, there's no point talking to you. If you can't get MoM to work, that's on you. I'm gonna continue to use it, and meme on people with my friends.
Wanna activate it solo? Take a hit while someone's being chased, or carried to the hook. Go off and heal. Next down MoM is active, wow, such a difficult task. That's assuming you even go down and don't get another chance to heal in which you'll get 3 full hits to go down.
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to put it simply: it's a chase extender. And any chase extender is OP. in the current state of the game. Maybe if they put other objectives into the game it might change that. But as of right now, in the upper ranks, it's op.
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Mori or facecamp is fine by me ;-) I would have done it anyway
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Oh no the quote above me does not say anything like that.
The only person seriously suggesting that the chain of events involved in saying "My friend got hit twice activated MOM, then BT then DH and then Adren, MOM is so broken!!!" can be anything but a joke is you.
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Ah yes, cuz no one could ever replicate such a thing. Surely haven't done it myself or anything. A free hit is totally fine and balanced. I forgot these are survivor parts. My bad.
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Are you insane?
Caretaker is commenting that MoM is helping make this game a joke. That event if they *had* been perfect and godlike in their execution, the survivor could have just derped off out of an exit gate anyway because, why not?
How do you not see that survivors literally having no fear and, infact, so much handed to them by the devs they can *intentionally* play badly, on purpose, and get off Scott free is a game breakingly bad thing?
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Weren't you just bragging a few posts ago about how much you were going to run this perk? "Survivor Main btw" ftw.
Your fantastic situation (that totally totally happened) could never NOT be a meme because BT would never last long enough if anyone was actually trying. If we're balancing around meme possibilities, you could take that same chain of events and claim that DH or BT are broken, so the fact you think it demonstrates some kind of problem with MoM is even funnier. Your bad indeed.
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100% certified Survivor main. It's almost like I said they let themselves get hit knowing MoM and BT would proc, just to ######### with the killer. Reading comprehension is hard I know, but do keep up ok? I totally didn't play a game where my buddy and bro swapped health states with syringe/MoM/BT to basically get off a hook scott-free and waste a ton of time for the killer, nope.
No one ever figures out ways to abuse anything, or how to properly use anything. Just use your Adren, BT, Sprint Burst, DS like a good boy and don't ask questions.
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So, I'll use Freddy as an example. If you hit someone right as the dream transition ends, it's a Dream Demon hit and bypasses MoM. Here's the catch: your second hit will count towards MoM because it's a normal attack. No real option other than letting a survivor wake up to go through the transition and try for a Dream Demon hit again. It hurts some killers so much more than others.
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Mom is like old ds. One per game is fine, but we all know its not going to be one per game, just like ds, everyone had it.
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That will stop as soon as MoM is fixed. It's bugged atm.
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My issue is we purchased a new DLC with a hot button perk the Devs know will be a concern for some players... They released it bugged and still haven't fixed it yet, but took everyones money for it.
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The problems I have with such perks are:
- They reward Survivors for their failure
- They punish Killers for their success
- They have no counter
It's only the combination that makes it a problem to me. Let's take Dead Hard as a better example:
- Rewards Survivors for their good timing
- Punishes Killers for their impatience
- Has a counter, don't get baited
That's how a good perk should be designed like. Rewarding players for playing smart.
That's been said: I'm not going to cry about MoM as I won't be playing DbD anytime soon again. It's just sad that they keep implementing no-skill 2nd chance perks à la old DS, now with MoM. That's all.
Sidenote; This is also something that bothers me as Survivor btw. People want more interesting matches instead of a boring gen repair simulator but at the same time they celebrate passive perks that require no skill, timing or map awareness at all. Urban Evasion, Iron Will, Sprint Burst, Self Care, Unbreakable, MoM...
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Secondary attacks prevent it from activating. Not just one shot. People seem to forget that.
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One endurance perk per chase would be alright, mettle or borrowed time.
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I think this is hilarious actually. All the times killers responded to camping and tunneling threads with "git gud"... now you have DS 2.0
I really only see Doc, Wraith and Hag being at a real disadvantage. You can still slow them down with Clown's tonic. Then anything with Insta-downs, which are the killers most played at red ranks.
Instead of "nerfing" the perk, make certain scoring events NOT count as a normal attack.
Pig's Ambush
Wraith's Surprise Attack
Hag's Attack after Teleporting
Clown hitting an intoxicated survivor
Survivor's Affected by Doc's Tier 3 Madness
Spirit's attack after coming out of Hunting mode
And anything else I may have missed.
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And then the devs confirm that blink/lethal blink not working is a big and will fix it soon.
Which will probably include all those attacks you mentioned.
Maybe not ambush as its not an m1 animation lol
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No, unlike you who still hasn't got it through your thick skull, they know that secondary attacks are not supposed to counter MoM and that the Perk is bugged. Your excuse for why MoM is OK will not work once the Perk is fixed, which the devs confirmed they are working on atm.
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Really don't know why people want it nerfed.
It's not a big deal and I've played against it alot the other day and still 4k'd. People are just bad and need to git gud and stop complaining.
The perk literally has somewhat of a decent counter to it... The Expose status. Some Survivors are obviously going to have MoM active while healed and it only works while injured.
My point here is that even if they have it activated, killers like Myers, Billy & LF or one shot add-ons for Clown and Huntress or Noed, Haunted Grounds & MYC destroy the purpose of the perk.
(Can't wait for someone to be like well it's great for end game blah blah blah... Well you're garbage if you allowed that survivor to hang on to that perk all game.)
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So, tell me, Mr @OGlilSPOOK20, if Exposed effect is the true counter, then how do you trigger it exactly? Perks that require hooks in the first place? Hex perks that can sometimes only last a few seconds? Playing only 4 Killers out of 15 others? Using ultra rare add-ons every single game?
Do you see how unreasonable that is?
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the perk itself is fine its just the perks that can work with it that breaks it, along with insta heals. needing 4 to 5 for a down is unhealthy game design and it does not help that the perk will activate against any killer that cant damage with an ability.
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@DocOctober actually things like plague and the huntresses power are supposed to counter it and legion + pig I know for sure.
“When hit three times by a primary attack”
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Does it even matter at this point. After you're healed you get to see where the survivors at anyway.
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MoM rewards player for failing or a mistake that they deserved and gives penalty to a successful killer.
In other words, it is just as bad as NOED
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Nothing is wrong with it honestly. Just a bunch of crybabies on the forums. The perk has some serious weaknesses and drawbacks that people around here just like to conveniently overlook.
-Any killer able to damage survivors without using the basic attack or can one shot survivors can completely bypass MoM. (Trapper, Hillbilly, Myers, Leatherface, Plague, Legion etc)
-All perks that make survivors exposed can bypass MoM. (NOED, MYC, DH, etc)
-Mori's after first hook.
Those are some substantial weaknesses and counters available to killers. And worst case scenario, the survivor gets ONE free hit. And that free hit comes with the serious drawback of making it so the killer can see your aura once you get healed to full. I've played quite a few games since MoM has been out and can honestly say that not one survivor running MoM has had a substantial impact on my games. I've run it a couple times as a survivor and it had 0 impact on the game too. Typically, I'd have it ready to proc, but would escape w/o even using it. All the hyperbole is ridiculous on these forums. You really would think the sky was falling just from reading the forums. It's not.
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I agree with the Original Poster. MoM is really not very good. It's a single use per game DH. That's it. That's the pro, a ONE time use DH. After that the cons: Heal to full, killer can see you, it has a prerequisite of 3 M1 hits, so chainsaw, grabs, NOED, Make your Choice, don't count, haunted ground doesn't count, iron maiden, doesn't count. Anything that puts you into dying state from healthy, don't count. Mikey want to do a Tier III Mori, yea, you're dead. It is a ONE time DH, With prerequisits, AND penalties of being seen rest of game if healed.
Really there are MANY Far more broken aspects to the game, Mori, Tunnelling, Camping, Legion seeing you in lockers, DW countdown while still being chased by a moonwalking legion, (no counterplay to legion), DS is trash now - and I rarely ever used it before, Noway to get out of Dr tier II, Dare I mention NOED?, hits from the other side of windows, killers able to block pallets. The list goes on.
But Hey, we got Ash skin and outfits, so that's awesome!