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Dear legion mains and enthusiast

Member Posts: 1,158

Hello there I was thinking last night of a fun way to play legion to help survivors as they seem to have a really dislike for us so much magic dcs happen. I am not a legion main I just enjoy playing them from time to time enjoying a killer I paid for I don't play horrible or use nasty tactics or anything but as soon as survivors see I'm legion the dcs start.

Anyway my idea is to play a perkless no add on legion who will not use the power and just walk at survivors. This is going to be a test to see how many dcs I can get using this method of not doing anything but just be legion.

Why do you ask mainly for fun and laughs but my friend plans to do it also maybe we can post our findings up on this post regarding survivors reactions to this legion.

Thank you for your time 🙂

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  • Member Posts: 1,158

    That's the point plu it's stupid that they dc based on hey its legion and by using a version of legion that does nothing with nothing will hopefully prove how silly people can be with the dcs.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Also you are helping our research with this information thank you 😁

  • Member Posts: 4,104


    Don't play perkless if you're just going to M1.

    Instead grab:


    Brutal Strength


    Fire Up

    For the "piece de resistance" offer Broken Glasses.

    Congratulations, you've just become Mr.X

    For best results play DMX's X gonna give it to ya in the background.

  • Member Posts: 460

    I havent touched Legion yet but one thing I'd do is let the people window/palette juke me as that is one of their few counterplays against a good legion. And I would drop the frenzy right before reaching a gen so they have time to hear where I am coming from and react quicker instead of going potato for a second if I'm gonna be extra nice.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    That sounds like a interesting way to play also fun will try that after our experiments

    Thank you!

  • Member Posts: 3,732


    I need to try that. Got Mr.X gon give it to ya ready to play.

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    @Shad03 @Darkskies The key thing about the build is that in all honesty it is a pure skill build. You have no tracking perks, you have no time buying perks. All of the perks are dedicated to saving time in the chase. I've had nothing but fun with the set up because even when you lose there's something inherently satisfying about vaulting 35% faster, breaking pallets 40% and recovering from stuns 75% faster.

  • Member Posts: 3,732


    Survivors: -drops down pallets and think they're safe-

    Me: -breaks pallet- Knock knock, open up the door, it's real! Wit the non-stop, pop pop and stainless steel! -r2s survivor running-

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Glad to see this thank you for adding information towards our experiment. I don't do anything but play legion how like you say we're intended but the amount of times I get a dc because I'm just legion is crazy!

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Update so far with a legion with no perks or add ons and no power no dcs survivors seem to enjoy this legion I eve used a shroud of separation to fool them to think I was using a mori so yeah this was fun for me to experience the reaction to this legion but more testing and got dmx ready for fun time legion build waiting 😁

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    So so far we have 3 dcs because its just legion to 2 staying hopefully we can add more numbers to help this experiment

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    OK a dc because I brought a secret offering but that's not because of legion also my friend got a dc for the same lol weird

    We asked the survivors what they thought of our legion build and play style.. Following are comments on our playstyle

    "to throw your foot". "best build ever" "it's good" "I think you play well it's not focused its apeciated" response is as follows to a perkless no add on no ability legion

    " the perks where perfect and completely op and the fact that you didn't use your ability synergized with it*

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    I honestly do love the players that have a good sense of humour and its made me understand that legion isn't hated its just how people play him and that was the purpose of this experiment

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    for your experiment, can we at least use legions frenzy to get around the map quickly? 110% speed killers have a hard time keeping map pressure and dealing with loops without using their power, so instead of using the power for chase and attack, using it as a tool to move around the map quickly and keep pressure should be fine right?

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Yeah why not we need different verables to get a true understanding to why legion is hated

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    @Darkskies Ok, I'm in on this experiment, will play a few games and update you on the results.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Plus getting feed back from the people you vs will be awesome

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    This is very helpful I think to legion mains and the community actual facts than just we hate nurf change ect we need more realist views if we are to come to understandable change I thank you personally for aiding this cause ❤️

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Also if you could use a shroud of separation that would be awesome as people think it's a mori when in fact it's the worst choice for a legion that would help plz 😉

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Hey awesome news no dcs using a build and add ons then I pushed with a mori and the iridescent button no dcs very surprising results no dcs

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    5 short games, no perks, add-on's, power was used for traversal only (except once to apply deep wounds at the exit gates for a daily). Results: 3 dc's in 1 game, no dc's in the others. Feedback was mostly positive, but one game was just toxic "gg ez", "learn to play [homophobic+racial slur]" etc. Gonna move on to using my normal build and see if anyone DC's this time.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Nice that's so cool you play a restricted legion and get extreme hate are you on console or pc? I'm sorry they did that to you

  • Member Posts: 2,069
    edited April 2019

    @Darkskies Playing on PC, I'm used to the toxicity, usually get a kick out of it and if it gets too annoying I just close the chat and enjoy the game in peace. First game of legion with my normal build: BBQ&C/SB, M&A, Thana, Stridor + Stolen Sketchbook, and Joey's mix tape had no DC's. 2nd game had 2, 3rd game had none. I'm wondering if the results are a bit skewed however due to the free weekend and lots of new players trying it out though. I'm not used to there being this many games where no one DC's, and even though its welcome, its a bit odd. Either way, I'm gonna keep taking advantage of it while it lasts.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I played one game and the dc was pretty quick, I think they saw a legion and just hit leave game.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Something to try. Play a game with a normal build and only put people into DW without double hitting and then chase them as 110% afterwards (no moonwalking). If there is a group apply it to everyone but again once applied just chase the survivor normally with no cheese.

    See how close we can get to optimal legion playstyle before the DC's start

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @NuclearBurrito I actually deep wound them with one hit get close end the frenzy and chase them normally. Doing this I’ve had three people dc in total and playing the way the OP suggested one dc.

  • Member Posts: 4,104
    edited April 2019



    Anyway since you're interested in M1 Legion gameplay I've got some right here:

    I apologize for the lesser than ideal quality, but I own a decent gaming computer, not a NASA grade government paid computer.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    I can't express the amount of thanks to people trying out weird things with legion to try and understand why legion is hated.Tbh after many games.I think the using of a secret offering was more hated than legion even though it was a shroud not a mori.

    I think the problem is how people play legion using moonwalking etc

    also the frenzy followed by coming out of the power I guess feels like tunnelling? Deep wounds people say is an unfun process but I still don't understand why.

    I find legion very fun to play and go against and I have heard people say the same. At this point I am amazed by the people I came across such great humours even some offering me advice and tips.

    @TreemanXD will try what you have suggested

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    I've done that! You're very slow and can't catch many people, especially patrolling gens can be hard. No Mend = No DC in my experience.

    I've also played Trapless Hag before the speed boost, so that was fun. And a Doctor who only uses Punishment to test his speed. I got thanked for giving people achievements (since they don't enter M1, I think).

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