Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Mettle of Man sucks change my mind

Ok this perk has potential but its litteraly just a harder to set up DH tbh. Let me explain. The Perk is fun and has potential when you get it going. I think that alot of people when they see this perks stats just think: "WHAT? A FREE HIT THATS OP" when in reality the perk is more like: "Oh thats neat but i need to be hit 3 times by a basic effect and a 4th time while injured to gain the benefit. The Perk is fun and is fine right where it is stop calling it the new DS 2.0 or some stupid #########. I actually like the aura gimmick as well because it fits with other peoples playstyles. For all of you that say it rewards the survivor for playing badly well ok but so does NOED. Additionally you dont even get to use this perk alot unless the killer slugs you because after 1 or 2 uses your dead on a hook. Dont believe me? Lets do some math. You get smacked 2 times downed then hooked. You are healed after unhook then tunnled you get hit then have ur mettle get hit again triggers you loose it and you go down again. Repeat 1 more time. Thats 2 uses a game UNLESS THE KILLER SLUGS OR LOOSES YOU IN CHASE (which is harder to do high ranks).

In conclusion I like the perk it is fun to use but it really doesn't do alot all the time. It could be better in the hands of a better player but that goes for all perks. And I think that complaining about this perk is ignorance especially with all the conditions required to make it work. Not to mention that killer powers ignore it. Thank you for reading have a nice day.


  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I think it's fine

  • TheRealDweard
    TheRealDweard Member Posts: 148
    edited April 2019

    I think its currently fine and any nerfs to the perk would probably just end up making the perk worse. What would you even nerf on a perk like MoM?

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    Thank you, Kanye. 😃

    Very cool. 👍️

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    TBH the perk isn't too bad, except against a couple killers so far.. from what I've seen. Trapper sucks against it, since you need to get them in traps for it not to trigger Mom.

    What sucks to me about the perk, is it was released bugged.

    I didn't buy the DLC for the perks, but I also didn't buy it to have it bugged on release either.

    I personally am beginning to feel scammed by BHVR at this point.

    All we got so far is some acknowledgement that MOM is bugged. However I already paid my money. BHVR got their money however I still didn't get the product I purchased as described on the store page.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Dead hard doesnt give you a sprint burst if you avoid the hit, and the killer doesnt start the "let me just suck all the blood from my weapon" animation if you use DH.

    With MoM, its the opposite.

    DH can be baited, MoM ,on the other hand,can not.

    The problem with MoM is the same as old DS : one player running MoM in a trial? meh,not that big of a deal... 2/3/4 people running MoM in a trial? Thats some next level bs.

    Especially when you consider other second chances perks survivors run most of the time (heck,my favourite survivor perk is Adrenaline and I cant deny how strong it is)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I think it should work against insta downs too, just like BT.

    This way you can counter NOEd at least

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154


    I found out that if you hit the survivor while he's trapped you can make him waste MoM.

    And it's only bugged against Nurse as far as we know.

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    Adrenaline 2nd chance? REALLY? It dont even provide a benefit until the exits are powered and even then its not op its just clutch af.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    You're joking right?

    It's a second chance when you should be going down that occurs naturally trough the game, No set up required and triggers automatically with a speed boost and the killer slows down to wipe their weapon, Oh and not to mention has 0 actual counters.

    If you think MoM is fair then let's just give the Killer a perk that let's them instadown a survivor in the healthy state after hitting them 3 times.

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    If you run into an entire lobby of mettle users its an ez win becaue they will throw themselves at you to get the stacks and waste time. And not to mention you will have BBQ at all times.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Oh i definitely don't want to change your mind.

    If you don't run it, it makes my build way better.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    i think its very fun and balanced, but only works for players who gee chased alot. Its only problem is it doesn't activate when you go from full health to none (aka billy chainsaw) and its weaker against killers whose abilities let them hit you less or not with their main weapon

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Stop making 10000000 MoM threads even if you want your voice heard I just end up saying to myself "lets see whats on the forum! Oh just MoM threads".

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    What good does BBQ do if they throw themselves at you? No Aura-reading within 40 metres.

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    I was referring to them getting their aura revealed by the perk which is no aura reading within 16 meters. Not litteral BBQ sorry.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    I know of your bias. Let me tell you nevertheless that Aura-reading is not a downside to a good looper. Aura-reading does not mean an inevitable Hook. You still have to catch the Survivor first.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    You're aura can legit be read for the rest of the game from 16 meters away.... killers have a bigger terror radius than that most of the times.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    With how many Survivors take Object of Obsession in an SWF group, Aura-reading isn't a big enough downside for an extra life.

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    I realize it dont stop loops but you CAN slow gen progress if you pressure the gens they are trying to do.

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    @Boss what build?

  • Mr_Digi
    Mr_Digi Member Posts: 140

    You mean noed, that perk already exists m8... stop complaining now ffs... Killers have noed, mori's and ######### like that... and btw. MoM can be countered m8... And by the way, killers cried, Ds got nerfed, now its useless. then killers had a buff to noen(why?) then survs get a good perk. Killers complain again, the perk is not even strong if u know how to deal with it m8. Stop trying to ruin the game completly... If this perk gets removed or nerfed, then noed, rancor, mori's, bbq and haunted grounds should be changed or removed aswell. Now, stop complaining

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456
    edited April 2019

    It makes M1 killers even worse, the downside isn't impactful enough for a free dead hard especially since you hear killers coming before even seeing them, you can use Dead hard with it to gain an another chance when ######### up.

    If you think that sucks idk what game you are playing, but it's not dbd

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    The part about my build that matters in this topic is that i play mainly Wraith.

    He's one of the most pure M1 Killers and that's what MoM works against best.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    That is not a solution either, because of how long it takes Killers to damage gens in comparison to Survivors tapping them.

    And the Killer can only ever chase ONE Survivor. If there are still a multitude of Survivors left, the gens will be done eventually.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    I don’t get why people say it’s “hard to activate”. It’s glitched on some killers right now, but it’s very easy to have activated.

    The problem with the perk is the same as old dstrike, it’s a powerful perk that is DEADLY in a good survivors hands and has no counter play. But the majority of time people see it, some average or worse survivor will be running it and it will make no difference so people will think it’s weak.

    dstrike was never hated because it made every survivor running it annoying. Or even most. It was OP because the good survivors who ran it would really mess up the killers game.

  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123

    Killer main here. M.o.M is just fine. It adds another dynamic that skilled killers can and will adapt to and is another great tool for survivors in clutch situation. Good killers shouldnt really struggle all that much just because of an extra hit!

    The only time I can see it being an issue is is in SWF where all 4 survivors are running second chance meta perks like DS, Unbreakable, M.o.M, Adrenaline and Deliverance as well as insta heals. @SpaceCoconut has a video where the survivors made 14 second chance plays and it was saddening to watch as a killer how unbalanced it can truly get! No killer can enjoy a game played this way!

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    I can see 4man MoM being annoying but not op and I agree with you on that but DS is not 2nd chance anymore as much as an anti tunnel.

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    Additionally deliverance is not really a 2nd chance unless all people are hooked because you already got punnished for being hooked. IT WOULD BE A 2ND CHANCE IF you could be hooked an additional time tho.

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    If its a 4 Man all with MoM you always know where they are its still a really good advantage/disadvantage depending on the side. I know I would deff profit on a 4 man with mettle knowing their locations.

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    Much love my Wraith brother but I still dont think this perk is anyway near OP. Just good, and fyi i can def see how the perk is better vs m1 bois but it still has alot of build up and a downside.

    IMAFEEISH Member Posts: 87

    When i said it sucked it was ment to pull people in to discuss it if you had read my actual post instead of just its title, where I describe it as useful just not op you would know that.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    Maybe you haven't read my previous comment. 1) Aura-reading is of little consequence and 2) with the no-heal meta, it won't activate until endgame.

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115

    Mettle of man sucks because it created toxicity between killers and the devs, and survivors will take crap for running it so yeah it sucks, it also makes killers feel like they got to play a killer to counter it even if that's not the case if you see it that way but a worry for a perk should not determine the killer you play. For survivors they will get bored for facing the same type of killer or a mori to counter MoM. So yeah it sucks only because it shifted the game in a way it shouldn't