Keep MOM

I will add another positive mom thread to the loads of negative mom threads.
It's easy to bait if you're a decent killer, you don't HAVE to use 1-down killers to make it null.
It's not a DS replacement, it does a wonderful job at preventing tunneling and as a killer I find it easy to keep tabs on people with mom with or without iron will if I just injure them and let them run off.
Being careful with where you hook Mom survivors pays off whether or not they have deliverance.
With multiple mom users it does get hard to strategically hook survivors and you can't expect every survivor to use mom the same so the only change I'd like to see is ((f that)) -making it an exhaustion perk.- ((f that))
Edit: I think it should work earlier, on the 2nd hit rather than the 3rd hit if the person is not obsession.
I think it's fine as it is right now
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Yeah Keep MoM the way it is because its re-ignited my enthusiasm for playing Legion and Nurse. I gave up on Legion 2 weeks after they came out due to the backlash and frequent DC's. Now I'm used to everyone DC'ing every game, and Legion counters MoM centered builds, so I'm having a good time getting minuscule points and watching the survivors screw themselves over with petty DC's. Admittedly playing my favorite killer (look at portrait) I was having a hard time dealing with the multiple 2nd chance builds MoM has enabled, but thanks to it I'm having a blast playing Legion and getting really good with Nurse. I've also taken renewed interest in Iridescent Head huntress (got like 70 of those add-ons), Shape, Billy, LF, and been doing OK vs it with Plague and her corrupt barf. It's also re-invigorated my usage of Mori's which were collecting dust in my offerings; right now, if I see an Ash I just mori him after his first hook... the look on that DC'ers face must be priceless. I didn't used to be a complete sadist gamer, but now i finally understand the appeal... I mean turnabout is fair play right?
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Don't worry its not going anywhere.
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Tell me how to bait MOM.
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MoM with DH, Adrenaline and insta heal. Maybe DS or Deliverance and or a friend with BT.
Usually you need to hit a survivor 6 times during an entire match, now you have to hit him 6 only to take one down after the first hook.
Edit: take SC for 99% so you get an extra heal on top!
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It gives one of the best chances a survivor has, A Free hit. This gives you distance, slows the killer down all when you should be going on the floor. The Payoff is greater than a Styptic agent and can be used every trial.
The 'setup' is something that happens naturally trough the game which makes the perk require 0 skill and timing is automatic on the hit unlike dead hard where there's room to counter. The perk has 0 actual game play counters since only killers with an M2 can avoid.
Combine all this to the fact that it can work alongside other second chance perks and Multiple survivors can use it in the trial and you get one of the worst designed perks ever.
The perk is a complete mess and I can't believe the Devs thought it was balanced enough to go live.
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@Raccoon Just using that term cause I dunno what other one to use but I just mean to get it out the way is no sweat. Also I'm sick and I can't eat real food without pain so I'm gonna keep saying ######### subsitutes till that's over with.
I actually get happy if someone with mettled uses an insta heal because that means I can just hook them sooner, but the fact that multiple people can run it is why I think non-obsessions need mettle to work asap because second chance perks are worst at late game for any killer. And mettle does require skill or else you've got a wasted perk slot. Its not going to slow down bloodlust (or does it? I'm still baby af in the killer arena), and if the palettes are all gone where they're needed because I was running around with a bunch of mettle rats then. Meh. Sucks for them.
Dying light, play with your food, unrelenting, iron maiden could probably help on some maps, pop goes the weasel, rancor, dark devotion, make your choice, spirit fury.
Can't guarantee the survivor will get to use adrenaline. But I mean, I don't think that survivors have much room for toxic building anymore where they can save all their booties with ease and run out as a 4man. But yeah, some kind of build like that that you mention is another reason why I think Mom for non obsessions should be triggered earlier so it doesnt become something that they can just bodyblock each other or whatever a few times then become a pain in the butt later in game for killers who can't play around mettle.