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DCing epidemic

Devs, can nothing be done about the trash players who DC whenever they get downed or face a killer they don't like? Like can you at LEAST stop making them Fog Whisperers?


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    edited April 2019

    Oh, they could easily reinforce their DC banning system to be more strict.. but then they'd lose their precious survivor players and that's a big no-no. Would create a backlash. Another review-bombing.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    They need to crack down on it, Especially with fog whisperers. These are the people promoting your game and to have them spread this idea that DCing is okay is killing the game. There's DCs every single game..

    I'm just waiting for When this way of thinking spreads so far that killers start to DC at the rate of that Survivors are now and nobody can play a game.. Maybe then they'll do something about it.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    I'd love to share my opinion on dc's, but I think I'll get banned again :(

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456
    edited April 2019

    Just shadowban people that DC too much and makes that shadowbanned players only plays with others banned ones until they stop being like this.

    I think it's a good idea, i think @SpaceCoconut talked about it in one of his videos, Fridaythe13TH as it but it's just named the saltmines, but it works the same way, it flags players that DC too much and queue them with others serial-DC'ers so they can taste their own medicine all together.

  • th3beardedbaron
    th3beardedbaron Member Posts: 44

    @DeserterKalak This question has already been answered in another thread called "Streamer Privileges" basically, if you dc enough times during a certain period of time, you'll automatically get banned.

    The DCing epidemic is simply brought on because survivors don't care anymore. The vast majority of survivors can't pip anymore so what's wrong with DCing? I lose 2 pips instead of 1 but I save 10 mins and cause the killer to depip as well? I'm not saying it's right, but as long as behaviour continues to run with this pip system, the more it'll happen.

    @se05239 lol your very funny to think that survivors are "precious" as this game has 100% favored killers since the halloween update last year. Here are a few examples:

    Special events require survivors to complete additional tasks in order to get reward points, killers for the most part just need to hook people (with exception to the Chinese new year event)

    nerfed Self care to slower speed, combine that with sloppy butcher and it takes FOREVER to heal.

    nerfed DS into the ground, it just turned camping/tunneling killers into camping/tunneling/slugging killers

    Nurse, Legion and the Plague all break the normal pallet looping meta. Literally nothing can be done against a tunneling Legion or plague.

    speaking of pallet looping, they removed several more pallets from each map.

    removed the number of hooks offering making it almost impossible to wiggle free unless closest hook is broken/sabo'd.

    Several glitches affect survivors i.e. the "wiggle glitch" that causes a survivor to slow down/stop every few seconds because the game says I have to wiggle (literally happened again last night)

    more generator affecting perks with the plague update, literally 3 gens can't even be touched until the effect wears off. Some maps, that literally cuts the playing field in half.

    Yes survivors do have MoM for the moment. I say for the moment as I'm sure it'll get nerfed into the ground like everything else in the survivor arsenal.

    I have a lot more examples if you'd like as well.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @th3beardedbaron I can see you've not been here that long when you try and fight my statement with that. Yes, this game is survivor favored. Always will be. The majority of players play survivor so its in the developers' best interest to keep them happy.

    Self-care wasn't nerfed. They BUFFED the healing speed from 30/40/50 to 50% at all levels. And while they did increase the overall healing speed by a measly 4 seconds, it nerfed healing overall.. not self-care specifically.

    DS now has counter-play, which is necessary for any strong perk. It only took 2½ years.

    ..Plague "breaking the pallet looping meta".. what? How new are you?

    They did, yeah, but they also added them back since the "two pallets in one spot" garbage is back.

    Wiggling was never meant to guarantee an escape. It was meant to force killers to hang up you on unfavorable hooks.

    Isn't the wiggle bug a console specific bug? I play on PC.

    Yeah, her perk affects 3 generators the first two minutes of the game. Then it's gone. Forever. Such a game changer.

    Please do add more examples.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @se05239, Not only that, some of the pedestal-mounted Fog Whisperers would finally get caught in the net, too. Now, can't have that, can we?

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Kilmeran Oh No! Not the Fog Whisperers!