Nerf MoM = annoy people who spent money . Keep MoM = killer base declines /dies.

Not a problem I would like to have...
I don't know if this is a complaint or just saying
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Imagine quitting over one perk. I do think M1 killers could use some form of counterplay to this but geez. Its nowhere near as bad as peak ds
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Just an observation really. Maybe its been said already. Havent visited the forum for a while. Obvs not going to read everything the crazies have written on here....
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Um, what? How on earth did you come to either of these conclusions?
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Another post that is similar to 90% of already posted topics about MoM. *sigh*
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I think the best comment I have read about Mom is that its acceptable if one person has it but when you get to 2, 3 ,4 it starts to get silly.
Perk has only been out a week. Give it a bit longer it will be like Japanese knotweed spreading everywhere and tarnishing the game with its pay to win nastiness.
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Nobody should have bought Ash just for MoM. Anyone could have told you that it is going to get nerfed even before it came out.
If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say that MoM was purposefully made to be OP to be a selling point for Ash even though they knew they'd need to nerf it... But I'm not 😂
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You can't tunnel anymore. That sucks for you dude. I bought the DLC and don't use MoM. So your title is really gone out the window.
I would LOVE it if the killer base declines. I'd rather wait 10-15 minutes for a decent game than get a game where the killer only tunnels off the hook or camps all while not even patrol gens. No one gets a pip from those games. Not even the killer because odds are at least 1 person is DCing. Last game I played against Billy, he tunneled and 3 people DC. I'm not staying in a completely one sided game. Screw pips. it's not fun to really play anymore and it has become a chore if anything.
MoM is easily countered. You just want to stick to your same old gameplay and not adapt to new perks. How come I see so many people demolishing MoM users even in a SWF lol. Oh, Can I say it now?
Git Gud.
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It doesn't need a nerf really, its what it stacks with is the issue. Just make it so it cause's exhaustion,(if its nerfed harder then that people will just run dead hard instead) hitting someone one extra time is no big deal, its the fact people are using Dead hard with it and so on.
I don't see the pay to win argument, its going to show up in the shrine at some point even BBQ has been on the shrine and besides Ash costs €5 people are spending a lot more on cosmetics.
I bought Ash because I'm a fanboy so I don't care if they nerf MoM to oblivion ill use dead hard instead, I just don't see the perk as OP as everyone else
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People spent money on Michael and Dying Light got unjustly boned.
People spent money on Laurie, survivors are still playing after the ds adjustment.
People spent money on Pig when Surveillance was literally an example of “why would you take this perk anything is better than this perk.”
People spend money on characters for two reasons:
1) They want to collect all perks available without waiting for the shrine, no matter how dull they are so the characters they DO play have a full library.
2) They like the characters.
tldr - so fricken what if people who bought Ash just for MoM have their knickers in a twist over it getting nerfed. You can’t play dbd without killers!
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Can I just add im getting lobby dodged so hard as Ash. God damn babies.
Literally on PS4 went through 12 lobbies (really long wait times too )with the killer backing out each time. Got into a game eventually and got tunnelled off the hook and mori'd lol. Point is don't be scared of Ash its a game he can die just as easily as any other survivor.
I'll qoute the great Nick Diaz "don't be scared homie"
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It literally did not take a genius to figure out how strong mom is and it was even faster for swf to concoct heinous builds that make killers want to hook themselves. I don’t blame killers for dodging Ash if they already had to deal with MoM bull crap.
Imagine if instead we got Evil Ash as a killer. His mom is every 3 hits, the 4th is an immediate instant down in exchange for being on candy camera for the survivors outside of 12 m until the hooked survivor dies or heals. You survivor mains who can’t be bothered to empathize with killers would literally be crying bloody murder.
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All they gotta do is make it cause exhaustion so you can't stack with Dead hard and that. The perk is not that strong
Not really bro I wanted Evil Ash and that ability sounds worse than T3 Myers so survivors wouldn't care, I play killer a lot too I'm not bound to one side, I main Myers for the same reason I main Ash I'm a big fanboy but Myers is actually a really good killer IMO.
I just think killers that lobby dodge are pathetic babies and are going to get wrecked if their scared of survivors. You can't win them all as killer so just play
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They released it without a PTB. It was kind of brought on themselves.
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make so you have perm exhaustion when its ready to be used and a short exhaustion timer after its activation along with a short broken timer to prevent insta heals, boom fixed.
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Exhaustion would be good for it.
Only problem with broken effect is dead hard does not cause broken effect and can be used over and over. MoM only has one use if you slap a broken effect on it nobody would use it, maybe cancel heal progress so you can't be healed to 99% before you take the hit
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the affect would be short say between 20 and 40 seconds just enough for the chase. As for dead hard itself is fine but not when used with MoM
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This morning I played a Huntress and was tunneled off the hook. I hit dstrike to escape her grasp. I hit DH through a pallet and stunned her to avoid going down again. My Adrenaline popped as she chased me. My MoM activated on my first hit. I took a hit that should have downed me as I ran towards an open gate. As a killer main this would have infuriated me. But in the current meta where devs seem to want survivors to bully and screw over the killer, I’m just going to fully embrace it. I ran dstrike prior to this one time for the Laurie adept. I never used Adrenaline before now except for the adept. But now I’ll take all the crutch perks, please.
But I’m a doodoo survivor who isn’t that good in a chase. Imagine that toxic build on someone who can run a killer for multiple gens. Yikes.
And THATS why MoM is a problem. A majority of people who run it will be irrelevant. But a large portion of high rank survivors will abuse the **** out of it just like they did DS.
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you're delusional if you think MoM counters tunneling
it does the opposite, it punishes killers who don't tunnel WAY HARDER
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Console players tested it.
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@projecteulogy actually it is better to tunnel someone with it so it’ll be gone while they’re weaker.
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Dude just bring a insta down killer with a mori, that'll teach the Moms.
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And the ones not using MoM?
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Killer base is more important because less killer players = even harder to get games for survivor I wouldn't quit over a perk nerf anyways tbh.
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We ain’t giving dlc characters any privilege. We also spent money with Laurie, didn’t we? And even more. But they didn’t care, and nerfed one of her only good perks; decisive strike.
This is not about money and “fun”. It’s about balance.
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Dude, ever since the DS Rework, Killers are tunneling even harder. I never said anything about hitting a survivor any amount of times. I'm talking about tunneling off the hook. What are you going on about? If they don't have the Entity Spikes around their name, odds are they're getting a big ole glass of BM. Even if they're the first one hooked. Then you have sandbaggers. How do you counter tunneling and sandbagging? Oh. DS and MoM. Granted, 4 mans running MoM is OP sure. But a 4man SWF is OP anyway. They don't need DS or MoM to bully a killer. So, dodge and adapt to the new perk. Expect it. Avoid M1 killers until they fix scoring events, which is going to be the rework/nerf MoM will get.
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Well, its one thing to go after someone with a toxic setup, its another to go after someone and tunnel down people off the hook with no gens done.
Then you have those who DC after being tunneled. Which I honestly can't blame them because they earned nothing except for their first chase, another 100pts for being in a 0.2 second chase where they get downed and then struggle points, which is at max 700? So, less than 1000pts, maybe a little over depending. Yeah i'm not staying either. With all the crap i've lost due to in game DCs and infinite loading screens, i'm honestly fed up. Killers lose the "but thats being a poor sport" argument when they intentionally tunnel off the hook when there is 3 other people to go after.
There are only 3 instances where I find tunneling is acceptable. teabagging, bullying, and end game where the exit gates are powered, open or not. Same goes for camping. Everyone is trying to have a good time for the most part. I can honestly say in the 2k hours i've played, I've never bullied the killer or BMed them with the exception of calling them out for it post-game.
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Logical fallacies. Unlike new DS, MoM triggers no matter if you tunnel or not.
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Do you think we like to have an aura that the killer can see without problem?
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Why are Killers required to give you extra chances to win? You are not entitled to points or fun if you're bad at the game. Points and fun are for winners; sadness and embarassment is for losers. EIther get better or be a sad, embarassed loser.
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Nothing but a MoM's love
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25,000 currently playing on PC... I don’t see no decline.
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Free weekend gave it an increase like it usually does. It was at 14k before, The numbers were probably one of the reasons why they put out a free weekend. Let's see how the next few days go.
Even with the boost tho the Average players is still the lowest it's been since May 2018.
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1) It's a free week-end
2) Look up the statistics and you'll see a decline for the past 3 months.
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Its good if its Decline, in Rank 1 queue is way too long.
Less Killers the better
I am a killer main
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See this is the ######### attitude that spreads toxic bs in game.
Why cant I have fun AND lose?
I dont have to bully someone, or win EVERY game to enjoy myself. Having to win to have fun is a personal issue, that leads to toxic In game behavior and attitudes because some people CANNOT stand to lose.
FoH with that elitist bullshit telling me I cant lose and have fun. Or that losers have to be embarrassed.